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I’m going to show you a conversation. This highlights what i was taking about earlier: 30-35% of Americans are so brainwashed by the Left & #EnemyOfThePeople media, that you cannot have a rational civil conversation. They are consumed by hate & rage, & driven by lies that have before CORE BELIEFS that are as deeply held as religion. They are write offs.

This is the pool of people who will vote for Biden-Kamala like good little sheep, as their owners (the DNC + media) tell them to.

They’re also the same pool of brainwashed lemmings that #antifa #blm #acab #nfac #DSA all recruit from. 👇
I’ve got a better suggestion: how about the rest of America start shooting #BLM #antifa #acab #nfac #DSA on sight?
#antifa #BLM #DSA #acab #terrorism #murder #riots #assassination
They will stop at nothing. We as Americans need to understand this is no longer going to stay in big Democrat run cities & it will spread to other smaller communities in areas previously thought safe.

Practice heightened Situational Awareness, coordinate & keep in touch with your neighbors, have multiple routes to and from places like the grocery store or to work, that you can switch to at a moment’s notice if you see trouble. Pay attention to social media posts by leftwing terror orgs about activities in your community. Have a plan for what to do if you unexpectedly get caught in one of their riots. Pray for the safety of Republican congressional figures, the President, Federal Agents & Judges.
1. In 1776, we used the same military weapons as the brittish to free our country. Every weapon owned was a weapon of war.

2. Some people owned artillery pieces. A few even owned ‘privateers’- privately owned WARSHIPS.

3. The difference now is the NFA largely controls weapons of war.

4. An AR-15 isnt a weapon of war.

Dickhead Dick Durbin is a Liar.
Dickhead Dick Durbin wants you disarmed, and easy prey to the Left’s terrorists: #antifa #BLM #acab #DSA #NFAC
Like i said, there are some on the Left who will see this trial verdict as an excuse to engage in violence.

Protect yourself. Be safe. 👇#antifa #dsa #blm #terrorists
#antifa #dsa & #blm #terrorists aren’t as popular as they think they are. Who knew burning a town down would have that effect?
The #antifa #dsa #blm communist terrorists are returning to Kenosha tomorrow. 👇
#blm #antifa & #dsa are RevComs: Revolutionary Communist orgs that engage in domestic terrorism. 👇
Notice the Red-Green in the symbol? Have you ever heard of the ‘red-green’ alliance? You should research it. It is a dangerous threat & at the core of groups #antifa #dsa #blm #cpusa
The most dangerous individuals in America are privileged, radicalized, extremist, leftwing, white women.
#antifa #blm #dsa #blackbloc #terrorists #domesticterrorists