The Great Reset Times
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Media is too big
Trump Says "The World Is Going To Be Blown To Pieces":

"Our country's in trouble, something has to happen and if it doesn't happen..and if we don't have smart leadership, you're going to end up with the world..the world is going to be blown to pieces."

There is no doubt in my mind Trump will "win" in 2024, not because he was voted in but because he was selected just like he was in his last term, like Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton and the rest of them, they are all puppets and each play their part in the grand stage.

Forwarded from Lola⚓️ Sunnyskies
He says it twice (x2) on that LCH Kabbalah Action for a 47th President Of 666 proportions...
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Psaki on the [planned] food shortages:
"We are not expecting a food shortage here at home but we are acting to bolster food security around the globe."
Agenda 2030 | Lab Grown Meat
Dining on the likes of lab-grown meat or ground-up insects could lead to big savings in carbon emissions and water, as well as freeing up land for nature

'That's the finding of a study calculating the environmental benefits of "greener" foods hitting our plates. Scientists say pressures on the planet could fall by more than 80% with such foods, compared with the typical European diet.'

They're not even hiding it anymore...

Media is too big
Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society | Speech On Insider Plans To Destroy America 1974

A future we are all living today...

'The following presentation was assembled from Mr. Welch's two speeches at the JBS Council Dinner in LA on March 9, 1974.

In his first speech Mr. Welch quotes himself from the 1958 JBS founding meeting about the Insiders' long-range plans. In his second speech at the 1974 Council Dinner, Mr. Welch looks 15 years into the future.'
The Great Reset Times
Plandemic | Bird Flu Former CDC Director Redfield Says The 'Great Pandemic' Of Bird Flu Is Coming: "I've always said that the covid pandemic was a wake up call. I don't believe its "the great pandemic'. I believe 'the great pandemic' is still in the future…
Plandemic | Bird Flu
China Has Recorded The First Human Infection With The H3N8 Strain Of Bird Flu

A four-year-old boy from central Henan province was found to have been infected with the variant after developing a fever and other symptoms on April 5.

Is another lockdown incoming?
In light of this new information, it is still too early to say, but it seems the media is definitely putting these fears out there; and with heavy lockdowns going on right now in China, the situation is starting to build...

Continue your preparations, and trust the Lord for protection.

Cyber Polygon | Planned Cyberattack
The cybersecurity authorities of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US issued a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to “urge critical infrastructure network defenders to prepare for and mitigate potential cyber threats.

'While the threat of Russian cyberattacks may be very real and imminent, false flag operations, faking the origins of cyberattacks, and conducting influence operations are all hallmarks of the Five Eyes, along with many other documented deception tactics.

In January, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published its Global Risks Report 2022 warning that retaliations to cyberthreats — whether actual or perceived — could lead to open cyberwarfare.

This year, the WEF will once again be supporting the Russian-based annual Cyber Polygon cybersecurity training exercise on July 8, 2022 with a focus on “digital resilience in the cloud age.”

Forwarded from World History X
Did you see the episode of stargate where they distributed a vaccine that sterilized everyone and people dont realize it because they have total control of the media?

Or X-files S10E6 where they find out everyone has been given AIDS through vaccines and it is triggered at some point? And the cure is "alien DNA"?
The Great Reset Times
EU | Digital Identity Wallet Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, in her State of the Union address, 16 September 2020: “Every time an App or website asks us to create a new digital identity or to easily log on via a big platform, we…
France | Digital Identity
The Ministry of the Interior has just published a decree authorizing the creation of a means of electronic identification called “Digital Identity Guarantee Service” (SGIN). The project ? Create a mobile application to store your digital identity.

In other words, the user who wishes, can scan his identity card in the application. However, it will be necessary to have one of the new biometric identity cards. Then, the information can be directly transmitted to other services, which usually ask for a copy of the identity card.

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New York | Plandemic
Man records school teachers refusing to answer if they have signed parental consent to take these children out from school grounds and into a street where there is mobile COVID-1984 testing...

