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Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
The AZ Senate subpoena required Maricopa County to turn over to auditors all provisional ballots that were not used and those that were cast by voters but rejected for some reason. These ballots were never turned over for inspection.

Auditors do not know if any unused provisional ballots were diverted.
There is no way to know how many provisional ballots (cast in person by same-day voters) were rejected or why they were rejected.

Note: A large percentage of same-day in-person voters were Trump supporters.

Ballots returned to the County as undeliverable were supposed to be turned over to auditors. They were never received, which makes me wonder if any of those ballots were illegally diverted.

Source (Pg. 56)
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
To prevent a voter from voting twice, any voter who shows up at a voting center on the day of the election to vote in person who has received a ballot by mail must be issued a provisional ballot.

More than 58,000 voters who should have received provisional ballots received standard ballots instead. There is no statutory authority that allows this.

Source (Pg. 59)
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
The Senate subpoena required Maricopa County to allow auditors access to the voter registration system. The County refused access to auditors.

In December 2020, a hack of the database was investigated by the FBI. Auditors requested access to the database to learn more about the intrusion but the County claimed the intruder only accessed publicly available data.

Source (Pg. 60)
Thats evidence tampering & its a state felony. Its also a federal felony to destroy those election records. #AZaudit 👇
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
My favorite...
On February 2nd, 2021, the night before Maricopa County's auditors (Pro V& V and SLI) were to begin their audit, the entire election database was purged.

Source (Pg 63)
Covering up the destruction of evidence. #AZaudit

These are crimes that have been referred to the AZ AG for prosecution- and he is lusting after Mark Kelly’s US Senate seat, which he can’t win without Donald Trump’s endorsement.

The AZ AG knows that he won’t get that endorsement unless he goes after these crimes with the full weight of his office.

Brnovich has something big to gain by going after Dominion & Maricopa county- politically he stands to get an endorsement that will make his campaign & in tackling the election fraud machine he prevents them from stealing the US Senate race from him, PERSONALLY.

Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Pro V&V and SLI didn't mention in their audit reports the deletion of ballot images, election database files, results files, or log files.

Source (Pg. 65)
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
More than 263,000 ballot images that were provided to auditors were too corrupted to be read.

Of the 1.3 million images of ballots scanned prior to November 1st, no images were corrupted. After November 1st, approximately half the scanned images were corrupted.

No explanation has been given as to why or how the images were corrupted. Replacement images were requested but Maricopa County has not provided them.

Source (Pg. 70)
Forwarded from X22 Report Official
This is not about another 4 year election, this is about exposing and destroying the [DS] system. The [DS] is complex, those who control the system do not want you see it, they use the fake news to control what is seen and heard.
1. The system of fraud must be exposed to the people
2. People must understand how the [DS] committed the fraud
3. People need to understand that this wasn’t in one county, one state, it was wide spread and coordinated
4. Think about the timing of Trump’s letters to GA and TX
5. People need to see how foreign governments were involved in the election fraud
6. People must see how the people who have said that there is no election fraud, lie and cover up their crimes, this is what is playing out right now in AZ
7. The AZ AG job is to investigate and present the crime and bring charges against those who committed the crime, the people must see this, will he do his job?
8. The forensic Audit is not about counting the same fraudulent votes, its about exposing the system of fraud to We The People
9. Once the people see it and understand that the system is controlled the people can then demand change.
10. Those people who have been protecting the fraud will have a choice, tell the truth or continue to lie, most will continue to lie
11. Will the FBI, DOJ, SC etc, get involved in the end once all the evidence is presented, will each state decertify the election in the end?
12 Remember We are at war, the [DS] will fight back, remember they are fighting for their lives, to protect their system of control
13. If the Rule of law is not followed, there is only one way, the military
The legality of this is questionable. The decision to do it is dangerous. 👇
Forwarded from 1st Amendment Praetorian
Take a moment today to contemplate something:
The 12 out of 18 people involved in the "plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer" were on the payroll of the FBI.

Based on everything coming out about Jan 6th, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume the same ratio of Feds to citizens was about the same at the Capitol that day.

So as the fight continues to escalate about increasing the debt ceiling as the Biden Regime tries to add $5 TRILLION in spending but refuses to cut costs anywhere else in our bloated government, think about what some of those costs are:

-millions for FBI agents, assets & agent provocateurs whose sole mission is to entrap & set up American citizens

-millions for gender studies programs in Pakistan & Afghanistan, both nations in which the Afghanistan Papers told us solely rejected the woke indoctrination

-millions funneled to shady Soros-run NGOs & non-profits that fund groups like ANTIFA, The Sunshine Movement and other radical Marxists hell bent on the downfall of the USA

-Green New Deal outlays that the GOP loved to cry & scream about when they were called the Green New Deal but now don't have a word to say as its been (fraudulently) re-branded as "infrastructure"

-an unknown amount of money being appropriated to the Capitol Police - a group almost certainly behind planning & assisting the 1/6 False Flag / Color Revolution hoax - to set up offices outside of DC exclusively to spy on Americans

Your own money is being forcefully given, in very large amounts, to groups that want you out of the picture.
These people are low IQ sheep. Are incapable of thinking for themselves, of thinking critically. They’ve been so brainwashed they are nothing more that robots.

These people are lost. 👇