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The Gates-Epstein connection and what they were doing was revealed.
Microsoft founder, philanthropist and richest man In the world Bill Gates was associated with the late financier Jeffrey Epstein. Their close relationship was reported by The New Yorker back in 2019, which received emails from MIT Media Lab directors saying that the convicted sex offender "gave instructions" to Gates to donate $2 million to a research lab in October 2014.
The two are known to have met, including a meeting in New York in 2013 that preceded Gates' trip to Palm Beach on one of Epstein's private jets. It is also known that Gates' former chief scientific adviser was appointed an alternative executor of Epstein's will.
Despite this, a spokesman for Gates told Business Insider that "although Epstein persistently harassed Bill Gates, any history of business partnerships or personal relationships between them is categorically untrue."
However, flight records, general interests in biotechnology and internal emails do not lie. The two men had more in common than meets the eye. Both had a common interest in eugenics, a perverse form of science that seeks to genetically modernize the human population (think of the RNA vaccine against the cooida that reprograms your DNA). Bill Gates speaks openly about depopulation, and Jeffrey Epstein was passionate about creating a genetically superior race, using his sperm to impregnate selected women. According to scientists who spoke with Epstein, he expressed interest in impregnating up to twenty women at a time at his ranch in New Mexico to create "genetically superior" children from some of the most successful people in society.

NBC reported earlier that it was a shock to us that Gates-Epstein's connections were coming to light.

In connection with quite the above, we consider it our duty to re-bring what our source told us about Epstein's ranch, as it finally connects all the points in this story:

"Tonight I was at a party with a friend I'll call "Frank." Frank is quite rich and has very good connections thanks to his work, which I will not go into details for obvious reasons. Towards the end of the meeting, he invited me into his office, and we were just chatting nonsense when he talked about Maxwell's arrest: "You know, the public misunderstands everything."
I was obviously intrigued, so I decided to continue. Here's my recollection of what he said to me then:
Epstein and Yizlen were not just sex traffickers, but the owners of a major secret operation. The island he owned, little St. James, was at the center of it all. Although there is a mansion and several other objects scattered on the surface, they are nothing more than a distraction.
When the FBI finally obtained the appropriate search warrants after his final arrest, what they found was like "something from a sci-fi movie." Beneath the surface of the island is a massive compound "imagine a nuclear bunker on steroids."
A dormitory the size of a football field with hundreds of beds. A huge warehouse for storing food/water/fuel and other different items. School, cafeteria, even a recreation area with tennis courts, ping pong tables, basketball hoops, etc.
There was also a medical facility - and this is where everything becomes really strange. Row behind a number of cryogenically stored sperm and eggs. Carefully organized and with tagged samples - albeit under a pseudonym (e.g. RJ150709).
Researchers believe that sperm and eggs have been donated by numerous visitors to the island, although to date they have not found any information that links specific people to conker samples.
The CDC recognizes that there is no Covid-19: A CDC document called "CDC 2019-New Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Diagnostic Panel RT-PCR in real time." July 2020.

In the document, on page 39, in a section entitled "Performance Characteristics," we have the following: "Since there are currently no quantitative isolates of the 2019-nCoV virus, the analyses are "diagnostic tests" designed to detect RNA 2019-nCoV..."

Key phrase: "no quantitative isolates of virus 2019 - nCoV..."

Each object existing in nature can be defined quantitatively, that is, measured. The use of the word "quantitatively" in this phrase means: the CDC does not have a measurable amount of virus because it is not available. Karoche, the CDC doesn't have a coe-shaped virus.

Another clue - "use of insulators." This means that the virus NO or its existence so far no one has proven without highlighting its "gold standard" that is the academy. proof of the existence of any virus.
πŸ’‰ on March 16, 2021, the paedophile-slave trader-eugenicist of billionaire Epstein Gates, the head of the CDC Fauci said that children will soon be able to get a vaccine against kovid. #COVID19

"We will get older school-age children - 12 to 17 years old - vaccinated by the fall," Fauci told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, noting that young children are likely to have to wait longer and that those under the age of 12 may start receiving the COVID-19 vaccine "in the first half of the first quarter of 2022."

