The Comedy Centre
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The Factory of the Laughing Gas

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A few of my jokes might be NSFW!

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At 15 if you are poor, that is your parents fault. At 30, it is your fault!


Wife: I am going to donate some of my clothes to poor and starving people.

Me: Whoever can fit into your clothes is not starving!

Your mother is so slow, it took her 9 months to make a joke!

When Tems says crazy things are happening, it was today I felt it.

Police arrested my girlfriend and I yesterday, this morning her boyfriend came to bail her out!

When you see it just react with 🤭

I stopped trusting the police when i went for a recruitment test and came first in running only to be told I cannot be recruited because I will escape with the gun!

Snacks ready

I was disappointed when the tin of evaporated milk I bought was empty.

I was like, well I fell for that. It definitely said so on the container!

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The best magic show I have ever watched 😂😂😂

A blue whale's anus can scratch to three and a half feet, making it the second biggest asshole next to people who talk on speakerphone in public.

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My friend donated blood when his girlfriend was sick.

After she got better, they break up, he demanded for his blood back.

She threw a pad at him and said she'll pay him monthly.
