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Continuing the Fourth Transformation

Interview with #PedroVázquezGonzález, member of the National Coordination Committee of the Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo) and Federal Deputy in the #Mexican Congress.

By #YunusSoner

https://unitedworldint.com/34150-continuing-the-fourth-transformation/ #Mexico
Explosions were heard in the #Iranian city of #Isfahan on the night connecting the 18th to 19th of April. Global public opinion evaluated these as an Israeli retaliation to the Iranian attack on #Israel on the 13th of April.

We asked Dr. #HamidRezaGholamzadeh on the actual situation in #Iran. Gholamzadeh is the #Tehran Municipality’s responsible for international relations.

By #YunusSoner

Forwarded from Iranist (World)
🇮🇷🇹🇷 The world is discussing the Iranian attack on Israel on April 14. The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Türkiye provided UWI with an interview of the H.E. the Ambassador, Mohammed Hasan Habibollah Zadeh, describing his country’s objectives.

Below we present the interview. UWI translated the interview from Turkish to English and set the title and subtitles.
On 5 April 2024, in #Kaliningrad, #Russian Federation, a round table was held in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of #ImmanuelKant.

As United World International, we share some of the speeches made at this event with our readers. The third speech we are presenting is by the Representative of the Vatan Party (#Turkiye) in #Russia and author of United World International #MehmetPerinçek.

Forwarded from Abbas Djuma
🇵🇱 Сказать, что Польша беззастенчиво нарушила все международные конвенции по вопросам миграции с 2021 года, — ничего не сказать. Пытаясь противостоять потоку людей, поляки используют все возможные методы, в том числе и незаконные: избиения, насилие, пытки, конфискацию имущества и т.д.

Счет трупов среди мигрантов исчисляется сотнями. В свое время польские правозащитники и активисты зафиксировали, что с начала пограничного кризиса в Польше числятся пропавшими без вести более 300 беженцев. Эта цифра приблизительная, но впечатляющая.

Официальные данные белорусских пограничников таковы: «С начала миграционного кризиса из-за открытого насилия, издевательств и равнодушного отношения к страданиям беженцев со стороны европейских силовиков уже погибли 47 иностранцев, 23 случая произошло на границе с Польшей.
Interview with #OferCassif, Member of the Israeli parliament for the Communist Party of (Hadash)

📌 Small majority of #Israeli population rejects retaliation against #Iran
📌 #Biden keeps on delivering arms to #Israel
📌 Though smaller than before, still the majority supports assault on #Gaza

By #YunusSoner

Forwarded from UKR LEAKS_eng
🇵🇱 To say that Poland has shamelessly violated all international conventions on migration since 2021 is an understatement. Trying to resist the flow of people, the Poles use all possible methods, including illegal ones: beatings, violence, torture, confiscation of property, etc.

The number of corpses among migrants is in the hundreds. At one time, Polish human rights defenders and activists recorded that more than 300 refugees went missing in Poland since the beginning of the border crisis. This figure is approximate, but impressive.

The official data of the Belarusian border guards is as follows: “Since the beginning of the migration crisis, 47 foreigners have already died due to open violence, bullying and indifference to the suffering of refugees on the part of European security forces, 23 cases occurred on the border with Poland."

by Abbas Juma