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#VisitEthiopia Campaign ๐Ÿ‘‡



#Ethiopia is the fifth largest flower exporting country in the world.
The rose is the leading flower exported from Ethiopia. About 80% of the flower exports are roses, they are known for
their high quality, long stems and vibrant colors.


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#Ethiopia is Africa's oldest independent country, it has existed for over 3,000 years without being colonized.
Proudly Ethiopian, African!


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#Coffee was first discovered in #Ethiopia.
Whenever you enjoy your hot coffee, remember Ethiopia.
Thank you Ethiopia, for this precious gift.


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The first black African Olympic gold medalist is Abebe Bikila of #Ethiopia , who won in 1960 after running barefoot. From 5,000 athletes, #Abebe_Bikila of #Ethiopia became the first black #African to win an Olympic gold


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Over half of Africaโ€™s mountains are in Along with #Ethiopiaโ€™s incredible cultural& historical significance& natural beauty is in a league of its own. In addition to a gorgeous landscape of low desserts& volcanic plateaus is incredibly mountainous #VisitEthiopia

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Did you know?

Dallol in #Ethiopia is the hottest inhabited place on #Earth Dallol in the Danakil Depression in holds the worldโ€™s record for the highest average temperature for an inhabited location.



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Did you know?

The Battle of Adwa was the climactic battle of the First Italo-Ethiopian War.
The decisive victory of #Ethiopia thwarted the campaign of the Kingdom of Italy to expand its colonial empire in the
Horn of Africa.


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Did you know?

The oldest and most complete Gospel book on Earth is in Ethiopia. The Garima Gospels that date back between the years 330 and 650, are being kept in the Garima Monastery near Adwa in northern #Ethiopia


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Did you know?

In 1962, Nelson Mandela was smuggled across the borders of South Africa and was granted an Ethiopian passport by Haile Selassie, and classified as a journalist, under the name David Motsamayi, which allowed him to travel the region.


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Did you know?

#Ethiopia is the only #African country with its own alphabet. It is the worldโ€™s oldest living alphabet.


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Did you know?

#Ethiopia is known as โ€œ#the_land_of_origins,โ€ where many important #archeological& paleontological milestones have been uncovered. The earliest human ancestors were discovered in the #Afar Depression with Lucy is the most famous of them all. #VisitEthiopia

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Did you know?

#Ethiopia is the final resting place of #The_Ark_Of_The_Covenant. Whether you believe or not that the Ark of the Covenant is real, much less safely tucked inside a monastery in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is truly a wonderful place to visit.


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New Twitter campaign from #Voice_of_Ethiopia.


#1 ๐Ÿ‘‡

It's tragic to hear that internally displaced people in the Tsagbiji and Abergele districts of Wag-Hemra are suffering from acute hunger, while they haven't received any food aid since June last year. #Ethiopia

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#2 ๐Ÿ‘‡

Basic needs, such as food and shelter, are human rights that should be protected. It is unacceptable that people who have been uprooted from their homes are still living in makeshift camps and unable to access the aid they need to survive. #SaveIDP

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#3 ๐Ÿ‘‡

The Malaria epidemic in Afar is worsening, with over 3,600 confirmed cases reported in 36 woredas. We need to act fast and mobilize resources to provide Insecticide-treated nets, diagnostic tests, and medication to #SaveIDP from this deadly disease.

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#4 ๐Ÿ‘‡

Governments and NGOs must take responsibility for the humanitarian crisis affecting tens of thousands of internally displaced people in Wag-Hemra. Urgent aid and long-term solutions are needed now to prevent further suffering and loss of life. #Ethiopia #SaveIDP

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#5 ๐Ÿ‘‡

When will the international community step up to help the millions of people facing famine in Ethiopia? This report of IDPs going hungry is just one of many examples of the urgent aid that's needed. Life-saving support can't be delayed any longer. #Ethiopia #SaveIDP

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#6 ๐Ÿ‘‡

The plight of those displaced from Oromia to Amhara is a stark reminder of the urgent need for effective humanitarian aid. Let's not turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent families. We must act now. #SaveIDP #Ethiopia

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#7 ๐Ÿ‘‡

Over 1,900 IDPs have been returned to Zone 2 of Afar by humanitarian partners since December 2022. However, around 37,000 IDPs still need support to return home. Let's come together and support efforts to #SaveIDP and facilitate dignified returns for those still in need.

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#8 ๐Ÿ‘‡

The displacement of families from Oromia to Amhara is a humanitarian crisis that demands our attention. We urge the federal gov't, regional gov'ts, aid organizations, and all who can help to take immediate action to assist these families in need.

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#9 ๐Ÿ‘‡

The displacement crisis in Amhara, Ethiopia has left over 380,000 people in critical need of shelter and aid. It's time for action to #SaveIDP communities and provide them with the support they need to rebuild their lives.

