Tsegaye R Ararssa
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Ethiopia, not just its officials, Stands accused of Genocide
When Abiy weaponised the House of Federation (HOF) to stop all legal relationships with Tigray in 2020, in effect, it moved to eject and expel Tigray from the Federation. This is why we have been saying that the primary legal tie between Tigray and Ethiopia now is the Pretoria Ceasefire Agreement which invokes the constitution secondarily, and that only in regard to the implementation of the terms of the ceasefire.

Ever since the regime’s fateful act of ejecting Tigray from the Ethiopian Federation, the constitutional tie was broken. As far as Tigray was concerned, the constitution was rendered inoperative. Whether the Pretoria Agreement’s vague invocation of the constitution has a restorative significance is unclear, and is yet to be debated among lawyers.

Nevertheless, the fact that the regime ejected one of its regions from the federation at will as a prelude to its genocidal war will be remembered as a historical first in the empire’s constitutional-legal narrative.

And this formal act of isolating Tigray is one evidence showing how the genocidal campaign was a premeditated, systematic, and coordinated project of the Ethiopian government. This is where it formally began.

This is why the Ethiopian State as such stands accused for the crime of genocide. For this makes for a comprehensive indictment of Ethiopia before ICJ.
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ብልጥግና እና ተንጠልጣዮቿ: ሃጫሉን ገድለው ሲያበቁ: ዛሬ ደግሞ ተመልሰው በሃጫሉ ሥምና ፎቶ ፖለቲካዊ ስርየት ለማግኘት ይጣጣራሉ:: አይሆንም!!! Hin ta’uu!

ሃጫሉን አስገድለው: የገዳዮቹን ማንነት ለማድበስበስ በአሟሟቱ ሲሳለቁ የነበሩ ባለጊዜዎችም: ዛሬ በሃጫሉ ፎቶ በመሸፈን ለእራሳቸውና ለወራዳ ማንነታቸው እጥበትን ይሻሉ:: አያገኟትም!!!

ሁላቸውንም ሕግና ታሪክ ይፋረዳቸዋል!

KMN Conversation on JIRRA, the so called ‘national dialogue,’ the NLI Genocide Report, and the situation in Tigray post-Pretoria ceasefire agreement… #KMN

ወቅቱ: ከብልጥግና መንግሥት ዘር-አጥፊዎችና የጦር ወንጀለኞች ጋር (ወይም ከወዶ-ገብና ተከፋይ ካድሬዎቻቸው ጋር) የምንመላለስበት ጊዜ ሳይሆን: እነርሱን ለፍርድ ለማቅረብ የምናሳድድበት ጊዜ ነው::
It’s time to chase, not to race against, genocidaires and war criminals.

Some of Ethiopia’s top military officers who ought to be arrested and prosecuted for genocide, war crimes,and crimes against humanity!
#genocidaires_to_icc #ethiopia_to_den_haag #abiy_ahmed_to_icc