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The government is to start a new round of genocidal attacks on Wallaggaa. Insiders sent us this message shared below. It becomes obvious now that the noise about killing civilians in Wallaggaa is only a fake narrative frame to justify this renewed operation.

"Hey, T., they are to start a new round of genocide in Wollega.

"በፀጥታ ግብረሃይሉ የሚመራው ደምሳሹ የልዩ ኮማንዶ ስብስብ ወደ ምዕራብ ኦሮሚያ አመሻሹን ገባ !!!

"በንፁህ ዜጎች ላይ የተፈፀመውን አስቃቂ የነብስና የንብረት ዉድመት ተከትሎ ዝግ ስብሰባውን ያደረገዉ በጠቅላዩ የሚመራው የፀጥታ ግብረ ሀይል ረፋዱን ወደ ፊት ይፋ የሚደረግና ላሁኑ ሚስጥራዊነቱን ይጠበቅ በሚል የተለያዩ ዉሳኔዎችን አሳልፋል። ይህንኑም ተከትል በሪፑብሊካኑ ጋርድ ስር ያለዉ "ደምሳሽ ኮማንዶ" በተላለፈለት መመሪያ ወደ ኦፕሬሽን ገብቷል ተብሏል።

"ይህ ኦፕሬሽን በደም የጨቀየዉን የሸኔን ቡድን የመደምሰስ አላማ የያዘ መሆኑን ከጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ቢሮ የወጣው ጥብቅ መረጃ አመላክታል!"
After Hacaaluu, it’s all over. The rubicon is crossed. We’ve come to the point of no return. Despair has given birth to a new hope, another kind of hope. Yes, a different hope, a new dream, of what it means to be free. A fresh view of an ancient value, a renewed vision of freedom in its pristine form. Yes, #walabummaa_is_another_country! #Begin_again!
Forwarded from KMN
"ከትግራይ ጋር ለመታርቅ የትኛውንም ቅድመ ሁኔታ እንቀበላለን, ግን ከሀይማኖት እና ብሔር ጋር ተጎዳኝተዉ የሚረብሹንን አንታገስም ሲል ነበር አብይ" ፕ/ር ህዝቄል ገቢሳ

The day that changed everything. The day Ethiopia burned the last bridge between itself and Oromos. The day marked to be our Independence Day henceforth. #Hacaaluu_lives! #Free_at_last!
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Ibsa deeggarsaa, qabsoo hidhannoo,diddaa gabrummaa ummata Oromotiif waajjiira himma aalaa Tigray irraa kenname:-
KMN:- July 1/2022
Ummatni fi mootummaan Tigraay, Mirga hiiree ofii ofiin murteefachuu fi Ofiin ofbulchuu,heera Motummaatiin mirkanaa’ee kabachiifachuuf jecha qabsoo hidhannoo diddaa gabrummaa ,Ummanni Oromoo gaggeessa jiru wajjiin kan dhaabbannu ta’uu ibsina.

Aggaammii badiinsaa ,sirna Abiyiitiin dursee irratti karoorfame qolachuudhaa fi mirga akka sabaatti jirachuu isaa kabachiifachuuf jecha qabsoo Ummatichi gochaa jiru nidinqisiifanna.

Erga Abiyi Ahmeed aangoo irra bahe kaasee ,Itoophiyaan booqonnaa malee,badii tokko irraa garaa badii biraatti gitinitiraa jirti.
Abiyi,sirna waalta’aa ijaaruu fi aangoo isaa cimsachuuf jecha humnoota sirna Federaalzimii Sab-daneessatti amanan hundaa irraatti waraan dangaa hinqabnne banee jira.

Kana irraa kan ka’ee,Itoophiiyaan maraamartoo jeequmsaa keessa galuu irraa dabarttee qarqara diigaminsaa irra geessee jirti.
Sirni Abiyi,jeequmsaa fi walitti bu’iinsaa babal’dhisuu malee furmaata fiduuf ga’uumsaa waan hinqabneef Jireenyii sukkanneessan fi gadadoon mallattoo biyyatti ta’eera.

Ummanni Oromoo, ummata Tigraay fi humnoota “Federalist “. Itoophiiyaa hundaa wajjiin ta’uun aagaamii sirna Federaala diiguu irratti xiyyeefate qolachuuf falmachaa jira.
Ummaan Oromoo,Sirna Federalawaa Sab-daneessa ijaaree itti fufsiisuuf akeekaa waan qabuuf jechaa ,diddaa fi moormii isaa qabsoo hidhannoo waraan bilisummaa Oromootiin hogganamu gochaa jira.

Bara 2019 kaassee,sirni Abiyi weerera humna waraanaatiin gaggeefamuu Oromiyaa irratti bobbaasee jira.

