Volodomor Zylynskyy
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Nomen est omen. That was the initial plan, but this has ended up being just a mostly unattended random share channel without a proper topic or regular postings. There is no point to subscribing.
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Volodomor Zylynskyy ▫️ TIME magazine's Person of the Year 2022 ▫️ Illustration by Neil Jamieson for TIME
Media is too big
Zelensky laughs at the Minsk Agreements and makes grimaces while Putin speaks back in 2019.

Not much laughing now Vova.

@thecoppermountain, subscribe.

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Zeli's latest video
From the forum in Davos, right a few days after Ukrainian musician publicly accused him of being a drug addict.

💬 « On peut imaginer, rêver d'un Jérusalem devenant capitale de la planète qui sera un jour unifiée autour d'un gouvernement mondial »

🔼 Jacques Attali, Public Sénat, 16 février 2010

➡️ Jacques Attali, ancien membre du Conseil d’État, ancien conseiller spécial de François Mitterrand, éditorialiste des Échos et du Journal des Arts, ancien éditorialiste de L’Express, fondateur de la BERD, de Positive Planet, d’Attali & Associés et de Slate, cofondateur d’Action contre la faim, ancien vice-président du FSJU, membre du club Le Siècle, membre du conseil d’administration d’Eurasylum, de la Fondation du Judaïsme Français et de La Fondation de Jérusalem, participant au Futur Investment Initiative 2017 et 2019, au Forum économique mondial 2001-2013 et 2014, au Council on Foreign Relations 1997 et au Groupe Bilderberg 1975

🔽 Source: Faits & Documents
☘️ Some time before the Corona scam I watched a documentary on TV about Trofim Lyssenko and Nikolai Vavilov (Youtube 🇩🇪). I hadn't heard of either, and generally had no particular interest in biology, but most of these French documentaries are quite decent, so why not.
It was an interesting story where, to simplify, Lyssenko, the anti-Darwin anti-genetics anti-Western Soviet scientist, was associated with evil Stalin and made responsible for various episodes of grief and tragedy, whereas his pro-Western rival Vavilov was dissed by Stalin and ended up in a Gulag or prison of some sort.
I didn't know anything about genetics back then, but what could be learned about Lyssenko struck me as pretty straightforward, hands-on kind of knowledge, common sense, understandable to the layman - whereas genetics … all I knew back then was that it was some gobbledygook with so many acronyms and doctored words that I wasn't interested.
But there was this fierce judgemental tone in the documentary, as if to make sure that Lyssenko is scienitifically defeated once and for all as pseudo science because he was wrong all along in going against superior Western science. And that, in addition to his more common-sense approach, made me take sides for Lyssenko … ⚖️

🍀 In October 2022, I listened to a radio show (DLF 🇩🇪 as well) about epigenetics titled Pflanzen züchten mit Epigenetik - Lyssenkos Geist (Breeding plants with epigenetics - the ghost of Lyssenko). So it seems like epigenetics is how they try to save or defend genetics in the face of the success that actual plant breeders have using real methods that are eerily similar to those employed by … Soviet Stalinist pseudo-scientist Trofim Lyssenko! 😁
Of course they can't and won't acknowledge defeat, and they keep saying that Lyssenko was bad and evil … but maybe he had a tiny little point here and there … that can nowadays be brought to full fruition by Superior Western Science (TM). 🤡
▶️ "Mon père est né d'une mère juive et d'un père non religieux."

Christine Lagarde, New York, 26 septembre 2018

➡️ Christine Lagarde, présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, ancienne directrice générale du Fonds monétaire international, ancienne ministre de l’Économie et des Finances, Distinguished Leader de l’Atlantic Council en 2019, participante au Council on Foreign Relations 2015 et 2018, au Groupe Bilderberg 2009, 2013, 2014, 2016 et 2017, au Forum économique mondial 2007-2023, à la Conférence de Munich sur la sécurité 2018-2019, au Center for Strategic and International Studies 2017, membre du Siècle

Source: Faits & Documents (555)
💣 Depot für Waffen und Munition westlich Chmelnizki in Podolien. Das Gelände hat eine beachtliche Größe.

🛰 Bild: Google

💥 Ebenso beachtlich die Detonationen, die am 13. Mai '23 den Großteil der Rüstungsgüter vernichteten.

🌐 Atombombenlüge (@Atombombe), 13. Mai '23
📜 Delineatio Generalis
vulgo UKRAINA.
Cum adjacentibus Provinciis

🗺 Karte (Wiki) des Wilden Feldes (Wiki) von Guillaume le Vasseur de Beauplan (1600-73, Wiki), erschienen 1648.

🐎 Das Wilde Feld, Дикое поле, campi deserti oder vulgo Ukraina, bezeichnete die spärlich oder gar nicht besiedelten Steppen­land­schaften am Nordufer des Schwarzen Meeres.

👸 Weite Teile dieser Steppen, in der Karte als Loca Deserta ausgewiesen, d.h. als Ödnis, wurden neben anderen Gebieten in der zweiten Hälfte des 18.Jh. durch Kaiserin Katharina die Große erobert und dann als Gouvernement Neurußland bezeichnet (Wiki).

