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Hospitals murdered COVID patients.

The more they killed, the more money they made.

Dr. McCullough testifies that “virtually all the deaths occurred in the hospital.”

Hospitals received enormous financial incentives to implement lethal protocols.


“Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed ‘Run Death Is Near’ after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital,” wrote @StellaPaulNY in a previous report.

“The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.”


Dr. Joseph Mercola previously reported:

“Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence.

“76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%.

“The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect healthcare workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine.”

People should be in prison for this.

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Dr. McCullough: Every Single Hospitalized Patient Should Have Received Ivermectin


1.) “Safer than Tylenol”

2.) “It appeared to have a very prompt effect in helping people get through the illness.”

3.) “Papers ... showed that even in patients with low oxygen levels, they could promptly rebound at home and not be hospitalized.”

Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the greatest impact on human health. Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize.

Yet hospital administrators fought tooth and nail to make sure patients didn’t get ivermectin.

Why would they do such a thing?

One reason is that hospitals were financially incentivized to use deadly interventions like ventilators and Remdesivir.

Dr. Joseph Mercola calls this the “hospital death trap.”

In multiple court cases, when families fought for their loved ones to be given ivermectin, “even very late in the illness, many were revived and survived,” testified Dr. McCullough.

Related Stories:

6 Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving

Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? – 9 Papers Reviewed

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 14


- - - - - -

#10 - Secret recording catches Pfizer saying the quiet part out loud.

#9 - Boeing whistleblower John Barnett said before his death: “If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

#8 - Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC and Department of Education.

#7 - Joe Rogan warns we are empowering ‘evil’ with terms like ‘minor-attracted person.’

#6 - New study unearths alarming findings for people who got vaccinated after COVID infection.

#5 - Judge who refused to remove Fani Willis from her junk RICO case against Trump donated to Fani Willis’s campaign.

#4 - 16 Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Sports

#3 - Trudeau’s Canada threatens life sentences for “hate.”

#2 - Dr. Pierre Kory reveals why Big Pharma is ‘terrified’ of Vitamin D.

#1 - Australian government introduces frightening legislation to parents resisting the New World Order.

- - - - - -

BONUS #1 - Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

BONUS #2 - 5 Times Dr. “Zev” Zelenko’s Bold Claims Became Undeniably True

BONUS #3 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More

- - - - - -

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Devastating News for Pfizer as Trust in the Company Hits All-Time Low

Previously-unseen footage reveals Pfizer scientist Kanwal Gill saying the quiet part out loud.

This was brought to light by former operative with Project Veritas and O’Keefe Media Group, Justin Leslie.

The leaked footage is from October 6, 2021.

LESLIE ASKED GILL: “Do we know that, just thinking ethically, is it okay to give people another experimental injection? Are we sure it’s going to be safe and effective? Are we just rolling these out because we want to roll them out for money?”

GILL RESPONDED: “This is real-time data that we are generating. We don’t even know when we started vaccinating people. We had no idea how it’s going to look like.”

It gets worse.

Gill added, “MRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing made to clinical. Why? Because mRNA vaccines have been known to have side effects.”

“Moderna has been working on it for ten years. This is not a new thing. But why it did not reach trial was because of all these side effects. Pfizer and Moderna used the emergency and the pandemic to kind of get through it now,” Gill admitted.

More Blacked Out Stories:

Boeing whistleblower John Barnett said before his death: “If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

New study unearths alarming findings for people who got vaccinated after COVID infection.

Dr. Pierre Kory reveals why Big Pharma is ‘terrified’ of Vitamin D.

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Joe Rogan Says We’re Empowering ‘EVIL’ With Terms Like ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’

He’s right, you know.

JOE ROGAN: “It’s so crazy that we’ve always protected children from influence. We’ve always protected children from bad decisions. That’s why you can’t get a tattoo — before you’re 18 years old.”