Sirnichi maqaa kijibaa adda addaa mogaasuun duulaa weerara humna waraanaa Wallagga,Gujii,Booranaa fi shawatti boobasuun badii daangaa hinqabnne raawwachaa jira.
Gocha hammeenyaa fi sukkaneesaa ta’ee ummata nagaa irraatti raawwachuuf akka isaaf toluuf jecha,labsii yeroo muddamaa labsuun ,biyya bulchiinsa waraan jala galchee turee.

Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo,mirga Ummanni Oromoo qabsoo isaatiin argatee tikfachuufi roorroo itti agaamame qolachuuf qabsoo hadhawaa gaggeessaa jira.

Sirni Abiy Ahmed,duulaa Tigraayiin barbadeesuuf godheen yakka sukkaneessaa; kanneen akka ajjechaa seeraan aalaa,duguuggaa sanyii,dirqiin gudeeduu, fi kkf akka meeshaa waranatti itti gargaaramaniiru. Karaa cufuudhaan Ummata Tigraay beeleessuu fi duguggaa sanyii gaggeessuuf waan hunda gohaniiru.

Waraana yakkamaa Eritrea afeeruudhaan yakka shororkeessa ummata Tigraay irratti raawwatan
Sirni Abiyi Ahmeed,biyyatti diree bashanana, humna tika fi qaruuxee Eritrea godhee jira. Humni Eritrea kun hojii seeraan alaa irratti bobba’uu irra dabree qabeenya biyyatti qaanii tokko malee saamaa jira.

Humni tikaa fi basaasa ykn qaruuxee Eritrea,qabsoo ummata Oromoo gufachiisuuf,Oromiyaa guutuu keessatti bobba’ee duulaa gaggeessa jira.
Yeroo dhiyoo as ,duulaa waraanaa marsaa biraa ,Ummata Oromoo cabsuufi jilbeefachiisuuf jecha,Oromiyaa guutuutti labsaanii jiru.

Abiyi Ahmeed,meeshaa waraana harka isaa jiru hundaan (drooni,helicoptera fi xiyaara),Maqaa duulaa waraan bilisummaa Oromo barbadeessuu jedhuun,lubbuu sirna isaa dheerefachuuf jecha, weerara dangaa hinqabne ummata Oromo irratti bobbaasee jira.

Sirni Abiyi Ahmeed karaa badiinsaa fi diigaminsaa kan ta’ee rakkoo siyaasaa fi Ideology humna waraanaan hiikuuf ijibaata gochaa jiru akka dhiisuu waamichaa dabarsiina. Qamootaa fi Ummattoota akkasumas lammiilee ilaalchaa adda qabaniif kabaja fi ulfiina isaaniif maaluu kennun keessummeesuun barbachiisaa ta’uu isaa yaadachiisna.

Akka waligalatti,Ummanni fi mootummaan Tigraay ,rakkoo Itoophiyaa mudateef furmaataa waaraa fiduuf ,mariin biyyooleessaa kan qaamni dhimmi ilaalatu hundi itti hirmaatuu barbachiisaa fi murteessaa ta’uu isaa cimsinee itti amanna.
Abiy Ahmed and his crew don’t understand the real language of peace. (No genocidaire has ever understood the language of peace or the negotiation thereof. Never mind their occasional allusion to it whenever they want to bide their time.)

While it is always proper to give peace a chance, this shouldn’t be taken advantage of by the genocidaire to kill more people. The long process of “talking to talk”between Abiy and TDF proved nothing but his attempt to deploy the language of peace until some more drones arrive.
If, every time there is an allegation that an egregious crime is committed, only one party(namely the government) resists independent investigation, it is only reasonable to assume that this body is the perpetrator. Why fear investigation if your hand is clean? Why fear accountability?

And in the context of Ethiopia, rather curiously, it is always the government, the very entity that is obliged by law to conduct or commission investigation, that rejects independent investigation. It is the government that invariably shrugs its responsibility to hold perpetrators accountable.

Conclusion: the perpetrator is the criminal regime that should answer for all the atrocities we witnessed since 2018, including the more recent crimes of genocide, war crimes, crime against humanity, ethnic cleansing. In fact, there is ample evidence to prove that they are guilty.

Forwarded from KMN
ለመሆኑ እነዚህ ሰዎች ስለ የትኛዋ ሀገር እና ለዉጥ ነዉ የሚያወሩት? እዚያዉ ነበሩ ግን ? ስለ ሚናገሩት ሰላም እና ልማትስ አሁናዊ ሁኔታ መረጃዉ አላቸዉ?

A Federalist Party that is still happy to negotiate on whether the federal system ought to be maintained is not federalist at heart. And a party that does not have non-negotiable values stands for nothing.
The desire to negotiate is a virtue only when one has clearly articulated his/her non-negotiables. Anything less is a trivia conducted only to bide one’s time. Yes, all else is either merely a deceptive move to engage and distract adversaries or—if it is otherwise—an utter nonsense.