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#10 ๐Ÿ‘‡

Access to food, water, sanitation, and health care are basic human rights. We must prioritize emergency relief efforts to #SaveIDP communities in Wag Hamra and other zones of Amhara, Ethiopia.

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#11 ๐Ÿ‘‡

More than 8,000 people are currently housed in the Jara IDP site in Amhara, Ethiopia. We must work together to ensure they have adequate support to meet their basic needs, including food, water, and shelter. #SaveIDP

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#12 ๐Ÿ‘‡

It's heartbreaking to see so many people being forcibly displaced in Amhara, Ethiopia especially during a time when access to basic needs is already limited. The international community must rally together to #SaveIDP communities.

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#13 ๐Ÿ‘‡

Shelter and basic services are immediate needs for returning IDPs in Zone 2 of Afar. We must prioritize support for these communities through cash-based assistance and mobilization of additional resources. Let's work together to #SaveIDP and ensure their safe return home.

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#14 ๐Ÿ‘‡

The increasing displacement crisis in Amhara, Ethiopia highlights the ongoing conflict and instability in the region. We urge authorities to work together for a peaceful resolution and continued support for IDP communities. #SaveIDP

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No one deserves to be uprooted from their home and forced to live in unsafe and crowded conditions. We stand with IDP communities in Amhara and demand that authorities take action to #SaveIDP and secure their protection, rights, and dignity.

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#16 ๐Ÿ‘‡

The return of over 8k IDPs to Zone 2 of Afar has been supported since Au 2022, but z process has been put on hold due to road rehabilitation needs. We must continue to prioritize z return of IDPs& support zr needs in return areas. Let's #SaveIDP &ensure their safe return home.

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๐Ÿ“ข New tweets ๐Ÿฆ campaign prepared by #Voice_of_Ethiopia concerning nearly completion of the #GERD ๐ŸŽฏ will be released within hours.

Stay tune.๐Ÿ’ก

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New Twitter campaign Concerning the #GERD ๐Ÿ‘‡

As the GERD project nears completion, Ethiopia is proud to showcase its engineering and construction capabilities to the world. #GERD #Africa

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The GERD project will help Ethiopia become a leading African economy and provide clean, renewable energy for millions of people. #GERD #Africa

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The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will also provide irrigation for millions of hectares of farmland, boosting agricultural productivity and farmers' incomes. #GERD #Cooperation

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With a generation potential of 6000 MW, the GERD project will make electricity more accessible and affordable for Ethiopians across the country. #GERD #Africa

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The GERD project shows Ethiopia's commitment to sustainable development and its vision for a better future for all its citizens. #GERD #Cooperation

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The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam is more than just a structure, it's a symbol of Ethiopia's ambition and determination to become a leading African economy. #GERD #Africa

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GERD project is set to change the lives of millions of Ethiopians! With a generation potential of 6000 MW, it will generate electricity to millions of homes & industries and create jobs. #GERD #Cooperation

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The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will reduce Ethiopia's dependence on fossil fuels and help fight climate change. #ClimateAction #GERD

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The GERD project signifies Ethiopia's determination to harness the power of nature and transform its economy for the better. #GERD #Africa

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Ethiopia is investing in the future of its people through the GERD project, creating opportunities and unlocking potential. #GERD #Cooperation

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The GERD project is a symbol of Ethiopia's sovereignty and its ability to undertake mega-projects for the benefit of its people. #GERD  #Africa

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The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam will be the largest hydropower dam in Africa and generate thousands of new jobs for Ethiopians. #GERD #Cooperation

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The GERD project aims to provide clean energy to Ethiopia without causing any harm to water security in Egypt or other Nile basin countries. #GERD  #Cooperation

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Data shows that GERD's filling of its reservoir will be done over many years, allowing time for all parties to negotiate and mitigate potential impacts. #GERD  #Cooperation

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The operation of GERD will have positive economic impacts on Egypt by reducing the sediment flow into its Aswan High Dam, saving money in maintenance costs. #GERD  #Africa

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The GERD project will create opportunities for regional cooperation and avoid regional conflict over the Nile waters. #Cooperation #GERD

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The GERD project is consistent with the equitable and reasonable use of the Nile river basin based on international water law principles. #GERD  #Cooperation

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GERD is a cooperative and mutually beneficial project that will contribute to economic growth, job creation, and regional stability in the Nile Basin. #GERD  #Cooperation

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GERD is not withholding water from Egypt but rather increasing the efficiency of water use in the region through proper management and regulation of the Nile River. #GERD  #Cooperation

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Expert analysis shows that GERD will have no impact on Egypt's water supply and will have no impact on the country's agriculture or electricity sectors. #GERD  #Cooperation

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GERD will contribute significantly to reducing Ethiopia's poverty rate, thereby reducing potential refugee flows and security threats to Egypt and other countries in the region. #GERD  #Africa

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Ethiopia have a shared interest in ensuring the success of the GERD project, which can be achieved through constructive dialogue, mutual understanding, and respect for internationally recognized legal frameworks. #GERD  #Cooperation

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