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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Official Students Telegram
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Assalamualaikum wbt

Sukacitanya Pusat Islam UTM dengan kerjasama Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor (MAINJ) menjemput kepada semua warga UTM dan masyarakat awam untuk bersama-sama kami dalam sebuah Forum Mega *Zakat : Harta Dituai, Berkat Digapai* yang akan diadakan secara fizikal di *Ruang Solat Utama, Masjid Sultan Ismail UTM Johor*. *Terdapat Pindaan pada Waktu forum seperti dalam Maklumat tersebut* :

Tajuk : Forum Mega *Zakat : Harta Dituai, Berkat Digapai*

Tarikh : *8 Disember 2022*

Masa : *10 Pagi hingga 12:00 Tengahari*

Panel 1 : Dato' (Dr.) Haji Nooh bin Gadot
(Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Muzakarah Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia)

Panel 2 : PM Dr. Ahmad bin Che Yaacob (Pengarah Pusat Islam UTM)

Moderator : Dr. Mohd Nasir bin Masroom (Timbalan Pengarah, Pusat Islam UTM)

Khas buat *150 peserta yang hadir awal* ke Forum Mega ini, pihak penganjur menyediakan:
- Cenderamata
- Makanan
- Cabutan Bertuah

Oleh itu, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk bersama kami dalam majlis Ilmu ini. Untuk warga UTM turut disediakan *CPD* dan *Merit Pelajar* yang akan diberikan semasa forum berlangsung.

خُذۡ مِنۡ أَمۡوَٰلِهِمۡ صَدَقَةٗ تُطَهِّرُهُمۡ وَتُزَكِّيهِم بِهَا وَصَلِّ عَلَيۡهِمۡۖ إِنَّ صَلَوٰتَكَ سَكَنٞ لَّهُمۡۗ وَٱللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ

“Ambillah sebahagian daripada harta mereka sebagai sedekah (zakat), agar dengan demikian akan membersihkan (harta) dan mensucikan (hati) mereka serta doakanlah mereka, kerana doamu itu akan membawa ketenangan untuk mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar, Lagi Maha Mengetahui”. (Surah At-Taubah 9:103)

Jumpa anda nanti. Jazakumullah khair.

Dear Kamsaini Kamaruddin,

This is an opportunity for students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to learn how to build an Industrial Temperature Alert System with Bolt IoT via a live online session on Saturday, 10th of December 2022.

There is NO FEE for this event. However, we have LIMITED SEATS. Keeping this in mind, please inform your students about the session at the earliest.

Link to register for the event: https://lu.ma/boltevent

What will students learn during the session?

They will learn to build an Industrial Temperature Alert System with Bolt IoT.

What technologies will students learn in this session?

They will learn the basics of the following technologies:

Integrating temperature sensor (LM35) and Buzzer
Linux Programming
Python programming with embedded systems
Build a Telegram Bot

All the concepts will be taught from the basics. No previous knowledge is required.

Other session details:

Date: Saturday, 10th December 2022
Registration link: https://lu.ma/boltevent
Fee: There is NO registration fee for this event.
Time of the event and other details: Visit https://lu.ma/boltevent

Limited seats available, registration on a first-come, first-served basis. Keeping this in mind, please inform your students about the session at the earliest.

You can also share the details with your students via WhatsApp by clicking here.


Ashwin Salgaocar
DevOps Engineer
Bolt IoT
Dear all,

Department of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) is conducting a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Survey for the year 2022. Our department consist of 4 sub-departments as follows:

i) Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International)
ii) School of Graduate Studies (SPS)
iii) Center for Advancement in Digital and Flexible Learning (UTM CDEX)
iv) Institute for Life-Ready Graduate (UTM ILEAGUE)

(You may submit more than 1 survey to evaluate more than one sub-department under DDVCAI)

Your cooperation in completing this survey will help us provide the best possible service to you. The feedback obtained from this survey is CONFIDENTIAL and the results of this survey are only applicable to our research reports.

This survey will be *extended until 10th December 2022.* Please click on the provided link or scan the QR code to access the survey:


Your feedback is highly appreciated. For any enquiries, kindly email at odvcai@utm.my or graduate@utm.my

Thank you.

