Trading With Linorth
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Trading With Linorth
Barclays has entered a short on #EURAUD at the round price of 1.5800 their protective stop is at 1.5930 and their target is 1.5675 #daytradingtips #orderflow
One point on Trading Positions of Banks and Large Financial Institutions:

The protective stops of large financial institutions aren't just a number at the bottom of the trend line or a the tip of a pullback, a Fibonacci level or something like that!
These stops are being bought by these banks and financial institutions as an investment option with very high volumes!

These options have an expiry date, and after the expiration, the price moves in the opposite direction, and sometimes we even can witness a dramatic change in the trend!
Of course, the severity of these moves depends on the level of credit and the volume of financial transactions of that bank or financial institution.

we should keep an eye on these stop levels and their expiry and failure and take advantage of them. but overall they can help us a lot in understanding how the big players view the market and what their sentiment is about the currencies they are trading.

if you had a minute to spare, this post explains the inherent difference between my mentorship program and all the other forex courses out there.
Even if you are not interested in an educational course, there is some info about educators on there that you might want to know.
I shared my long signal on BTC 3 months ago on tradingview :
today it jumped to 5K (the level I had set on the chart)

we might see a bit of resistance here, but don't get scared, it will easily reach 9K-10K area before the end of this year.
Trading With Linorth
I shared my long signal on BTC 3 months ago on tradingview : today it jumped to 5K (the level I had set on the chart) we might see a bit of resistance here, but don't get scared…
funny thing is, that one of my students had bought his bitcoins yesterday and was in the process of depositing it for the course and now he will be paying about 20% less for the course since he acted sooner! πŸ˜‚
There seems to be a sudden influx of registrations on my website from Quora. so its very likely that my program gets filled quickly, since I don't want people who have started the process (buying bitcoins for paying for the course) from actually getting the seat first, please send me a message (@Linorth) if you are currently in the process of getting bitcoins or having your account on bitpay validated so I can put you in the list for the first 100 attendants and put the rest of people in the waiting list for the next window in 3 months.

please note that your reservation will only be valid for a week (7 business days) so if you don't make it to your seat in that time period, I will have no choice but to replace you with people from the waiting list.

Also, for the trading floor, the vbulletin forum is currently under development so I will soon open the forum for everyone to register in. there will be a free section for everyone who likes to mingle and chat with others or ask questions about the course or trading floor from members. and I have decided to give a 50% discount coupon to everyone who is memebr of my website by the time I open the forum.
initially I wanted to give it out on nowruz, but the web developer I had hired didn't work as fast as he promised me so its been a bit delayed. but if you are already a member on my website by the time the new forum comes online, you will get the coupon in your mail.

Thanks again for all the supportive messages and all the love. I dearly appreciate it.

I have recieved the same question so many times that I want to answer it here once and for all.
The mentorship program doesn't require you to be online and available in a specific time.
after the purchase of the course, you will have access to the course material forever and your access won't get revoded... BUT the 1-1 training sessions that is part of the course will be available only during your 3 month perios and if you decide not to use the sessions in that time, you won't be able to use them after the 3 month period as I will be dedicating my time to the new batch of students and their 1-1 sessions.

The program is flexible time-wise, to accomodate busy students so they can fit the 1-1 session in their own busy schedule. but the access to the course's material will be permanent and your membership in the VIP section of the forum will be permanent as well. so even after those 3 month limitation, you will be able to post your questions about the course's material in the VIP section of the forum and me and other students will be there to help you with questions.

My goal is to create a tight community for aspiring traders so even after the initial educational course and trading sessions, they can still have a supportive community to rely on in times of uncertainty.

Also, the contents are designed in a way to bring someone who knows nothing about trading, to a point where they can understand the market enough to make trading decisions on their own. I'm going to add more content to the course in future to cover as many areas as possible and I won't be charging the existing students for future courses either (meaning the future content will be added to the current course without any additional charges)

I honestly have tried my best to find the middle ground between working for free and charging an affordable fee to deliver quality content, so when my students finish their course, they have a pleasunt experience that makes them reffer other people to my website when they encounter a newbie looking for a decent education on any trading forum they go to.

sorry for talking about the course so much, I will keep things to private messages and FAQ of my website from now on.

Hello everyone,
I hope you all are having a great weekend wherever you are.

The forum for my website is finally up ( )
its still under development. I've asked for a lot of work to be done on it from my web developer. like having its own economic calendar where I can set the sentiments myself, and some other cool perks for users to give it a forexfactory vibe.
he said it will take about a month for all those things to get implemented so I decided to open it up so everyone can use it while it gets upgraded with features.

I'm going to use the public section of the forum for sharing market sentiment information for now and you are all welcome to use the public section for discussions or asking questions or whatever.
just read the rules before participating so you don't get banned from the community.

just got a new batch of order flow info. these are the last order flow info I will share on this channel for free. from next week, this will become a part of the paid privilidge on my forum for premium users.

1.1200-10 ($1.6B)
1.1215-25 ($1.5B)
1.1245-55 ($3B)
1.1260-65 ($1.7B)
1.1270-75 ($1.1B)

0.6800 ($600M)

0.7120-25 ($550M)
0.7150-55 ($771M)
0.7175-80 ($668M)

111.20-25 ($1.8B)
111.35-40 ($1.7B)

These orders are valid till tonight. trade them with your own risk.