JAMES LINDSAY: “They have to because they’re soft targets. You’re 100% right. But they’re after childhood innocence. They say that, too. There are papers against childhood innocence saying that it’s a social construct meant to protect some kids and not others and meant to preserve normalcy and white heteronormativity and all of this other crap.”

JOE ROGAN: “That’s why the term minor-attracted persons freaks me the f*ck out. Yeah. When you’re trying to normalize ped*philia, you’re trying to normalize people who want to f*ck kids. That’s crazy. And by the way, it’s almost always men. You are empowering the creepiest of creeps. the creepy creeps. the monsters of the male species, the ones, if you want to talk about men, like men being toxic, the most toxic. You’re empowering the evil ones, the ones infected by demons that want them to go f*ck kids. You’re empowering them by telling them that it’s an identity?”

The truth is – they're trying to normalize ped*philia.

@ZeeeMedia brings the receipts. Watch.

More Stories:

Secret recording catches Pfizer saying the quiet part out loud.

16 Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Sports

Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC and Department of Education.

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16 Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Men to Compete in Women’s Sports


In the latest attack on transgender madness in women’s sports, former University of Kentucky Wildcats swimmer Riley Gaines and 15 other female athletes have filed suit against the NCAA alleging violations of federal Title IX law arising from its insertion of man-to-woman transgender athletes into women’s competition.

“The NCAA’s most basic job is to protect the fairness and safety of competition, but instead the NCAA…continues to openly discriminate against women,” Gaines told The Free Press.

Much of the complaint centers on what women experienced at the 2022 national swimming championships. Infamously, man-to-woman transgender Penn Quaker Lia Thomas was not only allowed to compete against women, but was also given use of the women’s locker room — as described in this excerpt from the 156-page complaint:

"The first time most of the Plaintiffs became aware of Thomas’ access to the women’s locker rooms and restrooms…was: (1) when Thomas walked in on them while they were fully naked or in a state of substantial undress….(2) when they unwittingly walked in on Thomas and observed Thomas undressed with male genitalia exposed…or (3) when Thomas undressed in front of them."

More Stories:

Boeing whistleblower John Barnett said before his death: “If anything happens to me, it’s not suicide.”

Trudeau’s Canada threatens life sentences for “hate.”

How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

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Trudeau’s Canada Threatens LIFE SENTENCES for “Hate”

This is not satire. This is real life 1984.

Life in prison, something traditionally preserved for manslaughter or murder, is now being threatened to those found guilty of “hate.”

Bill C-63 reads:

“Everyone who commits an offense under this act or any other act of Parliament, if the commission of the offense is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for life.”

It gets worse.

The new bill bribes citizens to snitch on their fellow Canadians.

The Highwire reported:

“It [C-63 bill] allows someone to make a complaint of a discrimination anonymously … if that hateful complaint is found legit, a maximum of 20,000 [Canadian] dollars goes to that person.”

It’s not hard to imagine the level of abuse that could come from such incentives.

Similar legislation to define and crack down on in-person and online “hate” is being pushed across Europe.

Just recently, in Belgium, former Flemish parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove was sentenced to one year in prison. The reason for this sentence was for sharing supposedly “racist memes” in a private group chat.

Next, they'll come after you.

More Stories:

Musk Defends Trump After Corporate Media Unleashes “Bloodbath Hoax”

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

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Dr. Phil Mic Drops on Elite Universities With One Simple Question

Hypocrisy exposed.

“You’ve got elite universities that are charging hundreds of thousands of dollars for an elite education, then they’re teaching that there should be equality of outcome.

“Well, if that’s true, why am I paying you hundreds of thousands of dollars for an elite education? If we’re all supposed to come out the same, then what the hell do I need to be paying you all this for? I can just go hang out on a corner, and we’re all going to get the same thing. What do I need to be paying you this for?”

Related Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC and Department of Education.

