Monday 22/04/2024 closed trades:

GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
USDCAD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD SELL TP +60 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
USDCAD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…

Tuesday 23/02/2024 closed trades:

GBPCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
NZDUSD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +70 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +70 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +60 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +70 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +40 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…

Wednesday 24/04/2024 closed trades:

CHFJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPAUD SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…

Thursday 25/04/2024 closed trades:

EURJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…

Friday 26/04/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
USDJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
NZDJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
NZDJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…

Total: 90 trades πŸ“ˆ
Win: 89 trades

TOTAL: +4,720 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰Another amazing week in our VIP channel. This week we managed to achieve 100% profits. Small stop losses and large take profits. Don't wait and join before Monday.



ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
#Profits on #Monday, #Tuesday and #Wednesday, VIP team profits



ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
πŸ‘†LAST WEEK: +2,220 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰ MONDAY +550pips  
πŸ‘‰ TUESDAY +640pips    
πŸ‘‰ WEDNESDAY +190pips
πŸ‘‰ THURSDAY +470pips  
πŸ‘‰ FRIDAY +370pips

➑️ 0.01lot = $220 profit
➑️ 0.10lot = $2,200 profit
➑️ 1.00lot = $22,000 profit

πŸ—£Clients Feedbacks:


⭐️⭐️⭐️Become a VIP member =>

ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
Monday 09/09/2024 closed trades:

GBPUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
AUDUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…

Tuesday 10/09/2024 closed trades:

EURUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
AUDUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
AUDUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…

Wednesday 11/09/2024 closed trades:

GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…

Thursday 12/09/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…

Friday 13/09/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…

Total: 41 trades πŸ“ˆ
Win: 41 trades

TOTAL: +2,220 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰Another amazing week in our VIP channel. This week we managed to achieve 100% profits. Small stop losses and large take profits. Don't wait and join before Monday.



ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
πŸ‘†LAST WEEK: +3,790 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰ MONDAY +870pips  
πŸ‘‰ TUESDAY +670pips    
πŸ‘‰ WEDNESDAY +750pips
πŸ‘‰ THURSDAY +700pips  
πŸ‘‰ FRIDAY +800pips

➑️ 0.01lot = $370 profit
➑️ 0.10lot = $3,700 profit
➑️ 1.00lot = $37,000 profit

πŸ—£Clients Feedbacks:


⭐️⭐️⭐️Become a VIP member =>

ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
Monday 16/09/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…

Tuesday 18/09/2024 closed trades:

CHFJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…

Wednesday 18/09/2024 closed trades:

EURUSD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…

Thursday 19/09/2024 closed trades:

EURJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…

Friday 20/09/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…

Total: 50 trades πŸ“ˆ
Win: 50 trades

TOTAL: +3,790 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰Another amazing week in our VIP channel. This week we managed to achieve 100% profits. Small stop losses and large take profits. Don't wait and join before Monday.



ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
Monday 07/10/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPUSD SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…

TOTAL: +620 PIPSβœ…

Tuesday 08/10/2024 closed trades:

GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…

TOTAL: +700 PIPSβœ…

Wednesday 09/10/2024 closed trades:

EURUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
USDCHF BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +50 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +50 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +20 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +20 pipsβœ…

TOTAL: +790 PIPSβœ…

Thursday 10/10/2024 closed trades:

EURUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURUSD SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
USDCAD BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
CHFJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY BUY TP +100 pipsβœ…
GBPJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…
EURJPY SELL TP +100 pipsβœ…

TOTAL: +1,100 PIPSβœ…

Total: 45 trades πŸ“ˆ
Win: 45 trades βœ…

TOTAL: +3,210 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰Another amazing week in our VIP channel. This week we managed to achieve 100% profits. Small stop losses and large take profits. Don't wait and join before Monday.



ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote
πŸ‘†LAST WEEK: +3,210 PIPSβœ…

πŸ‘‰ MONDAY +620pips
πŸ‘‰ TUESDAY +700pips    
πŸ‘‰ WEDNESDAY +790pips
πŸ‘‰ THURSDAY +1,100pips  

➑️ 0.01lot = $370 profit
➑️ 0.10lot = $3,700 profit
➑️ 1.00lot = $37,000 profit

πŸ—£Clients Feedbacks:


⭐️⭐️⭐️Become a VIP member =>

ADMIN➑️ @EX_LINK_Promote