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BREAKING: X has suspended the account of ShadowofEzra without any reason or warnings.

Me: Hey God. God: Hello..... Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together? God: I would rather not. Me: Why? God: Because you aren't a puzzle. Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground? God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back. Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking down! God: No - you don't understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren't falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go. Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me? God: Only the very best pieces of you. Me: I'm scared of changing. God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING! Me: Becoming who? God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don't change! ... Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it. Me: There goes another piece. God: Yep. Let it be. Me: So ... I'm not broken? God: Of course Not! - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day John Roedel



Forwarded from PSYTruth3r 💞 (Lisa PSYTruth3r)
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🔥🔥🔥Red Maven killin it!!! The world is a stage! Is this a marker??? 👀
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I always get there is a money system, gold backed( the Sun) running in the background… for years I get that! Banks have already ( some) agreed to it…it may even be the Brics I am getting,
However, I never get QFS as it is referred to, I don’t use that term and when I ask about it, I don’t get that to be the one .
I do believe we are going into better times for humanity, we will need to work together and rebuild after the old Slave system is taken down… I don’t get gesara/ nesara as it is described , but we will build a new and better world with abundant resources and learn who we truly are as a race, CREATIVE MANIFESTORS !
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
FROM A DIGITAL SOLDIER... For f*** sakes..a note to my fellow humans…
1 Stop fearing. What you fear comes to pass.  Stop the madness, stop feeding the bullshit.
2 Anxiety is part of the human experience but NOT NORMAL.  We were not made to be anxious 24/7, we were TRAINED to live in anxiety 24/7. Big f*** difference folks. 
3 If you are anxious talk to God or to source, universe however you want to say it and ask for directions or a compass. You will be surprised that if you ask humbly you will receive. I am proof of that. You may just get everything you always wanted not a second late. 
4 There is a “water shortage” where you live? Your brain cells aren’t there for decoration purposes, THINK. What’s in it for the ones promoting this BS? Time for a bubble bath??? Time for a neighborhood car wash? What God gave us CANNOT be taken AWAY without OUR consent. Bubble bath anyone?
5 How will the elderly/vulnerable be cared for is a valid concern. BUT that concern stems from fear and attachment. Fear of “lack” and of being left in the cold. like a person in an abusive relationship “ Who/how will I pay my bills, who else will love me?” that fear will not allow anything to prosper/grow. Fear will always taje you 2 steps ahead and 175 back.
6 Everyone is responsible for what they say not for what the masses understand. It’s called being an adult, using discernment 24/7.
7 Folks are concerned about hospice, senior citizen centers etc., how will they fare? Fear again is taking over. 90% of decent folks don’t have their parents in a home bc they want to, it’s because they are working like slaves to earn a few bucks and can’t take care of their parent. Have you stopped to think that maybe folks will have an opportunity to have meaningful employment wherein they aren’t slaving away and actually have time to take care of their own? Wouldn’t that be great? 
8 Isaiah 65:21-23…….People will build houses and live in them themselves — they will not be used by someone else. They will plant vineyards and enjoy the wine — it will not be drunk by others. Like trees, my people will live long lives. They will fully enjoy the things that they have worked for.
9 Janine doesn’t give lectures. IMO. Again it’s my opinion. It’s her channel, her prerogative. If her “lectures” are hitting a sore spot , that’s a sign to check yourself why YOU allow it, why do certain things people say strike a nerve? No one can make you feel like you are getting “lectured” without YOUR permission. A thief can’t rob your house if the door isn’t open. Not a hard concept folks.
10 Telegram. Get it or don’t. Either way it’s ok. No need for the “WOE is me” I don’t have a phone. I’m sorry, you verbalize what you don’t have and you will ensure you never have. Stop deflecting, Janine isn’t forcing Telegram on anyone.
11 Fear of loss of pensions, 401k, stocks etc., is like a virus; you understand the “government” is not giving you anything?  Newsflash cupcake “They” don’t have $ dollars, pesos, EUROS etc , they use YOUR $$$$. So if they stop “stealing”from the people it means your abundance, freedom will be restored it cannot be in the same format though!!! If it comes in the same way it’s like a pig on Halloween  take the mask off, let folks get comfortable and watch it be the same pig you once met. Conclusion: It’s not a hard concept.
12 Gesara whatever Nesara. Listen folks I’m a very independent person. Never heard of this stuff until like 2 years ago. My $0.02 (cents): If I have a wall in front of me and I say to the wall turn purple and then fly. The wall will do as I say. I am in control of me. Hard stop. I don’t give a Flying F*** about anyone who claims they are coming to save me. I can’t simply wait for the engineer, the wall guy, the president etc to come and tell me that the wall can finally turn purple and fly. I will make it fly and purple. Have I depended on people/systems before? Damn right! Have they failed? Damn right! Have they helped? Damn right but at a cost since nothing is “free”! But everything at the end of the day depended on me, on how much I wanted it, on how much I wanted peace, on how bad I needed that new client, how bad I needed to buy some medicine, how in debt I was, MY need and MY desire were the driving forces behind everything, ALWAYS. I didn’t wait for anyone. Correction: I DONT wait for anyone or anything. I make moves, I make things and people happen I manifest them, I call them in, I drag them in. Because only I know how bad I need something, how much I deserve something. It’s simple. I’m the captain, the pilot, the coach, the server (volleyball reference:)), I’m the referee, I’m a one stop shop. I pray, I ask for wisdom, strength, mercy, opportunities, open doors or windows, light in dark alleys, and foes to turn from bad to useful idiots and so forth. I create my desired outcome, I DO NOT give my power away, no one can take anything from me that I don’t hand out so there for I wait for no one to pat me on my back and “give” me what is already mine by divine grace. I go get my shit 24/7. You should too. Recall that anything that comes easy or seems to good to be true is usually bull shit. 

God have mercy on us all and grant us peace, discernment  & discipline to see the BS from the truth; and health to withstand all that is coming. Fear not as we were BORN to live during these times, we were CHOSEN to live during these times which means we are EQUIPPED to handle this shit.

Much love to all. 

P.S. Janine nor anyone from Beyond Mystic asked me to write this. I have a brain, I have critical thinking skills and most importantly I’m Gods kid and as far as I’m concerned my father owns it ALL, HE made me, and mistakes HE DOESNT make…so when I get a download it comes from high above, I take no credit, all credit is to the creator because of HIS mercy and love I am who I am.



🔴VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v52ouq4-june-20-beyond-the-news-with-janine-and-jean-claude-public-edition.html