Dr. Phil Delivers Stunning Criticism of the US Government

Dr. Phil Issues Big Warning All Parents Need to Hear

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CDC Releases Paper on Myocarditis After COVID Vaccination, and EVERY WORD Is Redacted

“148 pages. The entire thing is redacted. What good does a study do if there’s nothing there?”

There’s obviously something very damning that they’re trying to hide.

Dr. Peter McCullough says we’re witnessing an “active cover-up” of a “colossal consumer product safety debacle.”

“Pfizer recorded 1223 deaths with their product within 90 days of release. People were calling Pfizer in desperation, watching their family members die after taking the vaccine.”

Related Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Secret Recording Catches Pfizer Scientist Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

Alarming News for Those Vaccinated After COVID Infection

5 Times Dr. “Zev” Zelenko’s Bold Claims Became Undeniably True

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Elon Musk Schools Don Lemon in Debate Over Twitter 1.0

“Old Twitter was fundamentally a tool of the far left.”

It’s true.

Don Lemon asked for proof, and @ElonMusk brought the receipts.

• “The old-school Twitter suspended and suppressed accounts that you’d call on the right ten times more than it did accounts on the left. And even when they did suspend an account on the left, it was because of arguments between two people on the left.”

• “The political donations of old Twitter were 99% Democrat. Does that sound left-wing or right-wing to you? ... What I’m trying to tell you is that Twitter employees, people at Twitter, their political donations were 99%, literally 99%, to Democrats. That’s obviously an extremely left-leaning group.”

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Elon Musk Reveals Two People with Guns Tried to Assassinate Him

Dr. Phil Mic Drops on Elite Universities With One Simple Question

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Elon Musk Blasts the Media: Calls Them ‘Not Truthful’ and ‘Terrible Judges of Character’

He’s not wrong.

MUSK: “I don’t think people should care what the media thinks about them. They’re TERRIBLE judges of character.”

LEMON: “Even someone who has one of the biggest social media and biggest information platforms in the world, you don’t care? You don’t think that you have any X dot com or you have any responsibility to the truth or moderating the platform?”

MUSK: “You’re conflating the truth with the media. And I think the media is not truthful.”

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Elon Musk Schools Don Lemon in Debate Over Twitter 1.0

Another Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Has Just Come True

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Watch Elon Musk shake his head when Don Lemon says, “I believe in free speech as much as you do.”

Video slows down to 50% when it happens.

Musk told Don, “You desperately want censorship. You want censorship so bad you can taste it.”

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Missouri vs Biden – Why This Case Matters

Another Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Has Just Come True

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Who Won? Elon Musk Debates Don Lemon Over the Impact of DEI Programs

Lemon repeatedly said, “There’s no evidence” that DEI programs are lowering medical standards, a comment Elon Musk believes is a “false statement.”

Who is right?

Musk calls on X's Community Notes to settle the score.

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Watch Elon Musk Shake His Head When Don Lemon Makes This Unbelievable Statement

Another Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Has Just Come True

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Elon Musk Destroys Don Lemon’s Claims of Being a Victim With One Simple Fact

LEMON: “Those [equal] opportunities don’t happen for everyone. And I am a living example that they don’t. I know that they don’t because I live it.”

MUSK: “You’ve been incredibly successful.”

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Watch Elon Musk Shake His Head When Don Lemon Makes This Unbelievable Statement

Secret Recording Catches Pfizer Scientist Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

Another Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Has Just Come True

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Elon Musk Issues Emotional Statement in the Final Minutes of Don Lemon Interview

“If I died knowing that I did what was right, or did my best to do what was right, and even if in the history books they said I did wrong, I would still feel okay about that. I care about the reality of goodness, not the perception of it.”

“We want to make sure that we don’t have, for example, demographic collapse, which is the case in a lot of countries — just very low birth rate. We want to avoid, obviously avoid, World War 3. Anything that is a civilizational risk. That is what I care about. Civilizational risks.”

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Elon Musk Schools Don Lemon in Debate Over Twitter 1.0

Another Terrifying Alex Jones Prediction Has Just Come True

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