الكلمات مثل الأشجار.
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اللّغةُ إنسلالٌ داخل عالمٍ آخر.
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1. A black cloud seemed to cover the earth.

2. She stared into the early darkness of a thick cloud cover.

3. I could see another storm cloud looming on the horizon.

4. Somewhere a storm was gathering, but only a small cloud had scattered some raindrops lightly, sprinkling the road and the sappy leaves.

5. It was growing light, the sky was clearing, only a single cloud lay in the east.
45. comprehend [ v. ].... IPA : ˌkɒm prɪˈhɛnd
Help: [ kom-pri-hend ]

To comprehend something is to understand it.

-Henry could not comprehend the message.
Choose the Right Synonym for comprehend
UNDERSTAND, COMPREHEND, APPRECIATE mean to have a clear or complete idea of.

UNDERSTAND and COMPREHEND are very often interchangeable.

UNDERSTAND may, however, stress the fact of having attained a firm mental grasp of something.

orders that were fully understood and promptly obeyed

COMPREHEND may stress the process of coming to grips with something intellectually.

I have trouble comprehending your reasons for doing this.
come to grips with
If you come to grips with a problem, you consider it seriously, and start taking action to deal with it.
The administration's first task is to come to grips with the economy.

1. Only a handful of human minds can comprehend his words.

2. I tried to comprehend his thought process but I found it irrational.

3. We cannot comprehend either the Emperor's aims or his actions!

4. Just give her time to comprehend.

5. Deidre struggled to absorb the wild story, unable to comprehend most of it.

6. I can't comprehend losing three years of life and a lifetime of memories.

7. This is what many mainstream designers never comprehend.