The Fascifist Archive
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Channel dedicated to the archiving of important information regarding history, politics, religion and philosophy.
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Forwarded from TheSovietTsar
Russian Propaganda poster of the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904.

"The Japanese Emperor and his sly well-wishers: John Bull and Uncle Sam"
Forwarded from TheSovietTsar
The attitude of the leading world powers to the outbreak of war between Russia and Japan split them into two camps. Britain and the United States immediately and definitely took the side of Japan: the illustrated chronicle of the war, which began to appear in London, was even called "Japan's Struggle for Freedom"; and American President Roosevelt openly warned France against its possible action against Japan, saying that in this case he would “immediately take her side and go as far as necessary”.

The tone of the American press was so hostile to Russia that it prompted M. O. Menshikovone of the leading publicists of Russian nationalism exclaim in Новое время:

"There is no doubt that without the support of America and England, Japan would not have gone to war with us."
"Political Zionism and Christian Zionism are biblically anathema to the Christian faith... True Israel today is neither Jews nor Israelis, but believers in the Messiah, even if they are gentiles."

— John Stott, English Anglican cleric and theologian who was noted as a leader of the worldwide evangelical movement
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PLA Military Song MV - Strong Army Song 《军歌嘹亮》-《强军战歌》No English Lyrics
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“Civilize the mind and make savage the body, In order to civilize the mind one must first make savage the body, if the body is made savage, then the civilized mind will follow”

- Mao Zedong


A simple formula to remember:

China of Today = 1800s American Economic Policy + Sino-Fascism


America was a creditor nation giving out loans to a cheap sweatshop continent in 1800s Europe.

The Age of Enlightenment & Liberalism opened up Europe. Trade liberalization of Europe allowed America to dump cheap goods into Europe. Much of the chaotic wars and revolutions (Freemasonic) destabilized Europe. A weakened Europe sometimes needed to import American goods and borrow from America as a result.

Furthermore, liberalism facilitated Europe's willingness to do it.

This policy would:

1) Weaken the domestic industries
of Europe

2) Indebture It

3) Add to political upheaval

4) Lead to Europeans migrating to
America, where they would lose
their identity & become "White."

China had recognized the American economic policies of the 1800s and was impressed by them. As a result, China made a strategic long term move to push back against America's liberal hegemony.

China used debt and cheap labor to industrialize at the rest of the world's expense, just as America had done to Europe in the 1800s.

America's existence allowed the new emerging Bourgoise European class -- also known as "Free White Persons" -- to ignore the problems of impoverishment and exploitation that they brought to the working, laboring, and middle class.

America's existence allowed the British to exploit Ireland as migration allowed them to be more apathetic and let their "despised enemies" flee away. Things like this often came at the expense of Europe.

The Chinese response is entirely fascist and anti-liberal to the core.

China symbolizes "anti-liberalism" and how "fascism won the political debate" in the counter culture of the modern world even in so called "communist countries".

China is not a dumping ground. It's a ruthless Civilization State/Empire not bound by "liberal slave morality." and thus outcompetes most of the world. China's goal is nothing short of the end of American unipolariry and liberal hegemony and it shall continue to labor for this cause.


The Modern World: White and Western

On the Ontological Difference Between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist West

They Gave Us Modernism: A Response to Megha Liliwhite's "What We Owe to the West"

A Refutation of Realist and Materialist Substance Ontology

Self Determination of the Peoples? The Important Lessons of Soviet Russia and Imperial Japan

The Theory of Consciousness as the Basis of Reality

The Theory of Language as the Basis of Identity

Idealism as the Philosophy of Christian Theology

The Theory of History as a Subject of Natural Revelation

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West?
Forwarded from TheSovietTsar
Putin forbade Rothschild and his family from the Cartel of Banking in the New World Order to enter the territory of the Russian

Most recently, the president of the Russian federation, Vladimir Putin has taken a decision for the country. "Under no circumstances, the Rothschild family is not allowed to enter the territory of Russia."

