🆃🅲🅽 The Collective Network
1.52K subscribers
70 photos
87 videos
115 links
Information organized link network channel. We collect and archive information into easy to use directories.

Channel Owner - @SOVEREIGN_SAINT

ɢᴏᴅ ᴅᴇʟɪᴠᴇʀ ᴜꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴏɴᴇ
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓝𝓮𝓽𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴
Lɪғᴇ ɪꜱ Bʀᴜᴛᴀʟ, Bᴜᴛ Bᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ
We need to start thinking about leaving the poisonous food trough that the elites serve to us at a cost and we need to start planning our independence from them. The first step is growing gardens again. Most of us grew up in a household that had a garden. We need to go back to that and our group is going to do it together. We have a solid group of gardeners ready to pass their knowledge off to Patriots. If you have something to add we would be happy to hear it, or it might be best to add you to admins so you can post yourself. Join the Gardening channel if you're interested in dumping the elites and being more independent and healthy.
🆃🅲🅽 The Collective Network

This channel is a large collection of videos that show some of the most beautiful places on earth. Scroll up to see them all. Take a break from the battle and go on a mental vacation.

When this all started, I liked to watch these video's because they gave me hope. Now I have almost 200 of them. I like to think I have the largest collection of inspirational Trump Video's.
ᴘᴅғ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛᴏʀʏ


Absentee Ballot Application
2020 Absentee Ballot Application
🔥Affidavit of Gordon Thomas (PROMIS)
The affidavit summarizes admissions made to Gordon regarding INSLAW, Inc.'s PROMIS case management software by Rafi Eitan, a former senior Israeli intelligence official.
Afghan's Evacuated to US on Terror Watch list.
Ten Medical Facts Regarding The Covid-19 Experimental Vaccines
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Training Course
● Dr. John A. Allocca, WB2LUA
🔥Analysis of Covid-19 mNRA Vaccines
Florida State Surgeon General: Do Not Take Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines!
🔥Androgyny, European Royalty, and the War on Gender
● Jeremy James
Angela Merkle's Bank Fraud
Antifa, The Anti-Fascist Handbook
● Mark Bray
Analysis of Unusual and Signature APOBEC Mutations in HIV-1 Pol Next-Generation
● Medical Research Abstract Paper
Arabella Advisors Impact Report 2020 🔥
● Leftist Org that provides “dark money” through their activist networks.
The Art of Invisibility
● Kevin D. Mitnick and Robert Vamosi
The Art of War
● Sun Tzu
Ashley Biden Diary 🔥
● Ashley Biden's Diary
Assessment on Covid 19 Origins
● BS Assessment on Covid 19 Origins
Australian Health Management Plan For Pandemic Influenza
● Aus Health Mgt Plan for Pandemic


B Thing and E Team Article 🔥
● 911 Article
Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World
● World Trade Center 911 NY Times Article
Banking Act of 1933 🔥
Statute enacted by the United States Congress that established FDIC and other banking reforms
Banking Act of 1935 🔥
Changed the structure and power distribution in the Federal Reserve System
Bank Holding Company Act of 1956
Defines bank holding companies, control their future expansion, and require divestment of their non-banking interests
Battle for the Mind
The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing and Thought Control by William Sargant
Behold a Pale Horse 🔥
● William Cooper
Betz 2020 The Emotional Underpinnings of Radical Right Populist
● The Emotional Underpinnings of Radical Right Populist Mobilization
Biden Timeline 🔥
● The Biden Timeline and Plot to Remove Donald Trump
Black Unicorn Report 2021
● Black Unicorn Report
Black Vault – CIA MKULTRA / Mind control Collection
● Collection of mkultra/mind control docs
Bloodlines of the Illuminati 🔥
● Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
Booby Traps- FM 5-31
● Dept. of the Army Field Manual 1965
Books of Enoch 🔥
● The Complete Volume – Ethiopic, Slavonic & Hebrew
Book of Knowledge - The Keys to Enoch 🔥
● J. J. Hurtak PHD
Brian Huddleston v FBI and U.S. Dept. of Justice
● A Federal Judge has ordered the production of Seth Rich's laptop
Brnovitch v. Democratic National Committee
● Supreme Court says voting by mail makes it easier to commit election fraud

