Media is too big
Today is a working day in our city, Odesa.
The visit of Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and his team. Our negotiations. There is a decision regarding missiles for the 'Patriots' – the Netherlands is providing additional missiles.
Particular attention to the defense of Odesa, our entire South – from the Danube ports to the ports of Greater Odesa. The world recognizes Ukraine's global role as a guarantor of food security. It firmly supports the need to preserve and enhance our significance in this issue.
I had the honor of visiting our warriors who are recovering from injuries. Together with Mark, we spent time with them and talked to them. I presented state awards to the military and the doctors who are helping them. I met with the cadets of the Military Academy in Odesa. A great conversation. Thank you, guys, for your attention and your questions. Boys and girls – you're doing great.
I'm grateful for the joint statement of the leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force today. It's a strong statement. Support of Ukraine, especially in our path to NATO and clear condemnation of Russian aggression. And the readiness to assist us as needed to win the war. Thank you!
Glory to all who is fighting for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who is helping us! Thank you, Mark, for your visit and today's negotiations, for all your support! And thank you, Odesa! We will definitely rebuild everything that Russia has destroyed.
Glory to Ukraine!
The visit of Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, and his team. Our negotiations. There is a decision regarding missiles for the 'Patriots' – the Netherlands is providing additional missiles.
Particular attention to the defense of Odesa, our entire South – from the Danube ports to the ports of Greater Odesa. The world recognizes Ukraine's global role as a guarantor of food security. It firmly supports the need to preserve and enhance our significance in this issue.
I had the honor of visiting our warriors who are recovering from injuries. Together with Mark, we spent time with them and talked to them. I presented state awards to the military and the doctors who are helping them. I met with the cadets of the Military Academy in Odesa. A great conversation. Thank you, guys, for your attention and your questions. Boys and girls – you're doing great.
I'm grateful for the joint statement of the leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force today. It's a strong statement. Support of Ukraine, especially in our path to NATO and clear condemnation of Russian aggression. And the readiness to assist us as needed to win the war. Thank you!
Glory to all who is fighting for Ukraine! Thank you to everyone who is helping us! Thank you, Mark, for your visit and today's negotiations, for all your support! And thank you, Odesa! We will definitely rebuild everything that Russia has destroyed.
Glory to Ukraine!
Найбільший православний храм Одеси. Спасо-Преображенський кафедральний собор, у вівтар якого влучила російська ракета.
Росія принесла на нашу землю багато зла. Ніколи не пробачимо. Усе зруйноване відбудуємо.
Росія принесла на нашу землю багато зла. Ніколи не пробачимо. Усе зруйноване відбудуємо.
У єдності України наше майбутнє. Ми всі одна країна, і в цьому сила сьогодні. І світ так пишається українцями й Україною через те, що ми всі об’єднані. Вважаю, що майбутнє України в цій моці, у цьому єднанні.
З Прем’єр-міністром Нідерландів Марком Рютте поспілкувалися з курсантами Військової академії та Інституту Військово-Морських Сил Національного університету «Одеська морська академія».
З Прем’єр-міністром Нідерландів Марком Рютте поспілкувалися з курсантами Військової академії та Інституту Військово-Морських Сил Національного університету «Одеська морська академія».
Одеса. Наші переговори з Марком Рютте. Додаткові ракети для «петріотів». Енергетика. Зерновий коридор. Буде більше захисту нашій державі.