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Forwarded from Vincent James
MMA fighter Jake Shields just got red pilled on pizzagate in the exact way I explained in the clip above back in January.
Meet the new pedo wizard, same as the old pedo wizard.

Forwarded from The Pythagorean Lair
Queen Elizabeth II (whose surname is Mary) dies on the VIRGIN Mary's birthday, and Queen Elizabeth I was known as the VIRGIN Queen
Today is also just one day after Queen Elizabeth I was born
Today is 20 weeks 1 day (counting end date) after her birthday
The Jesuit Order = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
Order of Illuminati = 201 (English Ordinal)
Today is exactly 140 days after her birthday
Queen of England = 140 (English Ordinal)
Its the 251st day of the year
Ritual Sacrifice = 251 (Reverse Ordinal)
251 is the 54th prime
Jesuit Order = 54 (Full Reduction)
Today is 68 days (counting end date) to Prince Charles' upcoming birthday
Prince Charles = 68 (Full Reduction)
Its also 9 weeks 5 days (counting end date) before his birthday
Today is exactly 95 days after the end of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
The Jesuits were created to counter Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Its also exactly 3 months 3 days after her Platinum Jubilee
Piers Morgan said that it was the beginning of the end for the Queen on May 5th
May 5th had date numerology of 33
(5) + (6) + (22) = 33 DN
Masonry = 33 (Full Reduction)
Morgan was born March 30th, the date written 3/3
Morgan made those remarks on the 38th day of his age
Today is 163 days (counting end date) after Morgan's birthday
163 is the 38th prime
Death = 38 (English Ordinal)
Murder = 38 (Reverse Ordinal)
Killing = 38 (Full Reduction)
RIP = 38 (Reverse Ordinal)
English = 38 (Full Reduction)
Gematria = 38 (Full Reduction)
Today is 38 weeks (counting end date) after Pope Francis' birthday
May 5th is the day written 5/6
Royal Family = 56
Society of Jesus = 56
Queen Elizabeth's father died at 56
The "Queen City" Cincinatti Bengals lost Super Bowl 56 earlier this year
Those remarks were made on the 126th day of the year and today is 126 days (counting end date) since those remarks
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 126 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Its also 4 months 3 days (counting end date) after Morgan's remarks in which he said it was the end of a 'golden age'
Golden Age = 43 (Full Reduction)
Elizabeth = 43 (Full Reduction)
Its 17 weeks (and days) since Morgan made those remarks
Kill = 17 (Full Reduction)
Today is also 266 days (counting end date) after Pope Francis' birthday
Prince Phillip died on the day leaving 266 days in the year
The motto of the Jesuits is Iesus Hominum Salvator
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)
Its 74 weeks (counting end date) after Prince Phillip died at the age of 99 on the 99th day of the year
Queen Elizabeth died at Balmoral
Balmoral = 74 (English Ordinal)
Killing = 74 (English Ordinal)
London = 74 (English Ordinal)
Masonic = 74 (English Ordinal)
Occult = 74 (English Ordinal)
English = 74 (English Ordinal)
Gematria = 74 (English Ordinal)
Today is 66 days (counting end date) before the Superior General Arturo Sosa's birthday
Queen Elizabeth = 66 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Number of the Beast = 66 (Full Reduction)
Camilla's first full day as Queen tomorrow will be the day leaving 113 days in the year
Queen Camilla = 113 (English Ordinal)
Today is exactly 1 months 13 days after the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss' birthday
Liz Truss was the last public figure to meet with the Queen just two days ago
Truss' middle name is Elizabeth and real first name is Mary like the Queen's surname
Its also exactly 44 days since her birthday
Kill = 44 (English Ordinal)
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I'm never betting in a dead pool against Robert Smith ever.
Forwarded from Potassium Nitrate Pilled (Machinator)
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Forwarded from Dark_Enlightenment's aphorisms (Dark Enlightenment)
It *is* possible that the outbreak of a fake pandemic, the start of WW3 defacto , perverts and trannies everywhere, pedos in high places, total destruction of the Church, a food crisis, an energy crisis, mass migration + open borders crisis, massive inflation, housing crisis, infrastructure collapse and massive droughts are all happening at the same time because of incompetence never before seen in human history.
There's a conspiracy to destroy White people and all of these are all just symptoms of a larger problem.

Act accordingly.
Forwarded from The Pythagorean Lair
Prince Phillip died at the age of 99 on the 99th day of the year
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 99 (Full Reduction)
Prince Charles will give his first address as King tomorrow on 9/9
Queen Elizabeth last tested positive for CORONAvirus 99 days after Charles' birthday
That day was 263 days after the anniversary of her CORONAtion
263 is the 56th prime
Royal Family 56 (Full Reduction)
Coronavirus = 56 (Full Reduction)
Covid Vaccine = 56 (Full Reduction)
Society of Jesus = 56 (Full Reduction)
Charles was last diagnosed with CORONAvirus was on the Pope's 56th day of his age
That was the 41st day of the year
King = 41 (English Ordinal)
Now Charles wears the CORONA
Forwarded from Inside looking out.
God bless America amiright?

im sure it did πŸ™ƒ
Forwarded from The Great Reset Times (J. Bear River)
Media is too big
At War With The Beast - Mystery Babylon Exposed

Whether or not you believe in God, Jesus, or Lucifer, the puppets in the enter-tain-ment industry, the minions in government and the devils that handle them surely do. Seek Christ.

Rituals | Truth in Plain Sight | Secret Societies | Predictive Programming | The Beast System
Eric Striker and Mike Enoch on Lord of the Rings (LOTR)

>Striker states people concerned about LOTR being destroyed is a stupid issue

>Enoch does damage control.

>Since Tolkein was against Nazis, Striker thinks LOTR doesn't matter.

>Enoch and Striker claim if Tolkein were alive he might have approved the diversity/woke changes.

I know it is hard for a POC like Striker to understand, but fan or not LOTR is part of White culture and history.

It is being destroyed in real-time.

How is NJP a pro-White party when Striker the anti-White Puerto Rican is the head of ideology?

Livestream Link
The mid-season break is officially over, and boy do we have something exciting planned for you all! Sunday, 9/11 at 7:00 pm CST, The Paranormies will sit down with Simon Shack of September Clues fame to discuss one of the largest conspiracies of our era that still holds such importance even over 20 years on.

You don't want to miss this! Join us live on!

Forwarded from The Great Reset Times (J. Bear River)
Klaus Schwab and then Prince Charles at the annual Davos meeting in 1992.

Interestingly enough 1992 is also the same year Agenda 21 was developed. Imagine that...

No such thing as coincidences.