The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Editor-in-Chief of @Vigilant_News. Writer, citizen journalist & video clipper with 12 years of healthcare experience.
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Where's the Investigation? Bad Actors in Just 3 Key States Is Enough to Sway an Election [2000 MULES]

Atlanta, GA -
242 Mules, 24 drop boxes each

Phoenix, AZ - 200+ Mules

Milwaukee, WI - 100 Mules, 28 drop box visits each

Michigan - 500+ Mules

Philadelphia, PA - 1,100+ Mules, nearly 50 drop box visits each

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That's Suspicious: South Carolina Woman Detects Georgia Trash Can Without Looking [2000 MULES]

walks up to the drop box, puts in three, maybe four ballots into the drop box, takes off her gloves, and disposes of them in the trash can that she never looked at.

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Caught on Film: Biker Gets Frustrated After Dropping Ballots and Returns to Take a Picture [2000 MULES]

Catherine Engelbrecht:
"So if you were there just casting your own ballot, what reason in the world would you have to come back and take a picture of the box?"

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Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Dinesh on how 2000 Mules shows that Trump easily won the 2020 election:

"In this movie, we show that there are at least 400,000 fraudulent votes and when you look at them state by state...And if you re-do the electoral map, you'll see that means that Trump WON the 2020 election."

Trump winning is now a proven fact. They cannot hide from this truth.
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Stolen Election? It Appears So—Trump Wins Just By Removing the Worst Offenders [2000 MULES]

- 125,000 illegal votes, 29,000 short of 154,000. Biden holds these 16 electoral votes.

Wisconsin - 14,000 illegal votes, 6,000 short of 20,000. Biden retains these 10 electoral votes.

Georgia - 30,000 illegal votes exceeds the 12,000 vote difference. Trump gains 16 electoral votes.

Arizona - 20,000 illegal votes surpasses the 10,000 vote margin. Trump acquires 11 more electoral votes.

Pennsylvania - 275,000 illegal votes shatters the 80,000 vote margin. Trump attains yet another 20 electoral votes.

Final Electoral Vote Count
- 279
Biden - 259

Full Documentary:

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Fixed Elections at the Local Level? San Luis, AZ Insider Blows the Whistle [2000 MULES]

Gregg Phillips:
"Do you personally think that the elections in San Luis are free and fair?"

Whistleblower: "No. They're fixed; they've been fixed. They already know, seriously, who is going to win the next election before it even happens."

Full Documentary:

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Pushing Votes on the Infirm: The Extortion of Nursing Home Residents for Political Gain [2000 MULES]

Hans von Spakovsky:
"What happens is you have staff in those nursing homes. Sometimes they are activists politically. They get these individuals registered to vote or, if [they] are already registered to vote, they will request absentee ballots in their name, sometimes forging their signatures, and then filling out the ballots for them."

Full Documentary:

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"This Is a Smoking Gun" That Can No Longer Be Ignored: The Left Ruined Election Day [2000 MULES]

Larry Elder:
"This is OJ Simpson being seen leaving the scene of the crime. I don't care how partisan you are; you can't dismiss all of this. How do you explain somebody going to a whole bunch of different drop boxes with a whole bunch of different ballots on the same night at 3:57 am in the morning? How do you explain that? That alone? I'm sorry, I think a whole bunch of people in this country are gonna go, 'Oh,
my God!' "

Full Documentary:

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'An Unnecessary Shot': Pharma Prioritizes Convenience Over Safety for a Demographic Not at Risk

Dr. Ryan Cole:
"The CEO [of Pfizer] in an interview a few weeks ago, said, 'Well, I was even surprised [that we went this route].' We've only been working on mRNA technology for about two years, and when the lead scientist said, 'We're going with this because it's faster and easier to make.' It wasn't because it was safer or we had any long-term data; it was because it was easier."

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These Shots Aren't Good For Anything, Not Even Hospitalization and Death: Dr. Ryan Cole

"We know that those who've been vaccinated can equally carry high volumes of virus and transmit [them], so the vaccine doesn't prevent acquisition, doesn't prevent carriage of the virus, doesn't prevent transmission of the virus, doesn't prevent disease from the virus. [People say], 'Well, at least it decreases hospitalizations and death,' but the data out of Denmark just showed, no it doesn't."

