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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Official Students Telegram
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📚 Exciting News for All Students! 📚
Now is your chance to shape the library's collection! For the first time, UTM Library is inviting all students to suggest e-book titles. Seize the opportunity - we'll make it yours!

Visit bit.ly/suggest-a-purchase-manual for details. Your e-book suggestions will enhance our precious electronic collections for the entire UTM community.

Suggestion submissions are open from February 1st to October 31st, 2024. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity!



Sukacita dimaklumkan Pelajar UTM dipelawa untuk *MENGEMUKAKAN PROFIL* sebagai inisiatif universiti menyalurkan bantuan bagi mereka yang layak dan memerlukan. Sehubungan dengan itu, saudara dipelawa untuk melengkapkan profil melalui link di bawah:


Sebarang pertanyaan dan maklumat lanjut boleh hubungi:
📧:bkkthep@utm.my atau
📱: Whatsapp UTMHEPA CARE 601153806006
Seksyen Kemudahan, Kebajikan dan Tatatertib (BKKT)
Jabatan Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni (JTNCHEPA)
81310 UTM Johor Bahru

Good morning and dear all, I have been invited as a member of an international research led by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency. I would like to seek some help from you to answer this survey on 'Students' Perception of ChatGPT'. Pls kindly assist me to answer it before 9th February 2024. It should take about 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire. All answers are treated as anonymous.


Thank you in advance ☺️
Associate Professor Dr Noorminshah A.Iahad
Information Systems Department,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Pilot Study of the UTM Student Wellbeing Index


The Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services is conducting a pilot study aimed at developing psychometric testing for the UTM Student Well-Being Index.

We would like to request the cooperation and attention of UTM students to participate in this pilot study. This survey will take about 15-20 minutes. Your participation is greatly appreciated to improve the well-being of students at UTM.

👉🏼 Please click on this link to complete this survey: https://forms.gle/wLyEfjjLbbb4kk7QA

The period for answering this survey starts from 7 Feb to 7 March 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Sook Huey, Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) intern, under the supervision of Dr Zulfikar Bin Ahmad at Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services :sookhuey5398@gmail.com

Thank you.

UTM Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services
7 FEB 2024

📣*Biasiswa Tunku Abdul Rahman (BTAR) kini dibuka untuk permohonan!*

BTAR adalah biasiswa sarjana muda yang terbuka kepada pelajar berpotensi tinggi, pelajar berkelayakkan dengan komitment kuat untuk memberi balik kepada pembangunan Malaysia.

Faedah Biasiswa
👉🏽9 jenis elaun termasuklah elaun universiti, elaun sara hidup bulanan dan dana pembangunan diri.
👉🏽 Program Pembangunan Diri selama 2 tahun yang termasuk persidangan, projek komuniti dan bimbingan profesional.

Syarat Kelayakan
👉🏽Kini sedang di dalam fasa pra-universiti dan ingin meneruskan pelajaran ke ijazah sarjana muda sebelum Mac 2025.
👉🏽 Ataupun seorang pelajar ijazah sarjana muda di dalam universiti awam ataupun swasta dengan 2 tahun baki pengajaran.
👉🏽 Kos di universiti swasta atau awam yang diiktirafkan oleh MQA Malaysia

*Peringatan: Biasiswa ini tidak mempunyai syarat kelayakan minima PNGK untuk memohon!*

🔗Borang Permohonan: bit.ly/btar2024
📅Tarikh Akhir Permohonan: *8 April 2024*

Untuk maklumat lanjut, layari laman web kami di www.yayasantar.org.my/biasiswa-tar

Ikuti media sosial kami untuk petua dan maklumat sesi informasi di https://linktr.ee/yayasantar

*Pembelajaran AI Untuk Rakyat Bagi Staf PPP/Pensyarah/Pelajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)*
_Learning AI For The People For Staff PPP/Lecturer/Student Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)_

Assalamu’alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh/Greetings
YBrs. Prof./ Prof. Madya/ Dr./ Tuan/Puan/ Saudara/Mr./Mrs/Miss,

The Prime Minister has directed that all university and school students as well as civil servants be proficient in Artificial Intelligence (AI), thereby keeping abreast of developments and mastering the relevant technology. In line with this, all members of public universities (students, academics, and management & support groups) are required to visit the website www.ai.gov.my and access the learning materials provided by the Ministry of Digital, namely the AI for the People Program. It is a self-paced online learning program designed to raise public awareness about AI across all segments of society. After completing the self-paced learning through the website www.ai.gov.my and receiving the AI AWARE and AI APPRECIATE badges, it must be uploaded to this https://shorturl.at/mxG69.