🧭 Die Karte zeigt den Süden oben. Mittig unten findet man Czernobel (Tschernobyl) am Pripjat, der darauf in den Dnjepr mündet, in dessen Lauf man Kiiow (Kiew) erreicht, das nicht als besonderer Ort markiert ist. 📜 #hist
33.3 MB
🇫🇷 Le système occulte de Cyril Hanouna révélé
• 2 juillet 2023 • #fr #fra #polit
• Xavier Poussard, Faits & documents
• Mike Borowski, Géopolitique profonde
• entretien en français d'1½h
⛲️ Source: YoutubeTelegram
🇺🇦 Roots of Ukrainian Hatred ☠️ Ioannis Adris • 06.07.2023

⛲️ Source: RWA SamizdatTelegram

Excerpts from the end of the article:

[…] Perhaps if Putin wasn’t spending the Covid years in the Kremlin bunker reading Russo-Ukrainian history but instead bothered to browse the Ukrainian internet […], he would have a better understanding of [Ukrainian contempt and hatred]. Instead, he relied on intelligence that was likely biased in order not to displease him, or simply flawed [or wishful thinking …]

The results of Russia’s self-inflicted blindness were obvious in the first few days of the “special operation” […] Both the way the “special operation” was conceived and executed, aimed at repeating the Crimea bloodless scenario on a much wider scale, and the rules of engagement given to Russian soldiers during the initial phase, perplexed them as to the nature of the operation and severely hampered their warfighting potential, in some cases making them sitting targets for their focused on a clear mission and blood thirsty (as any soldier should be) Ukrainian counterparts.

The importance of psychological preparedness to kill in battle for the success of the war effort has been extensively documented and studied. The Kremlin sent Russian troops into Ukraine like it was some sort of light anti-terror, rescue the hostages type of operation, implying that the enemy soldiers, the ones that proved exceptionally willing and quite capable to kill said Russian troops and often subject them to torture and summarily execute them, were to a great degree hostages of the Kiev regime. This was a colossal mistake.

So, how to combat Ukrainian hatred? Apparently, […] absorbing everything Ukraine throws at it in almost “turn the other cheek style”, until Kiev’s capacity for war and its vast hatred somehow fizzle out. In my view this is a recipe for defeat, or at best, if it leads to victory it will continue to bare [bear] costs on innocent Russians that need not be born [borne]. […]

Ukrainians’ hatred stems from their artificial sense of superiority and the perceived superiority of their western masters, and that is exactly what must be crushed for it to be made null and void. A decisive victory even after Ukraine has done all it could, has received all the fancy toys in the form of tanks and planes and missiles and.. the toddler asked from its parents-will be the cure. Anything else, any ‘cunning deal’ in the form of Minsk X will only fester the wound that breeds the hatred. […]
Escrocs juifs & financiers internationaux
Comment prendre l'argent dans la poche des goys
🇫🇷 Le Siècle et la Société générale de presse (SGP)

• L'association « Le Siècle » (www, Wiki)
• Société générale de presse (SGP, www), principale société de fichage (légal) des personnalités françaises
• Bulletin Quodidien (Wiki)
• Ètienne Lacour (Les Biographies = SGP)
• Georges Bérard-Quélin (1917-90, Wiki)

Emmanuel Ratier : « Le Siècle » est la matrice de la pensée unique. Entretien avec l’auteur de « Au cœur du pouvoir » — par Thierry Meyssan • Réseau Voltaireespañol

Faits & documents (www, Wiki, Telegram)
• Xavier Poussard (ERFM)
• Emmanuel Ratier (1957-2015, Wiki)
• Yann Moncomble (1953-1990, Wiki)
• Henry Coston (1910-2001, Wiki)
📞 "Zelensky" talks to Jacques Attali and Alexandre de RothschildRumble • Vovan & Lexus
« Il n'y a pas de plus grand bonheur au monde que celui d'être juif. »

🔼 Alexandre Adler, ancien directeur éditorial de Courrier International, conseiller rédactionnel et membre du comité éditorial du Figaro, membre du club Le Siècle, de l’Institut du Bosphore, de l’Union libérale israélite de France, de la Grande Loge des Cultures et de la Spiritualité, participant à la Commission Trilatérale 2011-2013 et au Groupe Bilderberg 2003

➡️ Source: Faits & Documents
🌚 Lesya Gasidjak 🇺🇦 Holodomor Museum

So, holodomor is when there is not enough to eat and people starve. In order to demonstrate their utter determination and total victory over history in the manner, the Ukrainian authorities nominated this lady as plentitude incarnate to the presidency of their Holodomor Museum.

No more, no more - holodomor !

Never again will holodomor visit upon the poor country of the Ukraine, and who could better personify the eviction of hunger than this mother of all museum monsters.

⛲️ Source: RwA
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💬 Women's "Right to Work"

©️ Shahid Bolsen

⛲️ Source: Middle Nation

🗜 This is a scaled down, slightly cropped and strongly compressed version of the original video (see source, which is 36× the size of this video); content-wise nothing has been added, altered or removed.
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🚾 Sarah Ashton-Cirillo (Wiki), a disgusting transsexual, announces the assassination of "a favourite Kremlin propagandist". Is it talking about itself?

⛲️ Source: RwA podcast
🇫🇷 Alexa, préviens-nous quand on nous place sous écoute !
🇩🇪 Alexa, warne uns, wenn wir abgehört werden !
🇬🇧 Alexa, warn us when we're being listened in on !
▶️ Dans Conspiracy Watch, le 14 mars 2024, Rudy Reichstadt et Tristan Mendès France reviennent sur le complot mondial poutino-trumpo-QAnono-Alexis Poulain visant « Brigitte » …

Faits & Documents [Tg]Odysee [www]