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Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman

Ben Toma, Regina Cobb, & Rusty Bowers have REFUSED every single offer by the Conservative members of the House to try and reach a fiscally responsible Republican budget.

They’ve instead chosen to BUY OFF Democrats. Yes, they’ve literally used your tax dollars to buy votes onto their Pelosi-style tax-and-spend budget from the same Democrats trying to trample your 2nd amendment rights, expand abortion to AFTER the moment of birth, destroy our state's energy reliability, and UNDERMINE election integrity.

Here's are just a FEW of the items currently included in the Pelosi-style $18 BILLION boondoggle being pushed by House and Senate Leadership:

▪️$500+ MILLION for Democrat pork projects

▪️$70 MILLION to incentivize cities to implement the same insane homelessness policies that have DESTROYED places like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, etc.

▪️$150 MILLION handout to woke Hollywood movie studios

▪️10%, 15%, and even 20% raises for state government bureaucrats

▪️OVER A BILLION for government run schools with nearly ZERO requirements that it actually spend on Arizona children

▪️HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS for woke public universities like ASU, U of A, and NAU that willingly provide taxpayer subsidized tuition amnesty to illegal aliens

▪️Multiple new welfare entitlements

▪️Hundreds of individual member pork projects

...and so much more.

They're taking a $5+ BILLION dollar surplus of your hard earned tax dollars and SPENDING it on their pet projects.


Arizonans are being crushed by skyrocketing inflation at the grocery store, gas pump, and in every other area of their lives.

Arizonans are watching their retirement savings evaporate in front of their eyes due to Biden's crashing stock market.

Our wages are stagnant.
Our cost of living is going up.
Our dollar has less buying power.

Arizona Republicans should be focused on helping you by passing a lean, fiscally responsible budget that gives you back as much of your own money as possible.

Sadly, Republicans at the Capitol are positioning to continue buying Democrats to spend all of YOUR $5 BILLION surplus.

Contact them now and tell them to stop acting like Democrats!

House Contact Info

Senate Contact Info
Forwarded from Arizona Free Enterprise Club (Greg Blackie)
Some good news, the Senate has just passed HB2243 (the new HB2617) ensuring clean and current voter rolls. Thanks to Representative Chaplik for championing this bill and Representative Hoffman for opening up his bill in the Senate to revive this critical election integrity measure.
Forwarded from Ezra A. CohenFAKE
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Forwarded from The Greyson (The Greyson)
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Demons in Phoenix try tearing down fences erected around the capital building. Across the country leftist leadership has openly called for violence and revolution.
Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman
Media is too big
🚨Arizona Conservatives🚨

It's time to rally behind Kari Lake for Arizona Governor!

A lot of good, principled, stalwart conservatives were supporting Matt. Matt was proven. Matt is out of the race now.

Kari Lake is the ONLY America First candidate in the race for Governor now.

As the one of the most conservative members of the Arizona Legislature, I know that a Governor Lake will work hand in hand with conservatives to accomplish the America First agenda.

You thought Florida was the conservative gold standard...

Just wait until you see the incoming conservative Arizona legislature with Kari Lake as our Governor. WINNING!

Let's do this Arizona!
Boat parade!
Forwarded from The Washington Pundit
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"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!"

@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power
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Kash, who is Trump’s best advisor?

“His best advisor, hands down, Dan Scavino, the legend.”

Imagine starting out as a golf caddie for Donald Trump at age 16, then eventually becoming his right-hand man while systematically taking down a centuries-old Deep State satanic cabal.

That’s about as legendary as it gets 🔥
Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman
DOJ sues Arizona over proof of citizenship voter law

The Biden Administration has sued Arizona over HB 2492, my legislation that requires documentary proof of citizenship in order to vote on Federal Only ballots for President.

A review of the Biden adminstration's lawsuit reveals their total and utter incompetence. Biden and his team of radicals are incapable of basic analysis and reasoned decisionmaking.

Biden claims HB 2492 is unconstitutional...

Biden's claim that HB 2492 is unconstitutional ignores... the Constitution.

While Congress may pass laws pertaining to the “Times, Places, and Manners” of electing Representatives and Senators under the Elections Clause, the Constitution gives no such power over Presidential elections. To the contrary, Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 (the Electors Clause) grants that power solely to state legislatures.

