„“It’s time to stop the FBI from being the enforcer of a political party’s ideology,” says Ernie Tibaldi, a retired agent from San Francisco.“
#NYpost: https://nypost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/nypost.com/2022/09/28/30-ex-fbi-agents-stand-up-to-support-whistleblower-who-exposed-agencys-political-bias/
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#maralago #corruptFBI #BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #RussiaHoax #LaptopfomHell #RussiaRussiaRussia #crookedHillary #lockherup
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #wethepeople
#NYpost: https://nypost-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/nypost.com/2022/09/28/30-ex-fbi-agents-stand-up-to-support-whistleblower-who-exposed-agencys-political-bias/
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#maralago #corruptFBI #BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #RussiaHoax #LaptopfomHell #RussiaRussiaRussia #crookedHillary #lockherup
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #wethepeople
New York Post
30 ex-FBI agents stand up to support whistleblower who exposed...
“It’s time to stop the FBI from being the enforcer of a political party’s ideology,” says Ernie Tibaldi, a retired agent from San Francisco.
Good bye, Killary, rest in jail!!!
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#maralago #corruptFBI #BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #RussiaHoax #LaptopfomHell #RussiaRussiaRussia #crookedHillary #lockherup #SethRich
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #wethepeople
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#maralago #corruptFBI #BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #RussiaHoax #LaptopfomHell #RussiaRussiaRussia #crookedHillary #lockherup #SethRich
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #wethepeople
Judge Orders FBI to Produce Information From Seth Rich's Laptop
The FBI must produce information from Seth Rich's laptop computer to a Texas man, a federal judge ruled ...
Es ist vollbracht!!!
Das kann endlich den Frieden für diese seit 2014 vom Bürgerkrieg gezeichneten Regionen bedeuten! 😍😍😍👍
#Lawrow am 26.09.22 vor der #UN-Vollversammlung:
Jetzt ist der Westen wegen der Referenden in den ukrainischen Regionen #Lugansk, #Donezk, #Cherson und #Saporoschje in Hysterie, aber die dort lebenden Menschen reagieren nur auf das, was ihnen der Chef des Kiewer Regimes, Wladimir Selensky, in einem seiner Interviews im August 2021 empfohlen hat. Damals hat er allen, die sich als Russen fühlen, zum Wohle ihrer Kinder und Enkelkinder geraten, nach Russland zu „verschwinden“. Die Bewohner der genannten Regionen tun nun genau das, wobei sie ihr Land, auf dem ihre Vorfahren seit Jahrhunderten gelebt haben, mitnehmen.
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga
Das kann endlich den Frieden für diese seit 2014 vom Bürgerkrieg gezeichneten Regionen bedeuten! 😍😍😍👍
#Lawrow am 26.09.22 vor der #UN-Vollversammlung:
Jetzt ist der Westen wegen der Referenden in den ukrainischen Regionen #Lugansk, #Donezk, #Cherson und #Saporoschje in Hysterie, aber die dort lebenden Menschen reagieren nur auf das, was ihnen der Chef des Kiewer Regimes, Wladimir Selensky, in einem seiner Interviews im August 2021 empfohlen hat. Damals hat er allen, die sich als Russen fühlen, zum Wohle ihrer Kinder und Enkelkinder geraten, nach Russland zu „verschwinden“. Die Bewohner der genannten Regionen tun nun genau das, wobei sie ihr Land, auf dem ihre Vorfahren seit Jahrhunderten gelebt haben, mitnehmen.
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga
Die #FakeNewsMedien falseln irgendwas, dass #Putin seine Soldaten nicht mehr aus #Chersow fliehen ließe.
Natürlich nicht, denn Chersow liegt seit heute in Russland! 🤣🤣🤣
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga
Natürlich nicht, denn Chersow liegt seit heute in Russland! 🤣🤣🤣
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump Fanclub Bayern
Save the world, please, Mr. President! 😍😍😍👍
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #saveEurope #YoungGlobalMaga
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #wethepeople
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #saveEurope #YoungGlobalMaga
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #wethepeople
Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) - Live Coverage of Political Events, News and Commentary
The world needs strong leadership, and Donald Trump is the man for the job
Op-ed by Summer Lane | Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump offered to broker a deal between Russia and Ukraine this week following escalating tensions, suggesting that the leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines were caused by “SABOTAGE.” “U.S. ‘Leadership’ should…
Media is too big
Die Erkenntnis am deutschen #Nationalfeiertag, wenn man mal genau hinschaut, wer eigentlich welche Ziele verfolgt:
#Russland und #Bayern #gemeinsamnachBerlin!
Für #Demokratie, #Grundgesetz oder gar Verfassung, #Freiheit aller Menschen, #Völkerrecht und #Gott! 👊👊👊
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #CrookedHillary #lockherup #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga #Bayxit #BayernBund #BayernPartei #Дружба #Рoссия
#Russland und #Bayern #gemeinsamnachBerlin!
Für #Demokratie, #Grundgesetz oder gar Verfassung, #Freiheit aller Menschen, #Völkerrecht und #Gott! 👊👊👊
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #CrookedHillary #lockherup #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga #Bayxit #BayernBund #BayernPartei #Дружба #Рoссия
„Dokumentation: Herr Putins Rede vom 30. September jetzt auf dem online Portal der Die Weltwoche:
Übertragung aus dem Russischen durch Wolfgang Koydl, Redaktion #DieWeltwoche.
