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KDE Fixes Adaptive-Sync Issues & Less Glitches During GPU Resets

KDE developer Nate Graham is back from the latest KDE sprint in Germany and out with his new weekly status report to highlight all of the interesting KDE changes that landed this week...

GTK 4.15 Released With Vulkan Renderer By Default

GTK 4.15.0 is now available as part of the new unstable series for this widely used open-source toolkit. Most notable with GTK 4.15.0 is the Vulkan renderer being used by default on supported systems...

Rework For Intel CPU Model Handling To Land With Linux 6.10

Intel engineers have been reworking Intel CPU model handling for Linux after using "Family 6" since the mid-90's with the P6 micro-architecture and continuing to rev the model ID only with new micro-architectural generations. It's an end of the era for Family 6 coming up and thus there's a lot of Linux patches being worked on to address assumptions within the kernel code that was only checking for an Intel CPU's model ID and not for any family ID differences...

Llamafile 0.8.1 GPU LLM Offloading Works Now With More AMD GPUs

It was just a few days ago that Llamafile 0.8 released with LLaMA 3 and Grok support along with faster F16 performance. Now this project out of Mozilla for self-contained, easily re-distributable large language model (LLM) deployments is out with a new release...

Numbering Lines In A Rectangle

A few days ago, I wrote about how Evan Moses used a bit of Elisp to solve a user interface problem he was having. I liked his solution because it was simple and provided yet another example of how Emacs can adjust itself to the user rather than the other way around. Now he’s back with another example of how Emacs lets us have it our way.

This time, he wanted to number a few consecutive lines. Org mode will do that for you in code blocks, of course, but he needed a more general solution. His first thought was to use a keyboard macro with an auto-incrementing counter but he did a bit of Googling and discovered that, as usual, Emacs has us covered.

It turns out that Emacs has a command just for that. Who knew? Certainly not me. All you need to do is select the rectangle you want to number and call rectangle-number-lines. Take a look Moses’ post for the details.

It’s another example of how someone thought to provide a functionality that we didn’t even know we needed. Sadly, these things are hard to discover but sooner or later someone like Moses comes along and enlightens us.

GHC Developer Blog: GHC 9.10.1-rc1 is now available

GHC 9.10.1-rc1 is now available

bgamari - 2024-04-27

The GHC developers are very pleased to announce the availability of the release candidate for GHC 9.10.1. Binary distributions, source distributions, and documentation are available at downloads.haskell.org and via GHCup.

GHC 9.10 brings a number of new features and improvements, including:

The introduction of the GHC2024 language edition, building upon GHC2021 with the addition of a number of widely-used extensions.
Partial implementation of the GHC Proposal #281, allowing visible quantification to be used in the types of terms.
Extension of LinearTypes to allow linear let and where bindings
The implementation of the exception backtrace proposal, allowing the annotation of exceptions with backtraces, as well as other user-defined context
Further improvements in the info table provenance mechanism, reducing code size to allow IPE information to be enabled more widely
Javascript FFI support in the WebAssembly backend
Improvements in the fragmentation characteristics of the low-latency non-moving garbage collector.
… and many more

A full accounting of changes can be found in the release notes. As always, GHC’s release status, including planned future releases, can be found on the GHC Wiki status.

This alpha is the penultimate prerelease leading to 9.10.1. In two weeks we plan to publish a release candidate, followed, if all things go well, by the final release a week later.

We would like to thank GitHub, IOG, the Zw3rk stake pool, Well-Typed, Tweag I/O, Serokell, Equinix, SimSpace, the Haskell Foundation, and other anonymous contributors whose on-going financial and in-kind support has facilitated GHC maintenance and release management over the years. Finally, this release would not have been possible without the hundreds of open-source contributors whose work comprise this release.

As always, do give this release a try and open a ticket if you see anything amiss.

Rust-Based Coreutils 0.0.26 Increases Compatibility With GNU Coreutils

The uutils' Rust-based Coreutils implementation is out with another update that further increases the drop-in replacement compatibility with GNU Coreutils...

The CNCF 2023 Annual Survey, in its 11th iteration, provides a comprehensive examination of cloud native technologies. Conducted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and Linux Foundation Research, the survey provides insights into cloud native community dynamics and serves open source technology users through data-driven insights. Spanning from August to December 2023, the survey comprised 59 questions on cloud native computing, containers, Kubernetes, cybersecurity, and WebAssembly. The dataset, representing diverse vertical industries, company sizes, and geographic regions, evaluated 988 responses.

The 2024 State of Tech Talent Report

On April 16, the Linux Foundation published the 2024 State of Tech Talent Report, a comprehensive examination of global trends in technology talent acquisition, retention, and management. It explores current technical skills development considerations and organizational strategies amid emerging technologies and economic challenges. In short, it’s a must-read for anyone seeking to better understand the current tech talent landscape.
