Tsegaye R Ararssa
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The “Independent” (the non-political, “non-activist”) judge who couldn’t even call for an independent investigation of the mass atrocity crimes (eg.weaponisation of rape) … spends time defending the overtly political “national dialogue commission” as independent , as if she doesn’t know that it is set up to establish “political consensus” in the country. Funny she talks about NDC when asked about justice regarding atrocities.

Hiding behind the virtue of neutrality is a vice. It won’t absolve her from her complicity. Judicial independence and rule of law was thrown out through the window when she, sitting in the CCI, unconstitutionally prevented democratic election after which the war (and its crimes) ensued.

HARDtalk - Meaza Ashenafi: What are the prospects for peace in Ethiopia? - BBC Sounds

Forwarded from Save Oromia 💪

- ጃል ዳዊት አብደታ ከፍተኛ የሆነ የወገብ ህመም ገጥሞታል ይህንን ተከትሎ ወደ ተሻለ ሀኪም ቤት እንዲሄድ የታዘዘ ቢሆንም ፖሊስ ዛሬም ማን አባቱ ያዘኛል ብሏል።

ሌላ ወሬ ተዉ እውነት ያለው እስር ቤት ነው! እውነት ታስሯል።

የኦነግ አመራሮች እስካልተፈቱና ኦነግ በሀገሪቷ ጉዳዮች እስካልተሳተፈ ሰላም የሰማይን ያህል ይርቅሀል!!!

Forwarded from Save Oromia 💪
Jaal Dawit Abdeta mana hidhaa keessatti dhukubsacha ture.dhukkubni isaa itti hammaatee manaa yaala buufata fayyaa dhaqnaan rifari hospitala guddatii akka yaalamuf barrefamuufis,waajirri poolisii;hospital polisii isaa jedhamutii malee bakka ati barbaadutii yaalamu hin dandeessu jedhanii didanii yalaa malee hidhatii deebifamee jira. Jaal Daawwit Abdataa dabalatee qondaaltonni ABO mana hidhaa jiru hundi osoo dhukkubsatanii yaala dhorkamanii mana hidhaa keessatti gidiraa argaa jiru. Sagalee haa taanuf!
Peace Talk?
Peace is a human right. As such, it should have been non-negotiable. But, rather unfortunately, it is often subject to negotiation. That said, peace cannot be forced. If forced, it becomes violence. Without justice, it is always incomplete, tentative, and fragile. An unjust peace is a latent (structural) violence waiting to explode.

Negotiated peace is always an incomplete peace, and in essence, a work in progress.

While gestures of negotiating peace suspend an overt display of violence in pro tem, unless it is done:

a) with the right parties;
b) under mutually accepted conditions;
c) at a mutually agreed place and time frame;
d) on substantive subjects jointly identified;
e) through a process facilitated by mutually acceptable, trusted, and neutral mediators; and
f) with a framework that can effectively and efficiently monitor and implement the agreement by deploying an impartial body;

will not achieve its goals.

In situations of mutual acts of delegitimatization (especially when overshadowed by (allegations of) serious mass atrocity crimes), the very issue of who qualifies to be a negotiating partner may be bitterly contested.

In the current context of Ethiopia, for example, I don’t believe Abiy and co—having already been implicated in mass atrocity crimes such as genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, etc—can qualify to sit on the negotiating table. Having been the very creators of the problem, and still vowing to fight to eradicate their adversaries altogether, there is no way they can be seen as part of the solution in the peace equation.

To engage them in negotiation is only to legitimise and entrench them in their power. It’s giving a wrong signal that there is a possibility to condone their crimes. There shouldn’t be any such possibility.

There cannot be a just peace while negotiating with the arch criminal. I believe that the right place for Abiy and his associates is the dock, not the negotiating table. They must therefore be defeated, disarmed, tried, and held accountable for the multi-layered transgressions (constitutional, legal, political, diplomatic, and what not).

The talk about a “multi-track, simultaneous peace process” towards a “comprehensive peace plan,” which on the face of it sounds benign, is in fact a sinister strategy intended to shore up legitimacy for Abiy, if only on a piece meal basis. It must be rejected as such.

A genuinely comprehensive peace process that can bring about a more reliable transition can be achieved through a multilateral negotiation (of all parties, excluding PP), done ALL TOGETHER, under the auspices of the UN (or its agencies).

It’s the outcome of such a process, inclusive of all political forces (hence decidedly multilateral), and whose implementation is monitored by an international body, set up and overseen preferably by the UN, and also covering issues of transitional justice and post conflict reconstruction, that can be rightly called a comprehensive peace plan.

