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Forwarded from Donald Trump Jr
Fact Check: True
Forwarded from Lin Wood
What do I support outside of the political arena which is admittedly subject to different views?

(1) I believe in God and I try my imperfect best to follow the role model of Jesus Christ. There are certainly differences among us on faith issues. There are believers and non-believers. Believers support my views on faith. Non-believers do not. That is another reason for by my adversary to try to attack and discredit me.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
(2) I strongly believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Freedom of speech is the bedrock of our Bill of Rights. I abhor censorship. Does my adversary hate our Constitution and our Constitutional rights?
Forwarded from Lin Wood
(3) I have fought for honest elections and have tried to expose the massive amount of evidence that establishes that the 2020 election was a fraud. Does my adversary advocate for dishonest and fraudulent elections?
Forwarded from Lin Wood
(4) I fight against the horrendous crimes of pedophilia and child sex trafficking. I want to expose individuals engaged in these crimes. Does my adversary support pedophilia and child sex trafficking? Does my adversary want the identities of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes to remain hidden and unknown to the public?
Forwarded from Lin Wood
The high profile individuals who are influential people and support my positions are all, like me, being attacked as being “crazy,” as being “conspiracy theorists,” as being “grifters” or “liars.”

See the playbook?

Don’t fall for it. Do not be deterred or intimidated from searching for truth and speaking it. Be fearless.

I fully intend to keep speaking truth. Since I am imperfect, I am not always right. But I will continue to do the best I can to find and convey truth to you.

We must bring light to the darkness.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Forwarded from Lin Wood
The civilian business community around Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri depends for its economic existence on the patronage of the soldiers at the fort.

Missouri has a Covid mask advisory - not a mandate. Citizens have the right to decide for themselves whether to wear a mask.

Why in the world would General Bonner issue a general order that has the practical effect of imposing a mask MANDATE. It is not the role of the military to create laws, rules, or regulations on civilians.

We need to spread this information and demand answers. Especially from General Bonner and his superiors.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Wow. Has anyone besides me seen a copy of the letter below purporting to describe the death of Seth Rich???
Forwarded from Jordan
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Forwarded from Lin Wood
I am attacked by my adversary for making unfounded accusations against high government officials (such as Rod Rosenstein, John Roberts & Mike Pence). I know defamation law. I would never make an accusation against another person unless I had credible evidence to support it.

Why does my adversary attack my accusations without ever sharing with you the interview of the whistleblower which is the basis for my statements?

Fair question, don’t you think?

Below is a portion of the interview of the whistleblower dealing with Rod Rosenstein and the death of Seth Rich.
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Here is some information on Rod Rosenstein and the Russians. “Ghost Stories”???
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Almost everything important to me in my life has been used by my enemy to attack me. My friends, my law colleagues, my clients, my mental health, my finances, my reputation.

I am still standing and speaking truth.

Mercer Law School and Dean Cathy Cox brought my children into the attacks against me. I am even hearing rumors that my precious children whom I have loved and for whom I sacrificed for over 30 years may actually join the attacks against me.

My attackers will fail because the attacks are a lie. I speak truth. Truth always prevails in the end over lies.

Please continue to pray for me. Your prayers give me strength. Please pray for my children too. And for my grandson who turned 2 today.

God bless you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
Simple truths are simple truth. When it rains it pours.

I just learned that Paula Frederick of the State Bar of Georgia 404- 527-8700 just contacted a lawyer who represents me in the frivolous civil case filed against me by my former office-sharing partners to inquire about getting cooperation to have me submit to an independent mental health exam!!!

Are you kidding me?

If the State Bar of Georgia starts testing its members for mental health and alcoholism (I have not had a drink in over 8 years), 75% of the lawyers in Georgia will not be able to practice law.

I will be one of the 25% still practicing.

God bless you for your steadfast support. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from Lin Wood
I have not been able to reset my channel to allow replies due to third parties posting porn sites it links on it.

But I do want to hear from you. Please feel free to email me at lwood@fightback.law. It will take me some time to respond but I promise to read your messages promptly. I appreciate your support and kind words from the bottom of my heart. God bless you. - Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