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😁 Hali shuncha letterni qachon tekshirib bo’laman?
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Guruhga kirish👇🏻

Shu essayni siz qanday baholagan bo’lar edingiz?

? Belgisiga e’tibor bermaymiz. Hali tekshirilmagan degani
Bunisiga necha?
Listening practice test
Test_37 Audio
Another Love
Tom Odell
Bir mazza qilib eshitinglar😶
Sean Banville
Listen a minute about: Busy

Are you busy? Do you lead a busy life? It seems we get busier and busier in our lives. I hate being busy. I’d much rather have nothing to do. Being busy makes me stressed and I end up making mistakes or forgetting something. Who’s the busiest person you know? I bet he or she is really stressed. The busy people I know are always looking ahead to their next holiday… and then in their holiday they are busy doing other things. I think we busy ourselves with too many things. We need to learn to relax and take things slowly. Even at work we have to look busy, even if we’re not. When the boss comes, we tell our friends, “Look busy!” That’s silly. It would be great if the word ‘busy’ disappeared from the English language.

-Unda reactions bosiiiing😃😃😃


⚡️might- mumkin,ehtimol
⚡️prefer-afzal ko'rmoq
⚡️hostel- mehmonxona(kichik o'lchamdagi)
⚡️definitely- aniq
⚡️without help- yordamsiz
⚡️choose- tanlamoq
⚡️sheer- shaffof
⚡️glorious- yorqin
⚡️patch - yamoq, yamamoq
⚡️Possible- imkonli
⚡️although- ga qaramasdan
⚡️tour- sayohat
⚡️fit- mos
⚡️as well as- shu bilan birgalikda
⚡️your own- sening o'zing
⚡️expect- kutmoq
⚡️expose- fosh qilmoq
⚡️unavoidable- qochib bo'lmaydigan
⚡️halmet- - dubulg'a
⚡️To guard- himoya qilmoq
⚡️beware- ehtiyot bo'lmoq
⚡️silent- sokin, tinch
⚡️lock- qulf,qulflamoq
⚡️secure- xavfsiz
⚡️pump- nasos
⚡️whenever- qachon bo'lsa ham
⚡️rule against something- nimagadir qarshi qonun
⚡️disturb- halaqit qilmoq,bezovta qilmoq
⚡️rewerding- mukofotlash
⚡️impressed- tasirlangan
⚡️reject- inkor etmoq
⚡️in favour of- yordami bilan
⚡️wheel- g'ildirak
⚡️provide- taminlamoq
⚡️instant- tez
⚡️barriers- to'siq
⚡️bridge- ko'prik
⚡️require- talab qilmoq
⚡️law- qonun
⚡️direction- yo'nalish
⚡️sign- belgi
⚡️indicate- ko'rsatmoq
⚡️complicated- murakkab
⚡️interchanges- almashinuvlar
⚡️long-distance- uzoq masofali
⚡️tulip- lola
⚡️windmill- shamol tegirmoni
⚡️pick- olmoq, termoq,olib o'tmoq
⚡️drop off- tushirmoq
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😊 Video olish jon-u dilim!

😁 Lekin qo’shiqni ma’nosini tushunmadim.

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🤲 Ilohim, bir oydan keyin shu o’quvchilarimni qo’lida SERTIFIKATl bilan ko’rish nasib qilsin!

📖 Dars #208 Ingliz tilidagi ko'makchi qatnashgan birikmalar (B)

break AWAY – qochishga ulgurmoq, ajralib chiqmoq
break DOWN (ph.v) – buzilib qolmoq, asabiylashmoq
break IN – gapini bo’lmoq
break INTO (ph.v) - oʻg'irlikka tushmoq
break OFF (ph.v) – to’xtatmoq, munosabatni tugatmoq
break OUT (ph.v) - boshlanmoq (epidemiya, urush)
break OUT OF (ph.v) - qochmoq (turmadan)
break THROUGH (ph.v) – yorib o’tmoq
break TO sb (ph.v) – sirlarini aytmoq
break UP - (telefonda) ovozi eshitilmay qolmoq
break UP WITH sb (ph.v) - munosabatni tugatmoq
break WITH sth (ph.v) - biror ish qilishni to'xtatmoq
breakfast (AT) - nonushta payti
breakfast (FOR) - nonushtaga (ovqat)
breath (OUT OF) - halloslab qolgan
brilliant AT sth - …da tengsiz
bring sth ABOUT (ph.v) - sabab bo'lmoq
bring sb AROUND (ph.v) - hushiga keltirmoq
bring DOWN the price - narxni tushirmoq
bring sth IN (ph.v) - yangilik kiritmoq
bring sth IN (ph.v) - foyda keltirmoq
bring INTO contact WITH sb - …bilan aloqaga chiqmoq
bring UP a child (ph.v) - tarbiyalamoq
bring UP a topic (ph.v) - mavzu olib kirmoq
baffled BY sth - chalkashgan, adashgan
bump INTO sth (ph.v)- borib urilmoq
busy WITH sth - bilan band
buy FROM - -dan sotib olmoq
buy ... sth - biror narsa sotib olmoq
Reading part 1 🔰

Mart oyida tushgan
19.05.2024 1-smena

Writing task 2

Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be enjoyable.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?