In other words, while the federal government may require us to accept the federal form and register individuals to vote in congressional elections, they may not require us to do the same for presidential elections.

Biden claims that HB 2492 adds a requirement for "place of birth" that did not previously exist...

The Biden DOJ’s claim that HB 2492 adds a place of birth requirement that was not previously on our voter registration form is patently false and further reinforces the complete incompetence of the Biden administration.

Box 13 on the existing state voter registration form as provided by the Secretary of State, a Democrat currently, already lists Place of Birth because statute currently requires it, regardless of HB 2492.

Additionally, the recommendation for the collection of this information came from the bipartisan Election Assistance Commission.

Regardless of the Biden administration’s disinformation to the contrary, collection of this information will help Arizona obtain evidence of citizenship on an applicant’s behalf so they can, if eligible, vote in all elections—not just those for federal office.


The Biden administration is politicizing yet another issue in our nation for their own selfish, partisan gain. They are a disgrace to the positions that they hold. The American people are sick and tired of it.

House Bill 2492 is a common sense, data driven answer to a highly concerning trend of significant increases in the number of voters casting federal only ballots with no documentary proof of citizenship having been verified.

It is wholly reasonable and, more importantly, constitutional to enact laws that do not permit NON-citizens to vote.

Arizona will win these baseless, partisan lawsuits.
Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)
Media is too big
CNN Finds Out the Hard Way, Don't Mess with Kari Lake

"I believe Joe Biden is the President, just like OJ Simpson is innocent."

- Kari Lake, AZ Gubernatorial Candidate

Rumble 📺 Kari Lake CNN Interview
H/t🤠 Columnated Ruins Twitter

Learn more🗳 Kari Lake
More🔎🧵 AZ Thread

Forwarded from Ivan E Raiklin 🇺🇸 ☝🏽 (Ivan Raiklin)

Wisconsin patriot Adam Steen is about to publish a press release regarding the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on the illegal 2020 election demanding Speaker Robin Vos (whom Adam is primarying on August 9) to call an emergency special Joint Legislative Session to vote on AJR 120 and Nullify as void the 10 presidential electors cast in the 2020 presidential election. The legislative nullification vote must take place before July 26 when early voting begins or the people will evict Vos by electing Steen.
Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman

Career politicians will say & do anything to con you into voting for them.

Career politicians will betray you repeatedly then lie to make you think they were on your side the whole time.

In Rusty’s ad he claims “we passed new pro-life legislation” yet fails to tell voters that he personally ensured the death of my motion to introduce a full ban on abortion on the day Roe v. Wade was overturned by SCOTUS. His actions to block my motion ensured tens of thousands of babies will die by abortion.

Rusty also claims “we supported our police”, yet fails to tell voters that he refused to support the AZ Backs The Blue Act, my bill that would’ve given every sworn police officer and sheriff’s deputy in AZ a $5,000 AZ Backs The Blue Bonus.

Rusty also touts the “new measures to secure our elections” that he was a part of. Let me be clear…. Rusty Bowers was the single biggest obstacle to election integrity efforts in the Arizona legislature over the last two years.

Rusty deserves to lose.
Forwarded from Police frequency
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Alaskans are lined up for President Trump’s first-ever rally in the state! 🇺🇸

🔗 RSBN 🇺🇸

Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman

DAVID FARNSWORTH just dropped a 🔥🔥🔥 campaign ad!


Help David unseat Rusty Bowers!
Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman

“I'm honored to stand with President Trump in giving my complete and total endorsement to David Farnsworth for Arizona Senate.”
-Congressman Andy Biggs
Forwarded from Senator Jake Hoffman

Democrats and RINOs in DC are actively passing red flag laws and anti-2nd Amendment laws to trample our gun rights.

Karrin Taylor Robson has HELPED them destroy the 2nd Amendment and would do it again if she were governor!

Now is the time to be the ‘engaged citizenry’ that our Founding Fathers talked about!

Save the image above and copy/paste this message and send it to as many Arizona voters as you have in your phone’s contact list!

We cannot allow Robson to buy the Governorship with her elitist fortune!

Check out Karrin’s real record