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It was during this time, the 1980’s, the most dangerous time of the cold war- when things began to go really terrifyingly wrong for US Intelligence. We had developed sources- human spies- within very high levels of the Soviet Government. Among those carefully…
And for his heroism, & selflessness, that saved millions of Russians & Americans, he was beaten, tortured, & then brutally executed by being shot in the head at point blank range. You see, Polyakov was betrayed. He was betrayed TWICE, by TWO American *Counter Intelligence Officers* - CIA counter intelligence officer ‘Rick’ Aldrich Ames, and by one of the most senior FBI Counter Intelligence officials in the FBI at the time: Senior Supervisory Special Agent Robert P Hanssen.
The Library
And for his heroism, & selflessness, that saved millions of Russians & Americans, he was beaten, tortured, & then brutally executed by being shot in the head at point blank range. You see, Polyakov was betrayed. He was betrayed TWICE, by TWO American *Counter…
Between the two of these American counter intelligence agents they would turn over the names of & betray more than 40 American sources in the Kremlin. All of them high ranking & extremely sensitive. To my knowledge ALL of them met the same fate as Dmitri Polyakov. If you’ve ever read the book ‘the Cardinal of the Kremlin’ then to a certain degree you understand a little about Polyakov as the book is VERY loosely based on his career as an asset.
The Library
Between the two of these American counter intelligence agents they would turn over the names of & betray more than 40 American sources in the Kremlin. All of them high ranking & extremely sensitive. To my knowledge ALL of them met the same fate as Dmitri Polyakov.…
FBI Counter Intelligence officer Robert Hanssen’s spying was so prolific & damaging, it even included passing along to the KGB our ‘continuity of government plan’ that was meant to ensure some of the US govt would survive a nuclear war. He gave that plan to them in totality. The damage to US National Security is still being felt even today.
The Library
The proud & brave FBI brought a traitor into their ranks and from 1979 until 2001 when he was finally arrested, was a spy for the Soviet KGB & later Russia. One of the most senior counter intelligence agents in THE lead agency for preventing breaches of US National Security was a Soviet Mole & for DECADES his Komrades never noticed.
The Library
But today I’m rethinking a lot of things. Was Hanssen really the greatest breach of American National Security?
Robert Hanssen blinded us. Put us at extreme risk. He sold us out, for money . But what did he accomplish? The Soviet Union fell. His information helped the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service after the USSR collapsed, but what was it all for? The money he made is gone, seized. He’ll die in a cage in a supermax prison. Russia’s gains couldnt put it on a parity with America.

But one thing Hanssen DID do, thats lasting, is that he set a precedent. He created the model at FBI
. Of FBI agents sacrificing National Security for their own political politics, or self interests.
The Library
Robert Hanssen blinded us. Put us at extreme risk. He sold us out, for money . But what did he accomplish? The Soviet Union fell. His information helped the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service after the USSR collapsed, but what was it all for? The money he…
Louis Freeh was replaced by Robert Mueller- a ranking Justice Department lawyer who earned notoriety for helping knowingly send two innocent men to prison to protect infamous mobster Whitey Bulger- & for protecting the FBI Special Agent who committed the murders. Robert Mueller who at DOJ was used to take a big broom & sweep the CIA’s & President GHW Bush’s involvement with BCCI bank & all of its terrorist, narco terrorist, arms dealer & intelligence agencies clients, under the rug. Dirty Cop Mueller who led the SECOND Witch Hunt against Donald Trump. Tell me: how many National Security breaches did Robert Mueller cover up?
The Library
Louis Freeh was replaced by Robert Mueller- a ranking Justice Department lawyer who earned notoriety for helping knowingly send two innocent men to prison to protect infamous mobster Whitey Bulger- & for protecting the FBI Special Agent who committed the…
Robert Mueller gave way to fomer senior DOJ Official James Comey. Comey is an interesting man. He openly talks about his communist beliefs fostered in college. We know he was deliberately opposed to spying on Americans- he killed a program George Bush implemented at Mike Hayden’s urging which was proven to be illegal, immediately following Sept 11th. He sided with technicalities over protecting America.

Its interesting that Comey was picked to lead FBI knowing his background as a communist. The claim of being a Republican is a red herring. A camouflage. Did you know he sat on the board of HSBC Bank, a Chinese Govt controlled conglomerate reputed to be the direct successor to BCCI? He’s also a close colleague of Mueller while at DOJ. Interesting bed fellows. Even more interesting that far leftwing president Barack Obama who replaced everyone in DOJ or FBI w extreme leftwing loyalists like Eric Holder & successor Loretta Lynch decided to keep Comey on as FBI director. Why? The answer is obvious.
The Library
Robert Mueller gave way to fomer senior DOJ Official James Comey. Comey is an interesting man. He openly talks about his communist beliefs fostered in college. We know he was deliberately opposed to spying on Americans- he killed a program George Bush implemented…
Its very interesting that as FBI Director, Comey was privy to just how damaging to National Security the Hillary Clinton server was. None of the classified material on her server was declassified. It was so sensitive & highly classified that FBI agents could not review some of it because it far exceeded their clearances & need to know. Im talking programs so highly classified they are on par with programs like the black world development of the first stealth attack plane before it was declassified.

Yet Comey personally saw to it she was protected, at the cost of National Security.
The Library
Its very interesting that as FBI Director, Comey was privy to just how damaging to National Security the Hillary Clinton server was. None of the classified material on her server was declassified. It was so sensitive & highly classified that FBI agents could…
Immediately following this, & after Donald Trump won the Presidency in 2016, Comey allowed contractors illegal access to highly classified NSA data bases using FBI computers & login credentials. Shades of Robert Hanssen here. He approved Top FBI Lawyers like Kevin Klinesmith forging documents to lie to the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Court. He signed off on numerous FISA warrants he knew were obtained by fraud & deliberate perjury to the court both in oral testimony in court & through documents. This is known to this day as #FISAabuse & #spygate - It damaged the FBI’s credibility. It forced NSA chief Admiral Rogers to revoke FBI access to some NSA programs damaging real efforts to stop russian & Chinese espionage & counterterrorism threats like al qaeda. This effort to comprehensively illegally spy on Candidate and later President Trump is known as #spygate & it damaged US National Security. Isn’t it amazing how spying on political enemies & Americans was suddenly a good thing once Comey became FBI director?
The Library
Immediately following this, & after Donald Trump won the Presidency in 2016, Comey allowed contractors illegal access to highly classified NSA data bases using FBI computers & login credentials. Shades of Robert Hanssen here. He approved Top FBI Lawyers like…
Among those involved are fired & disgraced FBI Senior Counter Intelligence officer Peter Strzok- an adulterer, a Fisa abuser, a serial liar, and a man who forged the FBI’s official written record of Gen Flynn’s interview with himself & another agent, both of whom are known to have subverted the FBI in service to their political & personal agendas.
The Library
Among those involved are fired & disgraced FBI Senior Counter Intelligence officer Peter Strzok- an adulterer, a Fisa abuser, a serial liar, and a man who forged the FBI’s official written record of Gen Flynn’s interview with himself & another agent, both…
Thibault. Killing Election Theft investigations in the FBI. Labeling Americans who stand up to school boards or who display patriotic symbols as Domestic Terrorists, turning the full weight of the FBI loose against them. Running the January 6th investigations.
The Library
Thibault. Killing Election Theft investigations in the FBI. Labeling Americans who stand up to school boards or who display patriotic symbols as Domestic Terrorists, turning the full weight of the FBI loose against them. Running the January 6th investigations.
Not to mention the FBI agent that was literally thrown out of the Detroit field office but went on to lead the FBI created entrapment effort to frame conservatives for a plot to Kidnap Noted Leftwing MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI promoted him, he runs the Prime counter intelligence posting in the FBI now- the Washington Field office. And is involved in creating J6 political prisoners.
The Library
Not to mention the FBI agent that was literally thrown out of the Detroit field office but went on to lead the FBI created entrapment effort to frame conservatives for a plot to Kidnap Noted Leftwing MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI promoted him, he runs…
I dont think anyone who’s honest, & is familiar with the Hunter Biden laptop would argue that it, & the crimes it details are a serious National Security risk- but the prime Agency for Counter Intelligence & protecting America, once again sold out America’s NatSec in favor of Agents’ & the Bureau’s political agenda.
The Library
I dont think anyone who’s honest, & is familiar with the Hunter Biden laptop would argue that it, & the crimes it details are a serious National Security risk- but the prime Agency for Counter Intelligence & protecting America, once again sold out America’s…
Yes. It REALLY IS this bad, they KNEW it was this bad, Just like Clinton’s server, but they swept it under the rug & like good KGB Agents, they acted valiantly as ‘The Party’s Sword and Shield’ 🗡 🛡
The Library
Yes. It REALLY IS this bad, they KNEW it was this bad, Just like Clinton’s server, but they swept it under the rug & like good KGB Agents, they acted valiantly as ‘The Party’s Sword and Shield’ 🗡 🛡
Contrast that against Brian Auten, FBI Counter Intelligence Analyst, literally lying in the famed ‘ICA’ that they leaked to the media to paint Donald Trump as a Russian spy in the White House. NOTE: the very same agents with either ties to China themselves like Comey, or who ACTIVELY protected a President (Joe Biden) with direct Business Ties to a high ranking Chinese Communist Intelligence agency officer.
The Library
Contrast that against Brian Auten, FBI Counter Intelligence Analyst, literally lying in the famed ‘ICA’ that they leaked to the media to paint Donald Trump as a Russian spy in the White House. NOTE: the very same agents with either ties to China themselves…
It’s the FBI SACRIFICING US NATIONAL SECURITY for its POLITICAL AGENDA. From three FBI Director’s in a row who actively aided & abetted this, down to the lowest FBI GS workers & contractors like those who abused NSA 702 Query Databases.
The Library
It’s the FBI SACRIFICING US NATIONAL SECURITY for its POLITICAL AGENDA. From three FBI Director’s in a row who actively aided & abetted this, down to the lowest FBI GS workers & contractors like those who abused NSA 702 Query Databases.
These people along with their counterparts at the Department of Justice including the Attorney General are all equally corrupt, equally abusive, equally outside the bounds of Law and our Constitution.

They have weaponized the Dept of Justice against not just Donald Trump, but *ALL* Americans they consider political enemies, at the cost of US National Security.

Dmitri Polyakov hated the KGB, & what it did to Russians. He worked with us hoping that his work would one day lead to Russia knowing freedom the way Americans did. I say did, because he never dreamed that the American FBI would BECOME what the KGB was.