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Matt Gaetz liest dem FBI-Direktor Chris Wray die WhatsApp-Nachricht von Hunter Biden vor, die dieser an seinen chinesischen kommunistischen Geschäftspartner geschickt hat, während er neben seinem Vater, dem Präsidenten Joe Biden, saß. Wray weigert sich zuzugeben, dass es sich tatsächlich um eine Erpressung handelt.

"Ich werde mich nicht dazu äußern"

Gaetz: "Sie scheinen sehr uninteressiert zu sein, verdächtig uninteressiert. Schützen Sie die Bidens? Sie wollen nicht beantworten, ob das eine Erpressung ist oder nicht, und jeder weiß, warum Sie das nicht tun wollen. Die Millionen von Menschen, die dies sehen werden, wissen, dass es so ist. Ihre Unfähigkeit, dies anzuerkennen, ist sehr aufschlussreich."
Forwarded from LION Media
🇺🇸 Unzählige Kinobesucher in den Vereinigten Staaten berichten aktuell, dass die Kinos gezielt die Klimaanlage im Saal ausschalten und die Lichter während der Vorstellung von „Sound of Freedom“ angeschaltet lassen, anscheinend um die Besucher zu verscheuchen. Unglaublich…

Forwarded from Oliver Janich & Team (Oliver)
Der Einbalsamierer und Bestattungsunternehmer Richard Hirschman macht weiterhin bizarre Entdeckungen von ungewöhnlich langen Blutgerinnseln in menschlichen Körpern. Wohl dank der neuen Twitterpolitik schon fast neun Millionen Aufrufe!

Wir sollten jetzt wirklich auf Twitter Gas geben solange es noch geht, auch wenn das für uns alles nicht neu ist. Die meisten Menschen haben nicht den blassesten Schimmer davon! Und diese Blutgerinnsel sind der mit Abstand beste Beweis dafür, dass sie eine Biowaffe injiziert haben.
Forwarded from LION Media TV
Media is too big
🎥 Nato-Gipfel: Biden verrät den geheimen Plan gegen Russland

📰 Am Rande des Gipfeltreffens in Vilnius hat Joe Biden eine Aussage gemacht, die der Mainstream gerade zu vergraben versucht, da sie Aufschluss über eine mögliche False Flag gibt. Nun erkennen wir auch, dass Putin das Ganze bereits kommen sieht und zu umgehen versucht. Wird er Erfolg haben?

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🗓 12. Juli 2023
Forwarded from weg mit dem System (Marcel (ErzPatriot))
Sicherheitslücke in den USA: Chinesische Hacker sind in die E-Mails des Ministeriums für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Handel eingedrungen

Microsoft sagte, eine Gruppe chinesischer Hacker habe sich seit Mai in die Konten von 25 Unternehmen gehackt, die meisten davon in westlichen Ländern.

Das Weiße Haus sagte, der Hack sei schnell entdeckt worden und es seien keine geheimen Systeme betroffen gewesen. Peking bestritt dies, aber Lincoln machte seinem chinesischen Amtskollegen klar, dass Washington diese Hacker zur Rechenschaft ziehen würde.

Einem Bericht der Washington Post zufolge befand sich unter den gehackten E-Mails auch eine E-Mail von Handelsministerin Gina Raimondo, die offenbar die einzige direkt betroffene Regierungsbeamtin ist.
Es wurde auch berichtet, dass die E-Mails hochrangiger Beamter des Außenministeriums ebenfalls von chinesischen Hackern gehackt wurden.

💥Wenn du mehr erfahren willst, dann folge unserem Kanal💥
Forwarded from Charlie Kirk
First we hear the Secret Service can't identify the White House coke head, and now we discover following a congressional briefing that this is the THIRD instance of drugs being found inside the Peoples' House since 2022.

What on earth is going on with the Biden Administration?!
Forwarded from Marjorie Taylor Greene
This was so much fun! 🔥

Thank you Forgiato Blow!

Can’t wait to see it come out!

Forwarded from MIRÓ | UNBLOGD.CC
Man kann sich den Schwachsinnn einfach nicht ausdenken, aber genau das hat Trudeau gesagt.

Folgen @unblogd
Media is too big
Der großartige @TuckerCarlson aut der #ACTCON2023 in Florida am letzten Wochenende über die #Pandemieluege und die Lügen des Krieges in der #Ukraine, und was es bedeutet, wenn man nicht mehr selbstständig denken darf.

@TPAction_ @TPUSA @charliekirk11 @RSBNetwork @DailyCaller
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family, having just arrived from the Turning Point event in Florida, where I won the Straw Poll against all other Republican candidates with 85.7%, with all polls showing me leading in the Republican Primary by very substantial numbers, almost everyone predicting that I will be the Republican Nominee for President, and as I am leading Democrat Joe Biden in the polls by a lot, HORRIFYING NEWS for our Country was given to me by my attorneys.

Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden's DOJ, sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an Arrest and indictment.

So now, Joe Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for the United States Supreme Court (in retrospect, based on his corrupt and unethical actions, a very wise decision!), together with Joe Biden's Department of Injustice, have effectively issued a third Indictment and Arrest of Joe Biden's NUMBER ONE POLITICAL OPPONENT, who is largely dominating him in the race for the Presidency. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before, or even close. They illegally spied on my Campaign, attacked me with a totally Fake "Dossier" that was funded by Hillary Clinton's Campaign and the DNC, Impeached me twice (I won!), they failed on the Mueller Witch Hunt (No Collusion!), they failed on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the 51 "Intelligence Agents fraud, the FBI/Twitter files, the DOJ/Facebook censorship, and every other scam imaginable. But on top of all of that, they have now effectively indicted me three times (the DOJ staffed and runs the D.A.'s Office in Manhattan), with a probable fourth coming from Atlanta, where the DOJ are in strict, and possibly illegal, coordination with the District Attorney, whose record on murder and other violent crime is abysmal. THIS WITCH HUNT IS ALL ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND A COMPLETE AND TOTAL POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT! It is a very sad and dark period for our Nation!

Under the United States Constitution, I have the right to protest an Election that I am fully convinced was Rigged and Stolen, just as the Democrats have done against me in 2016, and many others have done over the ages. But the Democrats have gone much further than has ever happened before - they cheated on the elections. Rather than looking at the CHEATERS, the WEAPONIZED DOJ AND FBI target and harass those who complain about the cheaters, and the massive fraud that took place. The prosecutor involved in this case, and likewise the Boxes Hoax, the Manhattan and Atlanta District Attorneys, the New York A.G., etc., has been overturned unanimously in the Supreme Court, headed and caused the Lois Lerner IRS scandal, and failed miserably in his prosecution of John Edwards, where the case was forced to be dropped, along with numerous other catastrophes. He has had a vicious but disastrous career, and is a known biased and obsessed Trump Hater (as is his family). Whether it's their failure to mention the Presidential Records Act (Prosecutorial Misconduct), their dominance of the Manhattan D.A., including the fact that a Hillary Clinton lawyer, Mark Pomerantz, left a top Democrat law firm (run by Chuck Schumer's brother) to join the D.A.'s Office and become a prosecutor against me, and then quit, against all rules, regulations, and laws when the Office would not prosecute (he wrongfully wrote a book while working at the Office and is now under scrutiny!), or a perfect phone call made to many lawyers and a Secretary of State, without any protestation of my call, because nothing that was said was wrong, (it was clearly a complaint about an election), these are all Hoaxes and Scams made up to stop me from fighting for the American People - BUT I WILL NEVER STOP!

This has been a neverending fight from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, many years ago.
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
So interesting that in this case the information was delivered to me on a Sunday night, less than 24 hours after I suggested during a major speech that the Federal Government ASSUME CONTROL of a filthy, unsanitary, neglected, and crime-ridden Washington, D.C. where murder and violent crime are rampant and people no longer want to go to our Nation's Capital... and yet, that is where Biden's DOJ actually wants my trial to take place, all because they think, especially after my strong words of a Federal takeover at the speech, a D.C. jury will do whatever they want. VERY UNFAIR!
Wie bekommt man den Rest der Welt dazu die Agenda 2030 umzusetzen?

Kaufen. Mit unserem Geld.

45 Milliarden Euro, 45 000 Millionen Steuergeld für eine von der EU gegründete Stiftung zur Stärkung der strategischen Partnerschaft mit Lateinamerika/Karibik.

“Die Verwirklichung der Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs sind Querschnittsthemen für alle Aktionslinien der Stiftung...”
Forwarded from Donald J. Trump
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MAGA! There’s never been more spirit than we have right now.
Forwarded from Donald Trump Jr
Disclosure: I am an investor in this company and the link to the SEC Legend is here:
Forwarded from Charlie Kirk
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🚨🚨IRS Whistleblower Joe Ziegler drops a BOMBSHELL:

"It appeared to me...that the U.S. attorney in Delaware...was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by DOJ officials as well as other U.S. attorneys. I still think that a special counsel is necessary for this investigation."
Forwarded from Senator Ron Johnson
Congress must do all we can to protect these whistleblowers.

See my letter with @ ChuckGrassley, warning DOJ and FBI not to retaliate against the brave whistleblowers who are exposing allegations about a criminal bribery scheme involving then-VP Biden and a foreign national.

Subscribe and share👉 @SenRonJohnsonUS