Get your kids out of school if you haven't yet! These demons are going after your children
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US | Plandemic
Dr. Fraudci says the U.S. is "out of the pandemic phase" but "global pandemic still on going":

“So, if you’re saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are. What we hope to do, I don’t believe, and I have spoken about this widely, we’re not going to eradicate this virus,” he said. “If we can keep that level very low, and intermittently vaccinate people — and I don’t know how often that would have to be."

"That might be every year, that might be longer, in order to keep that level low. But, right now, we are not in the pandemic phase in this country. Pandemic means a widespread, throughout the world, infection that spreads rapidly among people. So, if you look at the global situation, there’s no doubt this pandemic is still ongoing.”
The Great Reset Times
Translation: Globalist Puppet Elon Musk who is helping usher in the transhuman agenda, refers the creation of A.I. to "summoning demons", is in favor of UBI, is a part of the space psyop and is creating robots to replace humans, just purchased Twitter for…
MSM's favorite gatekeeper Joe Rogan excited about his buddy Elon Musk buying Twitter, refers to Musk as a "movie-star cut type of a superhero"

"Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him " - Albert Pike [The Pope of American Freemasonry]

Did you know Elon Musk worked with Charles Lieber to develop Neuralink? Did you know Lieber’s research included using viruses as a means to deliver and integrate nanobiotechnology into human brains?

'Charles Lieber was arrested back in January 2020 charged in two China-related cases of spying and smuggling. Lieber is a specialist in nanotechnologies, a field that is getting billions of investment dollars from the United States government, including the Defense Department (DOD), and from the private sector.

The specific specialty developed by Lieber and of possible strategic interest to DOD is “mesh technology at nano-scale.” A nano-scale mesh device offers considerable opportunities over rigid electrodes implanted in the human brain. Lieber is one of the top scientists involved with Elon Musk in Neuralink.'

The Great Reset Times
Did you know Elon Musk worked with Charles Lieber to develop Neuralink? Did you know Lieber’s research included using viruses as a means to deliver and integrate nanobiotechnology into human brains? 'Charles Lieber was arrested back in January 2020 charged…
Check out this article on some of Charles Lieber’s research from The Harvard Gazette titled... 'The Future of Mind Control'

The same man who worked with Musk as a top scientist to help develop Neuralink. Don’t be a conspiracy theorist. Nothing to see here. Carry on...

“To that end, Lieber’s lab is designing smaller, more flexible electronic brain implants that move with brain tissue instead of against it. His mesh electronics mimic the size, shape, and feel of real neurons; can record, track and modulate individual neurons and circuits for up to a year or more; and provoke almost no immune response. In addition, Lieber’s electronics have already demonstrated a valuable trick of their own: They encourage neural migration, potentially guiding newborn neurons to damaged areas, like pockets created by stroke.“

Forwarded from Davidg
Democrat General who became President Andrew Jackson a freemason, lead the destruction of the Cherokee nation on the trail of tears. The masons starved the indians on the plains and also pushed the indians onto reservations in Oklahoma.

Nobody in America remembers this outright genocide. Will they remember this one going on right now? So many people are stupid. You cant fix stupid.

Masons have been behind many genocide including the American Indian
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
BREAKING - Biden's Department of Homeland Security to create a 'Disinformation Governance Board' for 'countering misinformation'

Nina Jankowicz, who once claimed militarized Trump supporters would show up to the polls with weapons to intimidate voters, will head the board

Metacontent Technology | Russia’s Psychic Program
The official Russian Defense Ministry magazine Armeisky Sbornik recently published an article which claims that the Russian army has a method of “combat parapsychology” that makes it possible to hack computer programs, disrupt radio communication and read other people’s thoughts using willpower alone.

The so-called “Metacontact technology” was developed by the Soviet military in the 1980s and used by Russian special forces in Chechnya. “Someone in possession of metacontact technology can perform, for example, non-verbal interrogation. He can ‘see through’ a captured soldier, and can detect enemy ambushes, caches, depots, and stashes,”

“It has been shown to be possible to influence even equipment. Using willpower, one can, for example, make computer programs crash, burn the crystals in generators, eavesdrop on conversations or disrupt TV or radio transmissions and communications,” the colonel explains.