● Asserts Broad Domain Over Private Property
Canada’s Sustainable Development Plan
● Canada's UN Agenda Plan
CARR- A Guide to Online Radical-Right Symbols, Slogans and Slurs
● Guide to Radical Right Wing Symbols
● Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited, - Chinese lithium ion battery manufacturer and technology company
Chicago- The Barack Obama Campaign 🔥
● Case Study: Chicago-The Barack Obama Campaign
Chimeras 🔥
● Center for Bioethics - University of Minnesota CHIMERAS
China Progress 2008
● China's UN Agenda Progress 2008
China’s Resettlement Plan
● China's Resettlement Plan
The Chips and Science Act
● H.R.4346
Chlorine Dioxide
● Inactivates binding of spike protein
Church Committee Books 1-6 🔥
● Reports of Abuses by the Intelligence Agencies
● Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process
CISA Collaborating with Maricopa County
● Censor election information from the public
The Color Revolution Model 🔥
● Explains the structure of the Color Revolution
Complaint Volokh v James
● NY statute affecting anyone purporting to have a blog, FB page, anything online in the U.S.
Confessions of Aleister Crowley 🔥
● Confessions of Aleister Crowley
Confidential Interview
● Lin Wood interview with Ryan White
Congressman Rose letter to Dept of State 🔥
● Letter Asking The State Department To Designate Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion As A Terrorist Organization
Conspiracy Theories
● Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule
Conspirators Hierarchy 🔥
● Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300
● FBI Secret Program
Control 🔥
● Will Our Children Be Free? Vladimir Zev Zelenko, M.D.
The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services 🔥
● Report published by Senator Nancy Schaefer in 2007
Covid Medication Prioritization Methods
● New York Priority for Oral treatments
Covid-19: The Great Reset 🔥
● Klaus Schwab
Covid -19 PHEIC
● Global research and innovation forum: towards a research road map
CRC- The Shadow Over America 🔥
● CRC exposed the half-billion-dollar“dark money” activist network run by Arabella Advisors
The Creature from Jekyll Island 🔥
● Book by G. Edward Griffin about the creation of the FED Reserve
The Cure for All Diseases
● Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D.,N.D
Cyber Ninjas Report Vol 1
● Cyber Ninja's Report Vol 1
Cyber Ninjas Response Maricopa County Analysis of Senate Report
● Cyber Ninjas Response
The Cyber Resilience Index: Advancing Organizational Cyber Resilience
● WEF Document July 2022
Cyber Warfare election data
● Cyber Warfare election data

Dark Winter Script
● Bio-terrorism Exercise Andrews Air Force Base June 22-23, 2001
Declassified: 9/11 Commission Interviews with Bush and Cheney 🔥
● Bush and Cheney 9/11 Docs
Decode 🔥
● Q abbreviations explained
Defense Intelligence Agency
● Challenges To Security In Space 2022
Defuse proposal
● Project Defuse
Devin Archer’s Sentencing Transcript
● Pre-redacted and unreleased transcript
DHS Cybersecurity Disinfo Meeting Minutes
● Reps from JPMorgan Chase attended virtually all DHS meetings about federal government efforts to censor disinformation on social media
DNA Patents
● DNA Patents SUPREME COURT case
Documents Uncovering a Secret Twitter Portal Btw US Govt Officals 🔥
● Used to Censor Dissenting Covid-19 Views
DoD Law of War Manual June 2015 (Update Dec 2016) 🔥
● Department of Defense Law of War Manual
DJT v Cable News Network, Inc
● President Trump sues CNN for Defamation
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock 🔥
● Dr. Russell L. Blaylock article on NIH website - Covid Update: What is the Truth?
Durhams Expenditures
● John Durhams Expenditures 4/1/2021 – 10/30/2021


Earth Satellite Program 1956
● Earth Satellite Program 1956
East Rutherford Police Dept Report 911 🔥
● Preliminary Report
Election Fraud Supreme Court Docs
● Supreme Courts denial to see case for 2020 election fraud
Election Jurisdiction Data
● Election Jurisdiction Data
Email leak between Katie Hobbs and Twitter
● Info comes from Missouri v Biden case
EO 13848 Sept 12 2018 🔥
● Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
EO 13959 Nov 12 2020 🔥
● Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Certain Companies of the People’s Republic of China
EO On Advancing Biotechnology and Bio-manufacturing
● Innovation for a sustainable safe and secure American Bio-economy
The Ericsson Report 🔥
● The Ericsson Report: A Matter of National Security
Epstein Docs 🔥
● Epstein Documents
Explaining Pedo Peter
● Pedo Peter is the contact name for Natalie Biden on little Hunter's iPad

