U.S. Embassy Tashkent
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Congratulations to Webster University Tashkent! We wish you all the best of luck!
We are excited to announce the #GlobalUGRAD scholarship opportunity for one semester of undergraduate study in the United States. Check out this link below for more detailed information about the program and eligibility requirements.
Go for your “Study in the USA” dream! Apply by December 31, 2019! https://uz.usembassy.gov/education-culture/exchange-programs/global-undergraduate-exchange-program/
Yetakchi bo’lishni ko’zlagan 18-23 yoshli qizlar diqqatiga! Yangi mavsum yaqinlashmoqda. Tezroq ariza topshirib, WomanUP a’zosi bo’ling!

Ariza topshirish uchun quyidagi havolani bosing: https://cutt.ly/YeEG6A7
Javoblaringizning aniqligiga e'tibor bering. Arizalarni o'rganish davomida til bilish darajasi hisobga olinadi, chunki klub sessiyalari asosan ingliz tilida o'tkaziladi. Eng yaxshi va keng qamrovli javob egalari tanlab olinadi.
Qabul qilish muddati: 15-noyabr, soat 18:00 gacha.
Savollaringizni quyidagi elektron manzilga yuborishingiz mumkin: womanupact@gmail.com .
Imkoniyatni boy bermang, ishtirokchilar soni cheklangan!


Are you a young female aged 18-23 willing to become a leader? The new season is coming up! Apply now and become a part of WomanUP!
Follow the link to apply: https://cutt.ly/YeEG6A7
While composing your responses try to be specific. Language proficiency will be taken into account, as sessions will be predominantly held in English. The most motivated and comprehensive responses will be selected.
Deadline for registration: November 15, 18:00.
For questions, email at womanupact@gmail.com .
Don’t miss your chance, number of participants is limited!


Если Вам от 18 до 23 года, Вы хотите стать лидером, то не упустите новый сезон клуба WomanUP! Подавайте заявку прямо сейчас и станьте частью WomanUP!
Нажмите на ссылку, чтобы подать заявку: https://cutt.ly/YeEG6A7
Составляя свои ответы, постарайтесь быть конкретными. Знание языка будет учитываться, так как сессии клуба будут проводиться преимущественно на английском языке. Будут выбраны наиболее мотивированные и исчерпывающие ответы.
Крайний срок подачи заявок: 15 ноября, 18:00.
По вопросам обращайтесь на адрес электронной почты: womanupact@gmail.com .
Не упустите свой шанс, количество участников ограничено!
AQSHning O’zbekistondagi elchixonasi tashabbusi bilan shu yilning yoz mavsumida bir guruh jurnalistlar Media Ko-Op dasturi asosida AQSH qishloq xo’jaligida tajribalar loyihasida ishtirok etish uchun ummon orti mamlakatiga yo’l oldi.
Amerika qishloq xo’jaligi xususida to’liq video lavhani shu yerda ko’rishingiz mumkin: http://ow.ly/GPd450x8yAv
"Meet the Ambassador"

Dear Friends, we are excited to launch a Facebook Chat with the Ambassador Rosenblum on November 18, next week at 16:00-17:00. The Ambassador will answer your questions in comments to this post. Don't miss this great opportunity to get answers to your questions.
Kind Reminder about today's Facebook chat with the U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan Daniel Rosenblum
Facebook chat started. You can get on Facebook and ask questions.