According to a source in the Kremlin, the Russian president is in fact fighting for their country with the Annual. Vladimir Putin said:

"They don't own the world, and they don't have carte blanche to do whatever they want. If we don't challenge them, there will be other problems. We will not intimidate them."

Link #1
Link #2
Link #3

At this rate, it may not be much longer until Chinese lawmakers catch up to the level of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that has already been passed in Uganda in 2023
North Korean Juche Doctrine on a "Multiracial" Society

«The theory of "multiracial society" is a poisonous and anti-Reunification logic designed to emasculate the basic idea in the era of independent Reunification. The anti-national logic is defended in South Korea, contrary to the aspiration of compatriots. This is attributable to the criminal attempt by pro-American elements , including the large National Party, to make North and South different in bloodlines, block the June 15 Reunification era, and seek permanent division of the nation and US manipulation. backstage. The commentary invites people from all walks of life in South Korea to decisively reject the anti-national movements of the sycophantic traitorous forces to tarnish the lineage of the Korean nation and destroy it, devoid of the Juche character and the national character»

Source: Rodong Sinmun; Theory "Multiracial Society", Pyongyang, April 27.
“The day the Germans, French and Russians unite will be the last day of Anglo-Saxon hegemony.”

- Karl Haushofer

During World War I, American intervention made Karl Haushofer write in his journal:

“Rather die as European than rot as American.”

Haushofer wanted to free the “three great peoples of the future,” namely the Germans, the Russians, and the Japanese, from the strangulation that the Anglo-Saxon powers had prepared for them. The energies of the “Russian bear” should be channeled towards the South, towards India, without spilling over into the German space in the West or the Japanese space in the East. The “imperialism of the dollar” was, for Haushofer, the “principal external enemy” since the day after Versailles. Faced with the new order that the Bolshevik power had constituted in Moscow, Haushofer was ambivalent: he rejected the Bolshevik style and practices but he conceded that they had liberated Russia (and intended to liberate all peoples in the future) from the “slavery of banks and capital.”
Fire Lord Ozai was the last true Fire Lord. Pro-Zuko community are hypocrites for crying about indoctrination, while they indoctrinate their subjects with Anti-Ozai propaganda
The Fascifist Archive
Fire Lord Ozai was the last true Fire Lord. Pro-Zuko community are hypocrites for crying about indoctrination, while they indoctrinate their subjects with Anti-Ozai propaganda
This channel is a light-hearted and entertaining one where they wished to use the series of Avatar to display how the Fire Nation under Sozin up to Ozai are based.

We are interested because the Fire Nation draws serious parallel to Imperial Japan. Also, the channel's description speaks for itself on what they truly represent ideologically.

Under Fire Lord Sozin's reign, Homosexuality has been deemed illegal and continued throughout the Hundred Years War.

Fire Nation = Imperial Japan
Earth Kingdom = Qing China/Warlord China era
Air Nomads = Tibetan Theocratic State
Water Tribe = Arctic/Siberian Tribes
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"You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instinct. In the darkest time, hope is something you give yourself... That is the meaning of inner strength."

- Fire General Iroh
How does high culture emerge?

Nietzsche thought that aesthetics was basically applied physiology. Health, in the literal sense of the word, was at the center of his worldview and aesthetic philosophy. He thought that decadent art stemmed from sickness and that high art stemmed from health. In his mind, the body was the source of creative impulse. If the body is unhealthy, it will give rise to unhealthy instincts, and vice versa.

(Fire Nation trained their young boys and girls to be physically strong to protect their nation and to develop creativity from their physical education, general education, music education, etc. Healthy Body leads to Healthy Mind and Healthy Spirit)
The channel has started a chat for the interest of discussing about Avatar nations and their similarity to certain Asian countries and system and observing how the Fire Nation are based since Sozin up to Ozai.

Legend of Korra is mediocre trash, but it is allowed to be discussed.
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"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame"

- Fire General Iroh