Meanwhile, on the same Tuesday, Moderna announced the start of testing of an experimental vaccine against foreris in children.

"We are pleased to begin the phase 2/3 mRNA-1273 study in healthy children in the U.S. and Canada, and we thank NIAID and BARDA for their cooperation," said Stefan Bansel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna, "It is humiliating to know that to date 17.8 million U.S. adults have received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. We are encouraged by the initial analysis of phase 3 of the COVE mRNA-1273 study in adults age 18 and older, and this pediatric study will help us assess the potential safety and immunogenicity of our candidate for the kovid vaccine in this important young population."

More than 6,000 children from the U.S. and Canada will reportedly be included in the Moderna experimental vaccine study. The first participants must be at least 6 months old and 12 years old. During the study, children will be stabbed two doses at intervals of 28 days.
The chubby head of the Bank for International Settlements, often referred to as the Central Bank of central banks, says it needs "full control" over money through a ban on cash in favour of digital currencies, describing this goal as "very important."

We hope that those who have learned to add two and find the right answer will also find the right answer to the question of how it is related to the covid pandemic and vaccination. Otherwise, Friends, alas, but this agenda will be unstoppable.
2030 and the golden billion

Participation in the modern economy, the ability to buy and sell, get jobs, health care, social services and more is virtually impossible without a "digital identity" and back in May 2016 at the UN headquarters in New York, governments, non-profit organizations, academia, more than 150 private sector companies and 11 UN agencies worked together on how to provide a "unique digital identity" to every inhabitant of the planet.

According to the founding member of the ID2020 Alliance, Microsoft, which joined ID2020 in 2017, "by 2030, it is aimed at promoting the scaling of a secure, verifiable, sustainable digital identification system in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals," "digital identity is a cornerstone of international development" and "digital identity must be human-born."

All UN countries have made a global commitment to ensure legal identity for all their citizens by 2030.

What to some extent can confirm the "conspiracy theory" of the "golden billion" is the fact that, according to the same Alliance, "The emphasis on 1.5 billion people without identification is part of this short-term vision".

The name of the alliance - ID2020 Alliance, or rather 2020 - is quite interesting, the year of the pandemic, which the Swabian WEF uses, according to the creator of this very Davos forum, for the purposes of the "Great Reboot".

Agree, Friends, you need to be a complete idiot or just a short-sighted person, not to understand what follows in chronological sequence at the meetings of the WEF and the ideologue of "Great Reboot" Schwab , globalists and other eugenits, including the main vaccinator of the planet, friend of paedophile eugenist Epstein Gates about the "golden billion" conspiracy theory.

And now add here DOD ("unique digital identity" to every inhabitant of the planet) and the digital covid passports that are being introduced right now, and what is happening to the noise of the cowid and what it can all end will become more than obvious.
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈSenator Rand Paul, addressing Gates' friend, CDC head, fauci conman Fauci:

"You've been vaccinated, and you're walking around in two masks... You defy everything we know about immunity when you tell people who have been vaccinated to wear masks."

"He doesn't understand electron microscopy or medicine, and he shouldn't be in the same position as he is now," said The inventor of PCR tests, Nobel laureate Carey Mallis.
πŸ’‰Elina Page, Knight of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), and her anti-vaccine vaccination with a cap on a syringe needle and singing
πŸ’‰In the EU is maturing vaccinated scandal.

At a British-Swedish vaccine bottling plant near Rome, Italian inspectors found 29 million doses of the vaccine.

For comparison, to date, Astra'eneca has delivered about 30 million cans to eu countries. Although, according to the contract with the EU, by the end of March the group was to deliver about 100 million jars.

These doses of the vaccine were intended for export to the United Kingdom. They were bottled in Italy, but produced in Leiden, Netherlands. According to Italian media reports, the production facility has not yet received EMA approval because it has never been submitted. Thus, the vaccine produced there from autumn 2020 was not allowed to be used in the EU.

The background of all this is not yet clear, but it is already obvious that a huge scandal is coming.