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ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
“Las decisiones que tomemos o dejemos de tomar nos pueden hacer retroceder o avanzar hacia un futuro mejor. Es nuestra decisión”.


En septiembre, la Cumbre del Futuro será un momento clave para #NuestroFuturoComún. un.org/es/summit-of-the-futu…

Naciones Unidas

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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"La situación en #Gaza sigue siendo más que catastrófica.

Lo que se necesita ahora más que nunca es un alto el fuego y que la ayuda fluya hacia la Franja"

The situation in #Gaza remains beyond catastrophic.

What is needed now more than ever is a ceasefire and to get aid flowing into the Strip.
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Noticias ONU

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Fruitful discussion today during the audience granted to the Permanent Representative of #Algeria Amb. Amar Bendjama by President of #Serbia H.E Mr. Aleksandar Vučić and a good opportunity of exchange on the Algerian-Serbian friendly and long-standing bilateral relations 🇩🇿 🇷🇸.

Algeria to the UN

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Ahead of the 4th International Conference on #SIDS, Ambassador Filipo Tarakinikini attended a workshop hosted by @EUatUN 🇪🇺 & Konrad Adenauer Foundation on “Beyond the SIDS Conference: Partnerships for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in the Pacific.”

Fiji at the UN🇫🇯

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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New syphilis cases among people 15-49 increased by over one million in 2022, reaching eight million, @WHO reports. news.un.org/en/story/2024/05…

UN News

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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In regards to malicious cyber operations, 🇨🇷calls on:

🤖Update PoC agenda to include cyber activities
🤖Ensure civilian data enjoys the same protection as other civilian objects
🤖Protect against operations that disable or inhibit cyber infrastructure functionality

Costa Rica @ the UN

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
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RT @qcharity: الرئيس التنفيذي لقطر الخيرية
السيد/ يوسف بن أحمد الكواري
ضمن الحوار الاستراتيجي رفيع المستوى بين دولة #قطر ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية اوتشا (OCHA) @MofaQatar_AR #قطر_الخيرية | #وزارة_الخارجية | #OCHA

Qatar Mission to UN 🇶🇦

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @qcharity: السيد/ أحمد مرعي
رئيس مكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية (اوتشا) بالدوحة
" اتفاقية التعاون الاستراتيجي بين #قطر_الخيرية ومكتب الأمم المتحدة لتنسيق الشؤون الانسانية في قطر اوتشا (OCHA) " @MofaQatar_AR #قطر_الخيرية | #وزارة_الخارجية | #OCHA

Qatar Mission to UN 🇶🇦

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @UNCERF: "I am grateful to the Qatar Fund for Development for their longstanding support and look forward to further deepening our partnership," said @UNReliefChief.

Read more about the @qatar_fund & @UNOCHA's strategic partnership➡️ bit.ly/3V9w07L #InvestInHumanity

On the sidelines of @UNOCHA High-level Strategic Dialogue, Qatar Fund for Development signed two agreements to bolster addressing humanitarian needs worldwide. - Qatar Fund For Development صندوق قطر للتنمية

Qatar Mission to UN 🇶🇦

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @FCorvaro: Big news from @WWaterForum10: Italy will host the first Euromediterranean Water Forum in 2026. This will be an occasion to discuss innovation, water management, and access, and address the nexus between water and climate change. Great teamwork of our diplomats. @ItalyMFA

Italy UN New York

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @UNHCRfrance: ⚠️ Avertissement // Violences sexuelles

La montée des violences basées sur le genre dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo exige une attention et une intervention immédiates de la part de la communauté internationale.

Nations Unies (ONU)

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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In the Security Council #UNSC today, Canada emphasized the continued crucial importance of Protection of Civilians. #ProtectionOfCivilians

Canada Mission UN

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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"I urgently call on parties to fulfil their obligations under #IHL to treat all persons detained #humanely, and to allow for our #principled work" @ICRC President's statement at #UNSC on #protection of #civilians in #armed #conflict #PoCWeek2024 #GenevaConventions75

Mirjana Spoljaric, ICRC President at #UNSC: 📢 People caught in armed conflicts need action.

Parties must:

Treat detainees humanely & facilitate our access
Prevent people from going missing & clarify their fate
Commit to & apply IHL to protect civilians


ICRC to UN in NY

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Echanges fructueux entre SEM @moriko_tiemoko et M. @Habibmayar, Secrétaire Général Adjoint & Directeur Exécutif du g7+. Au coeur des discussions: les préparatifs du Sommet de haut niveau lors de la 79ème session de l'AG de l’ONU et divers sujets d'intérêt commun. @Gouvci @g7plus

La Côte d’Ivoire à l’ONU

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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#UNSC debate on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts, 🇮🇹 urged full respect of int'l & humanitarian law in armed conflicts. 🇮🇹 keeps playing its part, by continuing to train peacekeepers at its Center of Excellence & prioritizing the 🌾 #foodsecurity-armed conflict nexus.

Italy UN New York

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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