The EU-US scramble for some kind of pseudo peace process that entrenches Abiy (their preeminent strategic client) in his power so that they can edge out or stave off their potential competitors (such as China, Iran, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, etc) in the horn region is going to exacerbate their initial strategic error of endorsing Abiy wholesale in 2018. Their (possibly induced) naivety (especially that of the US) in assuming that Abiy is a pro-US reformer, and their multi-pronged strategic blunder that emanated therefrom has had dire consequences for the peoples of the region. It may as well have changed the dynamics of the region for the worse—irreversibly and for good.

Forwarded from Odaa Tarbii (OT)
Cuunfaa oduu injifannoo wbo zoonii kibbaa konyaa gujii bahaa

Guyyaa 18/7/2022
Irree fi gaachanni ummata oromoo wbon zoonii kibbaa konyaa gujii bahaa keessa socho'u cibraan odaa adoolaa fi cibraan soddom booroo woliin tahuun aanaa gooroo doolaa ganda adaadii keessatti woraana diinaa kan aanaa irraa gara adaadii dhufe irratti lola cimaa Guyyaa sadiif gaggeessen loltu pp 26 battalatti ajjeesee 30 madeessuun meeshaa kilaashii 5 fi hidhanno 4 irraa hiikee galii mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa oromootiif godhee jira

Guyyaa 19/7/2022 cibraan odaa adoolaa aanaa gooroo doolaa ganda qaraaroo keessatti lola cimaa woraana pp irratti gaggeessen loltu diina 12 battalumatti du'aan yoo gaggeessu 14 madeesse reeffaa fi madoo konkolaata lamaan fe'atte gara aanaatti deebite jirti

Lolli ammasi itti fufee waan jiruuf adda baafanne booda wolitti deebina

41.1 KB
Share Press Release 19 July 2022 Civilian Executions in Begi, W Wallega.pdf
Peace Talk?
Peace is a human right. As such, it should have been non-negotiable. But, rather unfortunately, it is often subject to negotiation. That said, peace cannot be forced. If forced, it becomes violence. Without justice, it is always incomplete, tentative, and fragile. An unjust peace is a latent (structural) violence waiting to explode.

Negotiated peace is always an incomplete peace, and in essence, a work in progress.

While gestures of negotiating peace suspend an overt display of violence in pro tem, unless it is done:

a) with the right parties;
b) under mutually accepted conditions;
c) at a mutually agreed place and time frame;
d) on substantive subjects jointly identified;
e) through a process facilitated by mutually acceptable, trusted, and neutral mediators; and
f) with a framework that can effectively and efficiently monitor and implement the agreement by deploying an impartial body;

will not achieve its goals.

In situations of mutual acts of delegitimatization (especially when overshadowed by (allegations of) serious mass atrocity crimes), the very issue of who qualifies to be a negotiating partner may be bitterly contested.

In the current context of Ethiopia, for example, I don’t believe Abiy and co—having already been implicated in mass atrocity crimes such as genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, etc—can qualify to sit on the negotiating table. Having been the very creators of the problem, and still vowing to fight to eradicate their adversaries altogether, there is no way they can be seen as part of the solution in the peace equation.

To engage them in negotiation is only to legitimise and entrench them in their power. It’s giving a wrong signal that there is a possibility to condone their crimes. There shouldn’t be any such possibility.

There cannot be a just peace while negotiating with the arch criminal. I believe that the right place for Abiy and his associates is the dock, not the negotiating table. They must therefore be defeated, disarmed, tried, and held accountable for the multi-layered transgressions (constitutional, legal, political, diplomatic, and what not).

The talk about a “multi-track, simultaneous peace process” towards a “comprehensive peace plan,” which on the face of it sounds benign, is in fact a sinister strategy intended to shore up legitimacy for Abiy, if only on a piece meal basis. It must be rejected as such.

A genuinely comprehensive peace process that can bring about a more reliable transition can be achieved through a multilateral negotiation (of all parties, excluding PP), done ALL TOGETHER, under the auspices of the UN (or its agencies).

It’s the outcome of such a process, inclusive of all political forces (hence decidedly multilateral), and whose implementation is monitored by an international body, set up and overseen preferably by the UN, and also covering issues of transitional justice and post conflict reconstruction, that can be rightly called a comprehensive peace plan.

The EU-US scramble for some kind of pseudo peace process that entrenches Abiy (their preeminent strategic client) in his power so that they can edge out or stave off their potential competitors (such as China, Iran, Turkey, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, etc) in the horn region is going to exacerbate their initial strategic error of endorsing Abiy wholesale in 2018. Their (possibly induced) naivety (especially that of the US) in assuming that Abiy is a pro-US reformer, and their multi-pronged strategic blunder that emanated therefrom has had dire consequences for the peoples of the region. It may as well have changed the dynamics of the region for the worse—irreversibly and for good.

Leaders who are afraid of freedom and intellectuals who are similarly afraid of truth—the malaise of Oromo politics