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Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Rumors are that Doug Ducey, the weak RINO Governor from Arizona, is being pushed by Old Crow Mitch McConnell to run for the U.S. Senate. He will never have my endorsement or the support of MAGA Nation!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Getting ready to land in Arizona! One of the biggest and most enthusiastic crowds ever. Will be broadcast live on OAN, Newsmax, Right Side Broadcasting, Real America’s Voice, Donald J. Trump Rumble, among others. See you soon!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Tweet From Townhall's Scott Morefield
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Will Morning Joe be canceled? He and Mika’s ratings are very low—they are having an extremely hard time finding an audience to listen to the Fake News they spurn. Losing them would be very sad—hope it doesn’t happen! On another front, looks like Unjoy Reid, the racist commentator on MSDNC (MSNBC), is toast. Her stupidity is only surpassed by her absolute lack of television persona. She never had it, and never will. The only thing she’s good at is spewing racist hate but obviously, no one is listening!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Gary Palmer

Congressman Gary Palmer is doing tremendous work for the Great State of Alabama! A strong advocate of our America First agenda, Gary is fighting for Energy Independence, Secure Borders, Lower Taxes, better care for our Military and Vets, and to protect and defend our Second Amendment. Gary Palmer has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
In seiner Rede auf der #SaveAmerica-#Rally in #Florence, #Arizona am letzten Samstag sprach #DonaldJTrump unter anderem von einem dringend erforderlichen Untersuchungsaussschuß der Republikaner, um die unglaublichen Schmiergelder von Facebooks Geschäftsführer, Mark Zuckerberg, an diverse Wahllokale genauer zu untersuchen:

#maga #rsbn #Trumpwon #Trumpyear #USA #Trump #TNN #TND #TMTGnews #voterfraud #electionfraud #riggedelection
Forwarded from Antiilluminaten TV
❗️Russland gibt den USA/NATO 48 Stunden Zeit, um auf die Vertragsinitiative zu reagieren

▶️ Der Westen steht vor der Stunde der Wahrheit, die den Countdown für die Annahme der russischen Vorschläge für Sicherheitsgarantien an die Vereinigten Staaten und die NATO eingeläutet hat, sagte Konstantin Gawrilow, der Leiter der russischen Delegation bei den Wiener Verhandlungen über militärische Sicherheit und Rüstungskontrolle, am Mittwoch.

▶️ "Die Stunde der Wahrheit kommt, wenn der Westen entweder unsere Vorschläge akzeptiert oder andere Wege gefunden werden, um Russlands Sicherheit zu gewährleisten", sagte Gawrilow. "Ich bin überzeugt, dass es mit gutem Willen und Kompromissbereitschaft in jeder Situation möglich ist, einen Ausweg zu für beide Seiten akzeptablen Lösungen zu finden. Die Zeit läuft uns davon. Der Countdown beginnt."

Sie sagten DIESE WOCHE, also bis Freitag. 48 Stunden


▶️ Die gestern von den Vereinigten Staaten entsandten Kriegsschiffe können nicht rechtzeitig in Position sein, wenn der von Russland genannte 48-Stunden-Countdown Bestand hat. Es ist logisch, dass Russland Maßnahmen ergreifen könnte, bevor die US-Streitkräfte vor Ort sein können.

▶️ Interessant ist, dass die Russen nie eine feste Frist für die Beantwortung eines Vertragsvorschlags genannt haben, BEVOR die Schiffe gestern in See stachen. Mit dem Erlass des Einsatzbefehls haben die USA selbst möglicherweise ungewollt den Ausgang des Konflikts zwischen Russland und der NATO und der Ukraine beschleunigt.


▶️ Der US-Außenminister sagt, er werde NICHT schriftlich auf die russischen Vorschläge antworten, wenn er sich am Freitag mit dem russischen Außenminister Lawrow trifft.

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Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Really big crowd expected in Texas this weekend. The rallies are bigger than ever before—so much to talk about!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
What’s happening with Russia and Ukraine would never have happened under the Trump Administration. Not even a possibility!
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Some RINO Republicans in Wisconsin are working hand in hand with others to have drop boxes again placed in Wisconsin. These fools are playing right into the Democrats’ hand. Drop boxes are only good for Democrats and cheating, not good for Republicans.
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
Save America Announces Program Speakers for Conroe, Texas Rally

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will be joined by endorsed candidates, members of the Texas Congressional Delegation, and other special guests on Saturday, January 29th, 2022, in Conroe, TX.
This Save America rally is a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.
Saturday, January 29, 2022, at 7:00 PM CST
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks.
Montgomery County Fairgrounds
9333 Airport Road
Conroe, TX, 77303
Special Guest Speakers:
Governor Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas
Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas
Attorney General Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas
Commissioner Sid Miller, Agriculture Commissioner of Texas
State Senator Dawn Buckingham, Candidate for Texas Land Commissioner
Judge Mark Keough, Montgomery County Judge
Mayor Connie Kacir, Mayor of Gonzales, Texas
Chairman Matt Rinaldi, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas
Timeline of Events:
6:00AM – Parking Opens
2:00PM – Doors Open
4:00PM – Program Begins
7:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
General Admission Tickets: