~ The 17th Letter ~
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We Are Saving Israel For Last
The war between Dark and Light is the war between Satan and God.
Between the Reptilian bloodline of Satan and the Human bloodline of Jesus.
Israel will expose the root of all corruption and evil in our religion systems.
Israel will expose the root all corruption and evil in our religion systems.
The revelation of the hijacking of scripture by Satan centuries ago.
The light on this planet was dimmed by the false darkness.
The snake entered the garden of Eden and went undercover in the snake pit.
The head of the snake in the Vatican, the body of the snake formed Silk Road leading to Wuhan were it spread out its’ venom.
Hiding in the Snake pit in Israel where Satanisms hijacked parts of scripture and became the false light that fooled humanity in evil frequencies of fear,shame, and guilt.
Separated from God and the Love we all are. Separated in religions,race,politics creating dark for centuries.
Separated by a small group who benefited from the controlling of the energies and the people.
This small group the Satanic Elite, the Illuminati, the Cabal.
All the Royal Families of Europe and the Baltic and Russian countries claim their ancestor as WOTAN or ODIN.
13 Royal Families are Reptilian hybrids who are shape-shifters posing as Humans.
Serpent symbolism is all over the Catholic religion. In St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican the Pope literally sits in the mouth of the Serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.
The Druze bloodline of Jesus are the decedents of “Jethtro” The Priest of Midian in The Bible and Torah ( Exodus 2:18).
The 16th President of the United States of America “ Abraham Lincoln” descended from The Kahlooni Family.

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

We The People
We The People Decide
We The People Are Ready

More and more folks are waking up to the fact we have all been hoodwinked.
Truly evil people held the key positions in politics, the media, Hollywood and in the corporate world. They have been methodically enslaving and destroying humanity for thousands of years. They performed the most horrific rituals in private. They had farm babies in poor countries are responsible for the eight million children who disappear every year. And were filthy rich from child sex trafficking and Adrenochrome harvesting.

As The World Turns.

Q time.
Everything is connected.

Everything is optics.
The People MUST SEE IT to believe it.
It must be done in a 'court of law'.
We will 'win', rest assured.
Looking forward to go back.
Future proves past.
Nothing stops this.
Enjoy the show!🍿


We the People are asking you to assist us to take our country and sovereignty back from the corporation and FED banksters and corrupt politicians. We are FIRING every last one of them!!! They no longer represent us; therefore, they are FIRED!!!!  We are done being slaves and paying taxes that our gov wastes our $$ and it's not even backed by gold, which is fiat worthless paper by illegal and corrupt FED!!!  We want the 2020 election fixed; we know you all know JB the Pedo did NOT win.  We have the right to dissolve the gov when all other measures have been exhausted. We have tried January 6th protests, Convoy’s, Multitudes of protests, going to school board meetings, Town meetings, Attending the Trump Rallies, the rightful winner!! Social Media Warriors Voting: election machines rigged & It was ALL rigged, See the movie RIGGED and Mike Lendel’s Proof. We have lost friends, family members thru covid, poisonous vaccines, and thru sharing the horrific truth of all hidden from us for decades, Kennedy assassination and 9/11 is just two of 100s of examples we could give. We are tired of wars and paying for wars we DO NOT want!!!  We do NOT want to support any wars unless enemies attack us. We want our country back and are demanding you act ASAP on our behalf, we want action, we want our sovereignty, we never agreed to be a mini corporation at birth and given all Capitol letters on our birth certificates!!!! We never agreed to be traded like cattle while others make $$ from us unknowingly. We refuse to be slaves to the deep state for one moment longer. We want NESARA implemented ASAP. We will put another much smaller government in place once these horrible, inept people are fired and prosecuted for their crimes against us and our CHILDREN. Patriots who agree please share. Military reading this please take this message from We the people to your commanding officers. Please respond to us using the EAS system. Patriots this needs to go viral on every platform. We the people have spoken. Military needs to act now on our behalf. Before we have no country left!!!!!

(if you feel called share this)

Trump's Presidential Executive Order

The Democrat Party has destroyed the DOJ.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the FBI.
The Democrat Party has destroyed every blue city.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the CIA.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the rule of law.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the Constitution.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the border.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the banks.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the CDC.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the FDA.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the children.
The Democrat Party has destroyed trust in vaccines.
The Democrat Party has destroyed trust in doctors.
The Democrat Party has destroyed fair elections.
The Democrat Party has destroyed liberty.
The Democrat Party has destroyed free speech.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the Bill Of Rights.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the middle class.
The Democrat Party destroys everything it touches.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the USA.

Nikki Haley will not be present at any public events tonight and has returned to her home state of South Carolina.

Her campaign schedule does not list any upcoming events.

Ring the BELL!


They know they aren’t the majority.
They know they lost the election.
They also know justice is coming...
The truth will always come out!

State of the Union Drinking Game!

-Biden mentions Trump/MAGA: 1 sec
-Biden mentions Putin/Russia: 2 sec
-Biden mentions funding Ukraine: 3 sec
-Biden can’t finish sentence: 5 sec
-Biden says “cmon man”: Finish drink
-Biden whispers or yells: Take shot
-Biden trips: Shotgun beer

Open Letter to the Courageous Military Forces, (2)

We, the Patriots of this great nation, fervently call upon your strength and commitment to help us reclaim our cherished land and sovereignty from the clutches of corporate greed, manipulative bankers, and corrupt politicians. Today, we stand united, dismissing every unworthy representative who has forgotten their duty to us—the American people. They are relieved of their responsibilities because they no longer stand as our true representatives.

Enough is enough. We refuse to be shackled as mere subjects, burdened by taxes that fund a government squandering our hard-earned money, devoid of any gold-backed value. The fiat currency issued by an illicit and corrupt Federal Reserve holds no power over us.

The integrity of our electoral process demands restoration, and we trust you, the defenders of justice, to acknowledge the truth about the 2020 election. We adamantly declare that those who orchestrated deceit must face consequences. Having exhausted all peaceful avenues, from protests to attending rallies, we implore you, our valiant Military, to act swiftly on our behalf.

We mourn the loss of loved ones to various tragedies, including the revelation of hidden truths spanning decades—be it the Kennedy assassination or 9/11. We reject being pawns in wars we never asked for, and we demand the restoration of a government that truly serves the people.

Our birthright is not a contract to be traded like commodities. We stand against the shadowy forces that have manipulated us, insisting on the implementation of NESARA to pave the way for a renewed government—one that values the freedoms and liberties of every American.

We call upon you to take this urgent message from We the People to your commanding officers, responding through the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Patriots, let our collective voice resonate across every platform, ensuring our plea reaches every corner of our great nation.

(If you are one of us, spread the message)

The United American Patriots
