Just TheBorderline ? Carabinieri, Italia, YouTube, European Commission, Polizia di Stato do more!
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Just TheBorderline ? Carabinieri, Italia, YouTube, European Commission, Polizia di Stato do more! Start for example by banning Rondo X Face To Face (Exposing Me RMX) and other bad trends on social networks! Don't sleep! @StopDieWelle
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Without talking about how Italy is 1000 years behind in quality of the streets compared other countries (since we are 🇨🇭🇮🇹 we know that exactly and lambrenedettoxvi already made tons of videos ...) plus how some Italians (so not all) are simply not able to drive, respecting 0 rules.

Remember that every person drives differently and just thinking "i can drive good" doesn't mean you can really drive good (no matter if elderly or whatever, see paper).

See more in the next posts.

Let we share now some stats about Italy too.

Other facts or infos (no science) about Italy etc. https://perma.cc/XQQ7-38MK https://perma.cc/6MFU-BD4Q https://perma.cc/UP4B-LKPA https://perma.cc/Q8A2-S3PS https://perma.cc/9Z6J-JSL5 https://perma.cc/BQN4-VGAX https://perma.cc/JKN8-Y2GT https://perma.cc/UU6P-CE8L https://perma.cc/J95J-4WP7 https://perma.cc/QY6H-PAEK https://perma.cc/32BS-N5JY https://perma.cc/RZ4Z-NNF7 https://perma.cc/4R4U-2BXU https://perma.cc/87RR-657A https://perma.cc/P9MC-XHZQ https://perma.cc/X4QY-36AR https://perma.cc/H6S6-QAGF https://perma.cc/M2RL-VX59
Let we share some stats about Ticino and discuss this article https://perma.cc/XEX7-7J5C where they say swiss people drive bad due to Italy

1) Maybe yes, maybe no, depends from person to person (like previously wrote), if this is really a swiss, or an italian foreigner living in Switzerland, but for sure "there are more Italians surpassing on the right" etc. / "Il modello di guida svizzero è messo sempre più alla prova dalla mobilità e dal sistema traffico della vicina penisola, dove la massa di utenti in continuo aumento modifica lentamente anche le abitudini locali"

2) do you know that there are 26 regions in Switzerland, with 3 different main languages and cultures? calling "all swiss people" make no sense like saying "newspapers wrote that it was a 50h speed challenge" (this error has already be done by polizia cantonale, instead of using "ticinesi")

3) https://perma.cc/J58Q-3443 (even if this is saying nothing ...)

4) it's not the point to find who is driving better or bad, but in case improve that ... like Italy is saying "C'è lo svizzero che guida bene e quello che guida male, così come c'è l'italiano ligio alle regole del codice della strada e quello che le infrange. Non me la sentirei mai di dire che gli italiani guidano meglio degli svizzeri o viceversa"

5) yes, especially people in the valley in Ticino drive like 💩

For the previous post about Italy check
YouTube, they (active in NL) are killing sheeps for Allah (WTF, an animal cannot fix your diseases! like those people thinking that praying fix issues ... all religious bullshit!) and then we complain about the wolf ... (fully visible in old videos too). Do you find that correctly? Channel is still online and such donations on a dutch account too ... we now have contacted the dutch police to shut their activities off. How "Animal abuse content" rules are not respected by YouTube. This just one of tons of example where YouTube does nothing, but then other YouTubers are saying "if you publish content against their rules, the content get removed" which is just bullshit. There are even copyright videos uploaded 10 years ago, even this would be against their rules to be honest, just another example.

So Captain Blazer, tell less bullshit! since you are not using YouTube at all if you are saying such shit ... just to post your videos ...
Let we check now the reality about social network usage in 2023, few points:
1) people don't search for channels, content and even on single channels. This is the most worse thing people are doing. Now with For You and similar things people almost don't search anything anymore. Remember that searching on social is totally different from social to social and is not enough just to write "xx yy zz"...
2) people are not comparing social networks, considering a social better than other without even knowing all features. Only people using all socials can tell which social offer better features. Multi account / brand usage is even important, because comparing the usage of 1 page with the usage of an agency is totally different.
3) Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook? Nope, it's already too much for the people, most people are focused just on one service, even if the content is totally different between social networks.
4) redirection video or channel? People prefer to check such things without following the path to the content (even on YouTube, like we showed few days ago with a movie, but there are tons of examples).
5) like reading newspaper, people mostly just read the titles and after that they start to comment, without even knowing the topic of the content ... Links related to a post? Most people comment without visiting such links at all ...
6) short videos are cool, but in 2023 people are just focused on short videos, missing all other things (this especially for Facebook, YouTube, etc.). This include what we wrote in 4. too. On TikTok this is different, because there is no separation between long and short videos, but this doesn't mean that people are using TikTok to redirect you to longer videos on other socials. Here we go again with 4.