Family Jewels 🔥
● CIA program to covertly assassinate foreign leaders
Farrar and Fauci Unredacted Emails 🔥
● Emails detailing the teleconference between Dr. Fauci and virologists discussing SARS-Cov-2
FBI’s CHS Report
● Leaked documents from FBI’s CHS Report
FBI Report 911 🔥
● Sections 1-6
FBI Seized Materials in Trump Raid
● Unsealed Docs
Federal Reserve Act of 1913 🔥
● Created the Federal Reserve (Central Banking System)
Federal Reserve Reform Act of 1977 🔥
● It was instrumental in shaping the current Federal Reserve System today
Final Environmental Impact StatementVolume I
● Proposed High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (H.A.A.R.P.) 1993
Financial Disclosure Reports for White House Officials
● Joe Biden and Harris' 2020, 2021 records
The Finders Parts 1-3 🔥
● FBI Records (Satanic Cult)
Finding Florida- The True History of the Sunshine State 🔥
● This book talks about the connections of Walt Disney and the CIA plus other interesting historical information about Florida
● Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol 🔥
● Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for Covid-19
Floyd Autopsy 6-30-20
● George Floyd Autopsy
Flynn Exec Disclosure
● Michael Flynn Financial Disclosure
Forty Ways to Fight Fascists
● Spencer Sunshine - Street-Legal Tactics For Community Activists
Four Arguments for the Elimination of TV
● Jerry Mander
Franciscan Order v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human
● Ruling preventing government from forcing health care professional to carry out procedures such as sex-change, and abortion despite religious objections
Franklin Cover-up Ebook 🔥
● Child abuse, satanism, and murder cover up in Nebraska
The Franklin Scandal 🔥
● Nick Bryant
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance 🔥
● Protocol for reversing/mitigating the damage caused by the jabs

Gateway Pundit Complaint Against Maricopa County Officials
● Complaint against Maricopa Officials
The Ghost Army of World War 2 🔥
● Rick Beyer and Elizabeth Sayles
Giuffre v. Maxwell 🔥
● Archived Links to the documents released on 07-30-2020, which were previously under seal
Global Migration Resilient Cities at the Forefront 🔥
● Strategic actions to adapt and transform our cities in an age of migration
Global Risks Report 2023 🔥
● WEF 2023
Google Data Collection Paper 🔥
● Professor Douglas C. Schmidt, Vanderbilt University August 15, 2018
Google and Project Maven 🔥
● Big Tech, Government and the AI Arms Race
Google Rigged The 2020 Election 🔥
● Leaked 950 pages of internal documents
Government Accountability Office Report 2010
● Guardianship Cases of Financial Exploitation, Neglect, and Abuse of Seniors
The Grace Commission Report
● Investigation to eliminate inefficiency in the US government


H.A.A.R.P. 1990 🔥
● High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
HB iPhone Backup Messages & Attachments 🔥
● Pdf & Zip File
Henry Paulson Warns Smartmatic Venezualen 🔥
● Henry Paulson warns about Venezuela's voting machines (2006)
Hierarchy of Angels and Demons
● Hierarchy of Angels and Demons
High-Temperature Thermitic Reactions 🔥
● Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth
Highly Immunogenic and Effective Measles Virus-based Th1-biased COVID-19 Vaccine
● Medical Research Document
History of the Secret Cabal 🔥
● 5,000 BC to modern time
Hoft Declaration in Federal Lawsuit Against Maricopa-County
● Lawsuit against Maricopa County
How Roberts Was Blackmailed To Support ObamaCare🔥
● How Roberts was blackmailed
How to Lie with Statics
● Darrell Huff
H.R. 3166
● False Statements Accountability Act of 1996
HRC FOIA email
● Norman Kaplan to HRC
Huge Collection of Research on the Columbine Shooting 🔥
● Researched document collection
Human Security and the SDG's
● Human Security and Agenda 2030
Hunter Biden Laptop Text Messages 🔥
● All of the Biden Laptop text messages
Hunter Biden Phillipa Horan Transcript
● Hunter Biden Phillipa Horan Transcript


IDR Publication - Shedding 🔥
● The vaccinated are shedding
Igor Danchenko Verdict
● Found not guilty on all counts
● Integrity Initiative Handbook v2
Illuminati Books 1-3 🔥
● Henry Makow
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
● H. R. 5376
Info about group of 77
● Group of 77 Overseers of Implementation
Iron Curtain Over American 🔥
● John Beaty

J6 Cmte Subpeona to Donald Trump
● Oct 21, 2022
Jab Detox Guide
● Dr Zandré Botha and colleagues
Jeffrey Epstein Flight Logs 🔥
● Epstein's flight log
Jeffrey Epstein Little Black Book – Unredacted 🔥
● Epstein's little black book
JFK Assassination Records 🔥
● 2022 Additional Documents Release
JFK Second Autopsy 🔥
● JFK's Second Autopsy
Joe Biden Obstruction Complaint
● Protect the Public’s Trust Complaint Document
The Jural Assembly Handbook 🔥
● Anna Von Reitz