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Chat Via Assistant Bot

It means u can chat with people through
ur Ultroid assistant Bot
Like :
see my Bio
my bot

How to do it:
• command -
[ .setdb PMBOT True ]
• Then by replying user message in ur
assistant bot
u can chat with them
🗒 How to Setup Voice Chat for/with Ultroid?

👉 Deploy Ultroid & Vc Ready. 😂

👉 If you have hosted on Railway.
[.setdb VCBOT True]

👉 Note: You Can't Hear or join from your id if you are playing.

👉 Optional: You can also set other account as vc. Go to assistant bot settings Vc And Put session of that account.

🔮 Commands

use .play

[.help] >> [vc plugins]

.help filter then word you add in filter . If Someone use that word in chat , your bot will auto reply to it


.help notes
* Admin power needed to use it*
Anyone used #(word) your bot will reply.

.help snips
its only For you.
Notes plugin anyone can use it but snips only you can use it.
It triggers with "$(word)"

.help blacklist
*Admin Power Needed to use it*
Delete all incoming Message which contain blacklisted word

---- Welcomes ----

"setwelcome <message/reply to message>
Set welcome message in the current chat.

Delete the welcome in the current chat.

Get the welcome message in the current chat.

---- GoodByes ----

"setgoodbye <message/reply to message>
Set goodbye message in the current chat.

Delete the goodbye in the current chat.

Get the goodbye message in the current chat.

Note: {mention}, {group}, {count}, {name}, {fullname}, {username}, {userid} can be used as formatting parameters.
4.6 KB
Reply This File [ .install f ]

Type Command : [ .xupdate ]
🗣 Chat Via Bot Settings 🤖

Go To Assistant bot
Type [/start]
Click [Settings]
Click [Chat Bot]

• Updated Security of Ultroid. [v0.1]

🧠 Some Things To keep In Mind :

- Never install Any External Plugin From Unknown Source.
- Don't Give FullSudo Access To Unknown Person.
- Never Share Your SESSION to anyone.

* Previously Sudo Users Can Access All Things From Owner's Userbot.
(which was Dangerous)

[* Now We Restricted Sudo Users To Use Some Specific Commands.]

But IF you still want to Give a sudo user Full Access to all commands.
Do .setdb FULLSUDO user_id
🗂 Dynos Information 🗂

* 🔋 Battery >> 📲 Phone
* ⛽️ Fuel >> 🚗 Vehicle
* Dynos >> 🤖 Userbot

* Userbot Consume Dynos On Time Basis , No Matter If you Use Userbot Or Not , If your Dynos On Then It Consume As Time passes.


- Ultroid Having 1 Dyno
1. ultroid : which is for userbot & vcbot both.

- While going to sleep or at work you can do [.shutdown] , It will turn OFF Dyno.

- It Auto Refills Every Month.
🖼 Thumbnail Feature 🖼

* Reply Any Image [.thumbnail] to add that image your database.

* When You Upload Any File you will get that Pic as Thumbnail.

* As Of Now We Increased Download + Upload speed so

By [.rename xyz] cmd you can rename any file with your desire name + thumbnail.

For More [.help download_upload]
And [.help converter]

Many Users Don't Know It.

There Are Many Cool Features In Your Assistant Bot.

Go to Your Assistant Bot.
Type /start
There You See Many Stuffs.

Click on [Settings] Buttons
Then [Features] Buttons

And Explore More And More.😉
Useful Information.

v0.0.7 updates removed BOT_TOKEN and LOG_CHANNEL from vars, to be added automatically.

Now: what to do if your log channel or bot got deleted OR you want to use another custom bot...?

.setdb BOT_TOKEN new_token
.setdb LOG_CHANNEL new_log_grp_id

Set whichever you want and then .restart
(Or set it on heroku)

Also, to note. Do not use the same REDIS_URI and REDIS_PASSWORD for more than one bot/app. This will lead to "issues".

~ @TheUltroid

💫 Dual Mode is Ability to Use Your Assistant Bot similar to as Your Userbot Together.

🏖 Enabling Dual Mode

🛵 Do .setdb DUAL_MODE True
🛵 Restart Your Bot with .restart.
🛵 And Done

🏖 Keeping Custom Handler for Dual Mode/Bot

🏎 Default Handler is /
🏎 To Change Handler .setdb DUAL_HNDLR <your handler>
🏎 Restart Your Bot
🏎 All Done !

-> Added with v0.0.9
You userbot isn't working in some chats?
(It's not a bug, but a feature)

Way For Owner/Admins to Restrict People From Using Ultroid Userbot in Their Group(s).

-> Add #NoUB in Group Title and You are Done.
-> Userbot Will Still work for Only Owner and Admins.

Added with v0.0.9
~ @TeamUltroid
🔮 About Manager

🪜 Manager, can allow your Assistant Bot to work as Management Bot

🪤 Enabling Manager
Do .setdb MANAGER True.
Restart Your Bot
And send /help in it's pm !

Added With v0.0.9 as Pre-Release

v0.1 Released

~ @TeamUltroid
🎊 Inline PmPermit
🗿 Inline PmPermit is Enabled by Default..

🎎 How to Disable?
🗿 .setdb INLINE_PM False.
🗿 Restart Your Bot.
🗿 You are Done!


Disable it from Assistant Bot's Settings.

Click the "Warns" button of new pms to open a detailed owner settings menu, containing options related to pmpermit.

Added in v.0.0.9
~ @TeamUltroid
TimeZone Setup 🌏

Go to your Assistant Bot Settings And Set Your TimeZone From [This]

Note :- Its Default Asia/Kolkata (UTC +5:30)
💫 Multiple Plugin Channels

- Plugin Channels are the way to load plugins as addons on restart and to never loss it again.

- Ultroid Now Supports Multiple Plugin Channels,
-> .setdb PLUGIN_CHANNEL <channel id/username seperated by space>

-> Eg - .setdb PLUGIN_CHANNEL @ultroidplugins @testingpluginnn

👉 Added with v0.1
💫 Username Tracker

🎊 Username Tracker is way to get Username Changes of Any User to Your Log Channel..

- > To Activate This -
- .setdb USERNAME_LOG True

-> To Deactivate

-> Defaults to OFF.

👉 Added with V0.1
📷 Using Instagram Plugin

• First of All, You need to add Below 2 Vars in Redis with command .setdb
- INSTA_USERNAME : Your Instagram's Username
- INSTA_PASSWORD : Your Instagram's Password

• After Setting this, You can use your Instagram Plugin..
• To know Commands : .help instagram

Note : Overusing it, can Flag your Instagram Account.

👉 Added with V0.1