Dear all,

Department of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) is conducting a Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Survey for the year 2022. Our department consist of 4 sub-departments as follows:

i) Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International)
ii) School of Graduate Studies (SPS)
iii) Center for Advancement in Digital and Flexible Learning (UTM CDEX)
iv) Institute for Life-Ready Graduate (UTM ILEAGUE)

(You may submit more than 1 survey to evaluate more than one sub-department under DDVCAI)

Your cooperation in completing this survey will help us provide the best possible service to you. The feedback obtained from this survey is CONFIDENTIAL and the results of this survey are only applicable to our research reports.

This survey will be *extended until 10th December 2022.* Please click on the provided link or scan the QR code to access the survey:


Your feedback is highly appreciated. For any enquiries, kindly email at odvcai@utm.my or graduate@utm.my

Thank you.

*[🏗️ Construction Technology Open Day 2022 🏗️]*

Greetings everyone! 👋🏼

Great news! We are excited to announce that SEAA3123 Construction Technology, Estimation and Contract, one of the courses under Faculty of Civil Engineering (FKA), will host an open day event where you can learn more about the innovative technology used in construction today ⚙️

Take this opportunity to walk through the gallery of poster works created by 45 teams of 3rd year Civil Engineering students and get ready to learn interesting information about "Construction Technology"! 👷🏻👷🏻‍♂️

Mark your calendar to not miss out!

📆 Date: 16th December 2022 (Friday)
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
📍 Venue: Level 2, Blok M47, FKA

🔖 An e-cert & UTM merit will be awarded for those who physically attends the event!

For any inquiries, kindly contact our Public Relations unit:
• Serene - https://wa.link/1fc7rc
• Rishi - https://wa.link/lxvbom

Thank you & we hope to see you there!

#ctec #pekautm
#fkautm #utm
📢 Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera, 📢

🔎 Pencarian Jawatankuasa Majlis Anugerah Gemilang Mahasiswa (GEMA) 2022 kini dibuka bermula 7 Disember 2022.

Anda ingin menjadi penganjur kepada program prestij?

Berpengalaman dalam mengendalikan majlis berprofil tinggi?

Sertai kami sebagai Jawatankuasa Majlis Anugerah Gemilang Mahasiswa (GEMA) 2022 yang bakal diadakan kelak.

🏆Rebut peluang dengan mendaftar Borang Permohonan Krew GEMA sebelum
🌟 15 Disember 2022, 11.59 P.M.

📝Borang permohonan boleh diakses melalui pautan di bawah 🔽
🤳🏻 tinyurl.com/krew-GEMA

Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi:
👨🏻‍💻En. Mohammed Nabil : http://wasap.my/0194004196
👨🏻‍💻En. Mohd Shahnizam : http://wasap.my/0123335043

Facebook: @heputm
Instagram: @heputmjb
Linktree : linktr.ee/bapphep

Arabic Culture Day is Open now for you !!

Couldn't make it on Early_birds period to buy your Ticket??
It's Time!!! 🎟

Buy your Normal_Pass ticket NOW! 😍😍🔥🔥

What are you waiting for?!? 😳
Don't miss the chance, seats are limited! 🔥

Come and see Arabic Cultures from a closer view 👀

💵🎟 💵🎟 💵🎟
Follow this link and buy now:
💵🎟 💵🎟 💵🎟

This Ticket is only for the Night Ceremony; Morning session is *FOR FREE*

Waiting to see y'all on the 17th of December 😉🗓


Platform terbaik untuk mengiktiraf dan memberi galakan kepada kepimpinan pelajar dan staf UTM yang telah menunjukkan kepimpinan yang holistik dan kompeten dalam aktiviti pelajar dan penganjuran program yang berprestij.


1. Terbuka kepada semua MPP/ JKM/ Persatuan/ Kelab/ Badan Beruniform/ Pelajar yang berdaftar dengan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

2. Terbuka kepada Staf UTM yang berdaftar dan sedang dalam perkhidmatan semasa permohonan dibuat.


📆 Tarikh Tutup : 18 DISEMBER 2022 | Jam 5.00 petang

Syarat, kriteria dan kategori yang dipertandingkan boleh dimuat turun dari laman sesawang Jabatan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar) & FB UTM Student Affairs.


Permohonan bagi pencalonan boleh dibuat melalui Google Form (GF) yang disediakan bagi tapisan pertama.

🖱️ Pautan Google Form (GF) : http://bit.do/NOMINATIONGEMA2022

🖥️ QR Code :

TCELC's PWC 2022


Greetings Participants!