💻 Link to Platform AI Learning : https://ai.gov.my
Upon Completion, please upload the badges of AI Aware & AI Appreciate into UTM eLearning Portal (Lecturer & Student) and Google Form Link (PPP Staff) https://shorturl.at/mxG69

📆 Google form is open from
*18 February 2024 - 31 March 2024*

Any Enquiries :
UTM CDex Secretariat
Ms. Priscilla - priscilla@utm.my

24 Feb 2024 - Tahniah diucapkan kepada kumpulan yang mewakili Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) iaitu MARIMOGO yang telah berjaya meraih tempat ke-3 membawa pulang Wang tunai sebangak RM1000 berserta trofi, manakala NEWBIE FINANCE yang telah memenangi tempat ke-5 telah membawa Wang tunai sebanyak RM700 dalam Program Jelajah Bijak Wang 2023/2024! Pelajar yang terlibat iaitu :

1. Saudara Norhakimi Farhan Bin Mohd Norashdan
2. ⁠Saudara Muhammad Hafiz Afiq Bin Khalid
3. ⁠Saudara Muhammad Umar Bin Mohammad Ali
4. ⁠Saudari Husniyah Binti AB Rahman
5. ⁠Saudari Nurul Izzati Binti Daud
6. ⁠Saudara Lee Sin Kuan Gary
7. ⁠Saudari Jayvinnasarny A/P Gumaraisan
8. ⁠Saudari Oyenuga Thanksgiving Omotorera
9. ⁠Saudari Priyashenee A/P Perumal
10. Saudara Dhanissh Chanthiran

250 mahasiswa daripada 13 Universiti di seluruh Malaysia telah layak di peringkat akhir yang bertempat di Universiti Putra Malaysia. Jumlah keseluruhan penyertaan sebanyak 6200 Mahasiswa daripada 21 Universiti. Program Jelajah Bijak Wang 2023/24 ini dianjurkan oleh AKPK dengan kerjasama Universiti Putra Malaysia serta LIAM sebagai inisiatif untuk memberi kesedaran kepada mahasiswa tentang pengurusan kewangan.

Terima Kasih juga kepada Kelab BYIC UTM kerana membantu dalam pengurusan mencari para peserta untuk mewakili UTM.
Para peserta UTM telah berusaha dan memberikan komitmen yang baik sepanjang dua bulan program ini berlangsung. Semoga para peserta dapat amalkan ilmu yang diberikan dan mendapat kejayaan yang lebih besar pada masa hadapan

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

Tawaran biasiswa ASEAN-Maybank kini dibuka untuk tahun 2024 bagi pengajian Sarjana Muda. Biasiswa ASEAN-Maybank merupakan satu program usaha perkongsian antara Yayasan Maybank dan Sekretariat ASEAN. Pelawaan ini dibuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia berdasarkan kelayakan yang ditetapkan.

Tarikh tutup permohonan adalah pada 15 Mac 2024. Maklumat lanjut berhubung biasiswa ini boleh dirujuk di pautan https://forms.gle/qm6T6xeo4i5ZhBVF6.

Assalamualaikum and Warm Greetings

The ASEAN-Maybank scholarship offer is now open for the year 2024 for Bachelor studies. The ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship is a partnership program between the Maybank Foundation and the ASEAN Secretariat. This invitation is open to all Malaysian citizens based on the established qualifications.

The application closing date is March 15, 2024. More information regarding this scholarship can be referred to the link https://forms.gle/qm6T6xeo4i5ZhBVF6


JUMAAT, 1 MAC 2024

9.00 - 10.00 MALAM


Tajuk : Perlukah Universiti Sukan di Malaysia?

Setuju atau tidak?
Jom saksikan perbincangannya Jumaat minggu ini secara live jam 9 malam di @tv1_rtm dan @saluran123_beritartm