Dazu aus aktuellem Anlass ein Weltwoche Daily Spezial mit Herr #Köppel von der Die Weltwoche.
Eine sachliche Auslegung:
Als Reaktion auf die Rede, der Appell von Papst Franziskus am 2. Oktober:
Chronologie Ukraine-Krieg:
#Ukraine #Russland #Krieg #War“
Originalbeitrag: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/claudia-eugster-2a9036197_rede-von-pr%C3%A4sident-putin-der-westen-behauptet-activity-6982724137370681346-Uzpi/
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #CrookedHillary #lockherup #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga #Bayxit #BayernBund #BayernPartei #Дружба #Рoссия
Übertragung aus dem Russischen durch Wolfgang Koydl, Redaktion #DieWeltwoche.
Dazu aus aktuellem Anlass ein Weltwoche Daily Spezial mit Herr #Köppel von der Die Weltwoche.
Eine sachliche Auslegung:
Als Reaktion auf die Rede, der Appell von Papst Franziskus am 2. Oktober:
Chronologie Ukraine-Krieg:
#Ukraine #Russland #Krieg #War“
Originalbeitrag: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/claudia-eugster-2a9036197_rede-von-pr%C3%A4sident-putin-der-westen-behauptet-activity-6982724137370681346-Uzpi/
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfromHell #CrookedHillary #lockherup #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #WEF #war #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga #Bayxit #BayernBund #BayernPartei #Дружба #Рoссия
Die Weltwoche
Rede von Präsident Putin: «Der Westen behauptet seit Jahrhunderten, dass er anderen Nationen Freiheit und Demokratie bringt. Nichts…
Die Weltwoche steht für eine möglichst transparente und breite Meinungsbildung unter Berücksichtigung aller relevanten Standpunkte. Die Welt steht einem Atomkrieg so nahe wie nie zuvor. Die Zeichen deuten auf Eskalation, nicht auf Verständigung. Die Kunst…
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump Fanclub Bayern
The new legislation period of the #SCOTUS could mean an advantage to Trump.
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfomHell #corruptFBI #maralago
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #LaptopfomHell #corruptFBI #maralago
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) - Live Coverage of Political Events, News and Commentary
HUGE: Trump legal team asks Supreme Court to jump into battle over classified documents
Photo: Alamy President Donald Trump’s legal team has filed an emergency request asking the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) to vacate the Eleventh Circuit’s stay of an order issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.…
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump Fanclub Bayern
#Pedohitler Biden supports victims of the hurricane in #PuertoRico and the corrupt #Ukraine instead of the American people from #Florida after #hurricaneIan… 💩💩💩👊
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #impeachBiden #saveOurchildren #pedorican #CHDeurope
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
Trump Fanclub #Bavaria:
Dance like #Trump:
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #impeachBiden #saveOurchildren #pedorican #CHDeurope
#midterms #saveAmerica #takeAmericaback #TurningPoint #Trumpwon #Trumpwasright #Americafirst #letsgoBrandon #redwave #DonaldJTrump #draintheswamp #ULTRAMAGA #ULTRAMAGABAYERN #wethepeople #ProjectVeritas #TruthSocial #TMTG #stillpresident #TrumpFansBavaria #USA #YoungGlobalMaga #saveEurope
„BREAKING: OPEC+ Agrees To Cut Oil Output By Historic 2 Million Barrels Per Day🚨
To be clear, this is the OPPOSITE of what the global economy needs and comes just weeks after Biden visited Saudi to try to get an INCREASE in oil production to ease prices.
This action, along with Putin’s halt of natural gas flows via Nordstream adds to inflationary pressures globally.
Longer term, there are increasingly loud noises that Saudi Arabia is looking to join the BRICS coalition along with the likes of Russia to form a new commodity-based reserve currency - a higher oil price is in their interest.
This coalition would be a direct challenger to the petrodollar system that has allowed the U.S to dominate over the years.
For right now, this cut will NOT be welcomed by central bankers and governments in the west. The U.S strategic reserve has already been drained to its lowest level since 1984.
#currency #economy #oil #saudiarabia #naturalgas“
Seen on: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6983416717855047681-Uzih/
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #CrookedHillary #crazyNancy #Opec #Russia #Putin #WEF #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga #energy #gas #oil
To be clear, this is the OPPOSITE of what the global economy needs and comes just weeks after Biden visited Saudi to try to get an INCREASE in oil production to ease prices.
This action, along with Putin’s halt of natural gas flows via Nordstream adds to inflationary pressures globally.
Longer term, there are increasingly loud noises that Saudi Arabia is looking to join the BRICS coalition along with the likes of Russia to form a new commodity-based reserve currency - a higher oil price is in their interest.
This coalition would be a direct challenger to the petrodollar system that has allowed the U.S to dominate over the years.
For right now, this cut will NOT be welcomed by central bankers and governments in the west. The U.S strategic reserve has already been drained to its lowest level since 1984.
#currency #economy #oil #saudiarabia #naturalgas“
Seen on: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-6983416717855047681-Uzih/
#BidenCrimeFamily #Bidenisadisgrace #CrookedHillary #crazyNancy #Opec #Russia #Putin #WEF #GreatReset #ww3 #Zop #NWO #FED #Trumpwon #redwave #TrumpNewsDeutschland #TrumpFansBavaria #TruthSocial #saveEurope #ultramagaBayern #YoungGlobalMaga #energy #gas #oil
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