Allow your light to shine brightly. It's never too late to shine.

Don't miss out the chance!

Grab the opportunity before it knocks on someone else's door and stand a chance to win awesome prizes! 🤩

1st Prize: RM 100
2nd Prize: RM 80
3rd Prize: RM 50

Make sure to submit before 11:59 pm, 12 December 🔥🔥

Below is the submission link👇👇

For more information please refer to our PWC's Booklet.

Good luck everyone! 😉

Details of the contest:
📌 Theme: Life in University
📌 Closing Date: 12 December 2022 (11:59 PM)

Join our Telegram Channel for the latest update:

For any inquiries feel free to contact:
🙋🏻‍♂️ Viveganan: https://wa.me/60169609673
🙋🏻‍♂️ Richard: https://wa.me/60169657141

Reach us at:

Tuanku Chancellor English Language Club

#UTM #UTMKL #myutm #iamutm
#studentaffairs #officeofstudentaffairs #officeofstudentaffairsutmkl
#myheputm #hep #heputmkl

Hello everyone🤩!


After 2 years of pandemic, Culture Corner 2022 is back to promote the cultural diversity of UTM students from different countries around the world.

Don’t forget to join us 😆😍
Registration Link : https://bit.ly/CultureCorner2022

Date🗓: 15 December 2022 , Thursday
Time: 7.30 pm- 10.30 pm
Venue📍: Dewan Sri Perdana, Kolej Perdana, UTM
Theme 💃🕺: Dance & Dazzle

🌟 merit and e-certificate for all participants

Refreshment provided

Assalamualaikum and Greetings,

On the 13-15th of December 2022, UTM Digital Services (UTMDigital) will host the event "Digital and Industrial Linkages" at UTMDigital, D07, UTM JB.

This three-day event will provide an opportunity to bridge the gap between the UTM Community and the industry, as well as promote the services and products of the industry.

You will find numerous programme that includes:
📍 Technology Update Session by leading ICT technology provider
📍 Booth & Technology Exhibition
📍 Google Onboard
📍 Digital Care Counter
📍 MAPITA Meeting

You are cordially invited to either personally or virtually attend this exceptional event. You may also share this event and invite your entire social circle to attend. This event is free and open to the public. For more information on the event, please visit https://digital.utm.my/mapita/.

See you soon!

Assalamualaikum wbh. dan Salam Sejahtera.

Untuk makluman, Jabatan Timbalan Naib Canselor (Pembangunan) sedang melaksanakan Kajian Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan bagi tahun 2022. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mendapatkan maklum balas berkenaan penyampaian perkhidmatan bagi tujuan untuk memperbaiki perkhidmatan kami.
Mohon kerjasama pelajar agar dapat meluangkan masa untuk menjawab soal selidik dengan hanya klik pada pautan yang disediakan.

Kerjasama anda amat dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.
Warm Greetings,

The Department of The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development) is currently doing our Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) survey for 2022.This survey is designed to provide information on our service delivery in order to help us to improve our services.

Kindly help us in completing the survey by simply clicking on the link available.
Your kind support is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Bahagian Pemajuan / Advancement Division

Pejabat Persekitaran, Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSHE) / Office of Environment, Occupational Safety & Health (OSHE)

Bahagian Pengurusan Aset / Asset Management Division (Seksyen Pengurusan Projek & Penyenggaraan / Project & Maintenance Section, Seksyen Pengurusan Fasiliti / Facility Management Section & Seksyen Pengurusan Harta Tanah / Property Management Section)

Bahagian Pengurusan Aset / Asset Management Division (Seksyen Pengurusan Perniagaan / Business Management Section)

Pejabat Timbalan Naib Canselor (Pembangunan) / Office of The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development)
Warga UTM dijemput untuk menyertai Program Pembudayaan Ilmu anjuran Perpustakaan UTM yang akan diadakan pada ketentuan berikut :

📍Program : K-Sharing Open Science
📌 Tajuk : Citizen Science: Now Everyone is a Scientist
🗓 Tarikh : 15 Disember 2022 (Khamis)
Masa : 9.00 pagi - 10.00 pagi

🎥 Siaran Langsung di:
Facebook: facebook.com/library.utm
YouTube: youtube.com/UTMLibraryMedia

Fakulti Alam Bina dan Ukur,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Jabatan Perpustakaan,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Terima kasih.