Trading With Linorth
630 subscribers
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The only LIVE educational class on Forex!

My Signal Service Bot: @Linorth_bot
Performance of Signal Service:
(for more info:

Admin: @Linorth
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Here is what I'm planning to do to my signal service.
its just a suggestion at this point, but I really think its a good idea to work towards building real traders than just simply followers.

let me know what you think in the comment section ;)
My developer is working on the website to fix the emails issue (mails from website ending up in spambox of members instead of inbox) and also integrate the bot into the new hosting service and upgrading it with some new features to make working with it easier for members.

I think all the work will finish by saturday and for next week I will start the fundraising period for the copy-trading platform and trading bot factory (a platform for developing trading bots) of my website and we'll see how that goes as well.

Thank you all for the support
I appreciate it

The bot (@Linorth_bot) is up and running again. I have added the paid plans (1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year plans) to the bot and till 21 of december any +3 month purchase of premium membership will be matched equally with subscription to my trade-copier and bot-factory services.

If you have been following this channel for the past month, you already know that a $20 price tag is well worth all the value I share with my subscribers (orderflow and institutional order information and the signals) but this crowdfunding is an opportunity to expand the project from a simple signal sharing system into platform for studying the market and coming up with new models of trading it and sharing the findings with the supporters of the project so everyone can benefit from them.

Unlike most trading educators out there, I don't like the idea of having a signal service where subscribers just follow my lead without any idea why they are taking the trades and what technical or fundamental reasoning is behind the signal. my goal is to use the service to slowly teach trading through live examples and slowly change the mindset of subscribers from simply using signals into developing new strategies that suits their condition better.

So yeah.. you all have already supported me in every little project beyond my expectations and I can not thank you enough for it. it allowed me to focus on my passion full time and hopefully soon I will be able to share the fruits of that dedication with all of you.

Thanks again for everything

Kindest regards
Trading With Linorth
The bot (@Linorth_bot) is up and running again. I have added the paid plans (1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year plans) to the bot and till 21 of december any +3 month purchase of premium membership will be matched equally with subscription to my trade…
FYI, you need to verify your email before your registration is complete. sometimes the mail ends up in the spambox, so check there and if it was there click on "report not spam" to make sure the future emails of the service will land in your inbox.
there are like 48 incomplete registrations in the bot right now, so I thought it couldn't hurt to clarify that a valid email address is needed to subscribe to the bot.

the only available payment method on the bot is still bitcoins and if you needed help with that, you can always reach me directly @Linorth and I will help you as much as I can.

Have a nice weekend
instead of a ton of messages on the channel, I decided to put all the info about the signal service on my website.

feel free to send in any questions you had so I can add it to the list of Q&As.

Thank you again for the warm support. I appreciate it.
Warning of potential volatility:

9-12 December

This is just a quick warning to notify you of potentially volatile economic events taking place this week. We recommend you take them into consideration when trading.

Monday, 9th December
01:50 – JPY – GDP
08:45 – CHF – Unemployment Rate Adj
09:00 – EUR – German Trade Balance

Tuesday, 10th December
11:30 – GBP – Goods Trade Balance
11:30 – GBP – GDP Estimate MM

Wednesday, 11th December
15:30 – USD – CPI
21:00 – USD – Fed Funds Target Rate

Thursday, 12th December
09:00 – EUR – German CPI
10:30 – CHF – 3M Target LIBOR Rate
14:45 – EUR – ECB Deposit Rate
14:45 – EUR – ECB Refinancing Rate

All times are GMT+2 

Bank of Morgan Stanley is today buying Mexican pesos.
(Selling #USDMXN)
Stoploss of the sell order at 19.40
for the ultimate target of 19.10!

The bank is also the buyer of the euro against the franc! (#EURCHF)
With the stoploss of the buy order at 1.0850
For the ultimate target of 1.1250
Sent to 14 Person(s)
Time elapsed: 4 Second(s)

this is the last time I will share this type of info on the channel. from now on, institurional orders and info on the order flow (#orderflow) will be exclusively available to subscribers of my bot (@Linorth_bot)
Seems like US and China are reaching a deal afterall.
USD will gradually get weaker & all other currencies will get stronger against the dollar.
it also raises hopes for a recovery in global economy.
About the #GBP, since the move up is due to fundamentals (brexit happening in an orderly fashion with an agreement) so the overall direction is up, but there will be some turbulence along the way.
if US and China make a deal and de-escalate the tradewar tentions, the recovery in gbp and euro is going to get sharper. (so will the weakening of USD)
Forwarded from Linorth Signal Service
#report on trades shared this week:

this week I only shared one signal which was on oil. it moved for +150 pips in the desired direction.
the signal was a continiuation of the signals shared on the channel for free in previous weeks and because I didn't want to share random signals and wanted to get the economic data coming out this week and wait for UK election results before I analyze my chart again and post more signals, but still, even with a 0.1 order on the signal you would have already made back your subscription money for the entire month haha

still, I'm going to add one week to everyone's subscription because even tho it was a winning signal, I feel like this week was an off week and shouldn't be counted towards your subscriptions.

Thank you all again for the support.
have a nice weekend.
Sent to 17 Person(s)
Time elapsed: 3 Second(s)
Since some members still had problems with bitcoin payment process to pay for the bot (@Linorth_bot) and also because we are in December which is usually a month with low volatility in the markets anyways, I decided to give everyone who was a member of the bot 2 week free access till the end of the month. That way my supporters who have already paid for their subscription will get 2 more weeks added and this month won't count towards their subscription at all, and also I can give more time to anyone who wants to join but still have problem with BTC payment.

Your support of my projects means more to me than money. I would have kept the service completely free if my main line of income (trading) hadn't been affected by the heavy sanctions against Iran. but because of the sanctions I can't trade in any of the well-regulated brokers so I currenly have no source of income besides teaching and this bot service. your support enabled me to focus full time on the projects and research and not only I was able to take the website and bot off the ground, I have been able to research the market during the turbulent geopolitical situation and basically work on desiginig a model that is fool-proof against major economic events.
and now I'm working on the backtesting and copy trading platform to use all of my knowledge and create sophisticated trading bots that can give us a consistant and risk-adjusted return on our funds.
I guess I could have focused on money aspect instead of these projects and just put a forex course on coursera and other platforms or spend money on advertising to just bring more people in to increase my income, but I much rather do something meaningful with my life than chasing dollar bills.
hopefully by the time these projects come to fruition, I will be able to give all of you a stable and very low-cost tool for investing your own money under your own control and grow it over time.
the butterfly effect of something like that on the life of people who use it is what keeps me going forward in my path.

words can not describe how grateful I am to all of you, wether you supported me with money or kind comments or even your sheer attention by following this channel. I can't thank you enough.

Kindest Regards
Trading With Linorth
on an unrealted note, Iran has been selling its oil for $57 per gallon and the recent petrol price hike was to cover the government's budget which it no longer can cover by selling oil due to sanctions. this peace of information is important because it shows…
Oil > 60

I had my target on 61.61 but considering that this level (60-63) is a big supply demand and we have had a relatively sharp move up I suggest you get out in this range (either partially or completely) and wait for a correction of the trend before we go in again.
Trading With Linorth
Oil > 60 I had my target on 61.61 but considering that this level (60-63) is a big supply demand and we have had a relatively sharp move up I suggest you get out in this range (either partially or completely) and wait for a correction of the trend before…
Just to be clear, I have closed out myself. Just have a very small position in case some political event (Iran attacking Aramco again for example) happens and shoots the price up. So it's just a very small position to get rid of FOMO. Otherwise it's reasonable to expect a correction to 58 price range again before price can build potential for moving higher.
The US Federal Reserve has begun buying US Treasury bonds since August to counter the potential downturn and trigger market momentum.
And to date, the volume of these purchases has increased repeatedly and is expected to increase significantly from the second season of the new year.

The Federal Reserve does not like to call this action QE (Quantitative easing), though its name does not matter.

But over time, as the volume of Federal Reserve purchases in the securities market increases, the dollar index (#DXY) has no way but to weaken!

Currently, the volume of Federal Reserve purchases has reached $ 400 billion outside the REPO market, and Trump is calling for a faster increase!
Today the democrats charges against trump (abuse of power, obstrcution) will be put to a vote in US congress. His official trial will be in the Senate, with the date consequently announced.
Also the trilateral US-Canada-Mexico trade agreement, also known as the USMCA, will be voted on Thursday night.

According to US trade represantative Lighthizer, Trump is now turning his attention to Europe and he is focusing on shrinking the trade deficit wit the EU.
since he seems to be winning his fight with China, there is a possibility of increased tariffs on imports of European goods!