Dr. Tomislav Sunic
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Tomislav Sunic was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1953. He holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Dr. Sunic gives lectures around the world and has authored several books.

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"The word “antisemitism,” unlike the words “anticommunism” or “antifascism,” does not reflect political beliefs or critical views of the Jews. This term is exclusively used as a lexical label to depict a person’s grave mental illness. As a perceived medical or judicial illness, antisemitism must never be debated; an antisemitic patient must not be a partner in scholarly duels; his sick views must not be the subject of academic inquiry and counter-inquiry. As an element of medical pathology, antisemitism must only be treated by doctors, preferably by a Jewish psychoanalyst, or legally, by a liberal prosecutor in court."
Forwarded from Arktos
Autumn Thoughts on the European Sense of the Tragic and Our Mortality, an essay by Andrej Sekulović, published by Arktos.

Andrej Sekulovič explores the parallels between autumn’s transient beauty and the cyclical nature of European civilization, invoking the insights of Dr. Tomislav Sunic and classic literature.

When the days start getting shorter, and the summer heat slowly gives in to autumn’s chill, the misty mornings and the colder evenings remind us that another year is nearing its end. The surrounding nature gives us one last majestic spectacle of its beauty that has inspired countless generations of poets, painters, and writers. As the leaves turn their colours, the forests and wooded countryside are transformed into one great scenery of red and gold hues. The kind warmness of the autumn sun that replaces the excessive heat of the summer months invites us to the great outdoors, where we can breathe in the beauty of the natural world, and wonder at the supreme artistry of Mother Nature, which cannot be surpassed even by the most skilled artists among men. After this illustrious and enchanting explosion of colours that fills us with great joy, nature slowly retires to deep sleep during the dark days when Old Man Winter returns once more to reign in the cold months, which are also not devoid of...

Read the full essay here:


Purchase Tomislav Sunic’s Titans are in Town here:

Forwarded from Tom Sunic
Forwarded from Tom Sunic
Forwarded from Tom Sunic
My comment:
A very good summary by KMD. However, we must not leave out hundreds of millions Christian Gentiles who claim to be the only true “verus Israel”.  Hence Christian  persistent, historical  “out-jewing” the Jews with their  neurotic rejection/embracing of Jews – in an effort to become ersatz Super-Jews.
Forwarded from Tom Sunic
Latest piece of mine.

What Medjugorje, Fatima or Lourdes means for the Catholic faithful, Yad Vashem operates now as an obligatory place of pilgrimage for the Western political class, and especially for German presidential hopefuls. No matter the size and number of German philo-Semitic genuflections, the Central Council of Jews in Germany remains reluctant to embrace AfD’s advances.
Forwarded from Arktos
Germany’s AfD: Controlled Opposition, an essay by Tomislav Sunic, published by Arktos.

Tomislav Sunic explores the complex role of Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and its potential status as controlled opposition within the nation’s political landscape.

Each time an aspiring nationalist party scores some parliamentary gains, let alone enters the corridors of power, its followers assume that the System faces imminent death, announcing the dawn of a shining nationalist future. Over the last seventy years, such a self-serving delusion has framed the mindset of countless White nationalist voters in the U.S. and Europe – leading, as a rule, to their constant disappointment. From Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France (Rassemblement National [RN]) to the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Flemish Vlaams Belang, followed by the recently installed post-pseudo fascist Italian government of Giorgia Meloni, or the would-be second term U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump, along with a few lurking Latin American Bolsonaros, such prominent nationalist voices sooner or later lapse into self-caricature. Even if they miraculously manage to scramble to the System’s gates of power, the next day they will piously start...

Read the full essay here:

Forwarded from Tom Sunic
"AfD; Der kontrollierte Widerstand" Nov 2023,
von T. Sunic. Die Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist auch gut. mfg. T. Sunic
https://ahnenrad.o rg/2023/11/27/afd-der-kontrollierte-widerstand/
Forwarded from Tom Sunic
Speech on covid passes and academic self-censorship . Zagreb, Croatia., Nov 2, 2023; US and Croat academics
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🎤 RUNDER TISCH 95 🎤 Interview mit Prof. Dr. Tomislav Sunic`❗️Prof. Dr. Sunic`war unter anderem Top Diplomat der Kroatischen Regierung in Brüssel, London, Zagrep und Kopenhagen❗️Er ist bereits zum 2. Mal im Interview beim Runden Tisch und gibt seine Einschätzung zur politischen Lage der BRD❗️
👉🏻 Der-Runde-Tisch.com
👉🏻 Kanal folgen: https://t.me/rundetisch
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Forwarded from Arktos
The Day of the Extinguisher, an essay by Warsaw Sentinel, published by Arktos.

During this year’s Hanukkah celebrations in the Polish Sejm, the image of a known Jewish supremacist rabbi was put on display, eliciting an intervention from the country’s most famous monarchist MP.

Polish MP thwarts Hanukkah celebration in Parliament

For nearly two decades, the Polish Sejm has been host to Hanukkah celebrations. The country has a small Jewish minority, with roughly two thousand individuals declaring adherence to the Jewish faith. This year, the celebration featured a portrait of former Chabad Lubavitch leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson, an infamous rabbi known for...

Read the full essay here:

Forwarded from Andrija Klarić
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