#daytradingtips #orderflow
I've gotten a message from one of the members who wanted to register for the educational course and he told me that apparently bitstamp is no longer accepting credit cards for purchasing bitcoin!
I'm not sure if its a problem specific to him or if other people have experienced the same problem.

either way, I think your best bet for buying bitcoins with credit cards is sticking with trustworthy exchanges like coinbase and bitstamp, specially if you want to use credit cards.
I don't have a credit card myself, so whenever I want to buy and sell bitcoins, I use or to find an online exchange with good reviews and a decent exchange rate, I have never tried them for amounts above 1K, but for smaller amounts, most of the well-reviewed exchanges are safe enough.

but for credit cards, I suggest sticking to trustworthy exchanges to be sure your credit card info won't get stolen. and always ask their costumer support if they accept credit cards for buying bitcoin or not, and only register and validate your account if they allow it.

I'm still working on adding at least one or two more methods of payments (probably will be webmoney and perfect money) to my website so not everyone have to use bitcoins :D

Trading With Linorth
just got a new batch of order flow info. these are the last order flow info I will share on this channel for free. from next week, this will become a part of the paid privilidge on my forum for premium users. #EURUSD 1.1200-10 ($1.6B) 1.1215-25 ($1.5B)…
beautiful reaction from USDJPY pair.

this is why most institutional traders make money easier than most retail traders. when you have the order flow info, you can aim your trade at specific prices which will allow you to make high probability bets.

in this case, we saw the wall ahead of the price for going up (a 3 billion wall) and we could enter on the wall and catch the reaction.
most retail traders dont see the value in this information until they witness it live in real time.

this is a big part of why I think a $99 pricetag on my trading floor is dirt cheap. because if someone even solely trade these information alone, they will make a lot of money while paying little to nothing in comparison.

I intentionally priced it low because I wanted to make sure that it wont become a place for high volume traders alone and we can have traders of all shapes and sizes with different levels of skill and experience in there so it can be something more than just a service with a charged fee.. and be more like a playground for serious traders to hang out.
oh I almost forgot, one of the european memebrs was kind enough to send me a message and tell me about where he buys his bitcoins.


I've seen your message about buying Crypto and from my experience my favourite place to buy Bitcoin or other Altcoins is

It works best in the European area and I am not entirely sure if they accept any other payment methods than Credit cards outside of EU✌️


so if you are also in europe, you might want to try bitpanda and see if it works for you or not.

Hello everyone,

I've found a bug on the website that prevented paid members to view the content of the paid course properly. my web developer is working on it as I'm writing this, and I expect him to finish it very soon. its part of a problem caused by an upgrade on php version, so it should be fixed very quickly. I've pulled down the content of the course, to protect them from accidentally getting public during the fixing process, but as soon as we fix the system the contents will be re-uploaded and will be accessible to paid memebrs.

please stay patient while we work on the problems and as soon as the fixes are implemented, I will update you from this channel about it.
Thank you all again for the support and all the love, you have no idea how much this means to me.

Kindest regards
Trading With Linorth
Hello everyone, I've found a bug on the website that prevented paid members to view the content of the paid course properly. my web developer is working on it as I'm writing this, and I expect him to finish it very soon. its part of a problem caused by an…
the bugs seems to be fixed now. if you still had any problems on your end, let me know.

I've also tasked the web developer to increase the security of the website a bit and add new features to make the learning experience more pleasant for students. thank you all again for basically financing the whole project and helping me help you in your trading journey. I can not thank you enough.

Also, since the forum isn't fully ready yet, I' going to postpone the premium services of my trading floor till next month, and during this time, I will continue sharing my analysis with everyone from this channel for free during this one month period. it can also work like a trial run for people who are on the fence about joining ;) haha

Have a nice weekend everyon

Trading With Linorth
Barclays has entered a short on #EURAUD at the round price of 1.5800 their protective stop is at 1.5930 and their target is 1.5675 #daytradingtips #orderflow
This one finally hit it's target. Congrats to those of you who took the trade.

Morgan Stanley is said to be bullish on #EURUSD with a stop behind 1.1170 for the final target of 1.1800

This kind of shows their bias towards USD and Europe's economy.
They expect a decline in demand for USD as reports on China's economy show better numbers and a relif from trade war, and also expected PMI Markits and ZEW reports to create more support for #EURUSD (which they did. I'm a bit late in sharing this info, sorry! Lol)

I personally think it's best to try to enter as close to the stop as possible and try to get out around 1.150 - 1.160 price area.
I'm dedicating this week entirely to my educational course since I'm adding some small lessons to it so from next week, I can just focus on the channel and working with my students one on one.
#EURNZD - moving inside a channel towards 1.7150, but first it needs to become stable above 1.681 to build potential for another move up.
#USDCAD - its been stuck in the same range for the past 8 weeks (the pink lines) and some look at the head and shoulder pattern and some look at that triangle looking thing, and expect higher prices (top two lines), but I believe with more tentions around oil we will see CAD getting stronger in the near future, forcing this pair down.
Trading With Linorth
#EURNZD - moving inside a channel towards 1.7150, but first it needs to become stable above 1.681 to build potential for another move up.
#EURNZD - I just love how clean and exact it hit my target on it.

When I post live calls like this one, some people say its dumb luck, and some might think I can see the future! lol
but the truth is that it's just a science. you can learn how to make predictions this precice too. all you need to do is to sign up for my mentorship program on my website, and learn from someone who can actually do it themselves 😎