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Harari: You Need Not a Vast Army to Subdue the Population When You Control the Data

"[If extensive data is] accumulated by a few corporations or governments, the result will be really the end of democracy and the free market, and the creation of new kinds of totalitarian regimes, or total surveillance regimes, in which somebody knows you better [than you know yourself] and can therefore manipulate you and can therefore predict everything you're going to do."

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Forwarded from Spirit of Liberty
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Bill Gates Says the Code in mRNA Vaccines Can Be Updated Without Regulators Noticing

Fareed Zakaria: "Is the [mRNA vaccine technology] transforming? I think of the way vaccines were made in the old days, there's a lot of trial and error, you've got to sculpt the vaccine exactly right … Here, it is a more mass-produced version of vaccines. Does that mean we can give vaccines for things like cancer, for AIDS, for everything?"

Bill Gates: "Not immediately, but the dream is yes ... A lot of the funding for these mRNA companies is for cancer-related vaccines. Part of the beauty is that even if the thing you're trying to attack, the cancer, only a small number of people have it, it's so easy to change the instructions in the vaccine — you don't have to build a whole new factory, … and hopefully the regulator sees 'oh, you're just doing this small thing, go ahead' …"

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Dr. Ryan Cole's Essential Tips to Staying Healthy

Don't take another COVID shot.

2.) Cut the sugar, bad diet, and processed foods.

3.) Increase your vitamin D levels (in conjunction with vitamin K2 and magnesium) to optimize immune function.

4.) Get enough sleep and get outside. Sunshine not only has vitamin D UVB rays but also infrared light, which stimulates your cells to make intracellular melatonin, which is a great cell cleaner antioxidant.

5.) Reconnect with your community, spend time with family and friends, and laugh. Laughter is the best medicine because it makes your body make nitric oxide, which is actually an antiviral agent.

@VigilantFox | Rumble | Full Interview
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The Synchronized Totalitarian Takeover Is No Coincidence: They've Been Planning This for 30 Years

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "In every [previous pandemic simulation], what they didn't do [was worry] about how they would treat people and how they would take care of them and keep the panic down... Again [in Event 201], they never talked about how to treat people. It was only [about] how to take control of the narrative, crush disinformation, and get people jabbed."

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New Zealand...

Redditor's Response:
"Can confirm. I live in NZ and majority of the people are absolute cunts to the unvaccinated. Never seen such nastiness in my life, that trickles down from the evil big toothed prime minister."

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The Fight for Freedom Is Not Over: It Is Up to the People to Pressure MEPs to Reject the Current Terms of the WHO Treaty

German MEP Christine Anderson: "You are our employers! You are paying us! In a parliamentary democracy, elected representatives have the task of implementing the will of the people... Make it clear that you will not accept being patronized by an unelected entity (WHO). Tell your deputies in no uncertain terms that freedom, democracy, and the rule of law are non-negotiable!"

Video via

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Trudeau and Freeland in Ukraine With a 35% Jab Rate...

Credit: Wittgenstein

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Under the Complete Control of the WHO: Dr. Tess Lawrie Outlines Their Would-Be Treaty Powers

The authority to declare what constitutes a pandemic (in the past, they have changed the definition). It could be the flu.

2.) They would decide what the quarantine requirements are; they could unilaterally decide to put you in a quarantine center or keep you home from work.

3.) They would determine how the new infection is diagnosed and what tests are used to measure it (prior example: the fraudulent PCR test ramped up the numbers).

4.) The WHO would decide how to prevent or treat the new disease. They could, yet again, deny doctors the ability to treat patients the way they would like.

5.) The authority to determine which medications are safe and who develops them. (They call the COVID jab 'safe').

6.) They would be in charge of how the new vaccines are promoted, including vaccine mandates.

Dr. Tess Lawrie's Telegram:

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The Noble Lie: Fauci, CDC, and the Government Tell You Only the Data That You 'Can Handle'

Dr. Robert Malone:
"This is just the latest embodiment of the government feeling like the way they need to manage us is with the noble lie of spoon feeding us what they think we can accept, not giving us the truth."

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