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From the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius

To speak of time is to speak of the experience, which we have every day, of being immersed in a stream of events and thoughts that seems to flow in a single direction.
Plato defined time as ‘the moving image of eternity’ (1), i.e. that measure of movement inherent to the sensible world…
Signs of the Heavens year 6.3-2024 – 3rd quarter

The third causal impulse of the annual cycle, the June Solstice (June 20, 2024 h. 8.52pm UTC), sees the primary Earth-Sun direction (the Disciple-Humanity and the Soul-Hierarchy at the center) activate the Capricorn-Cancer Axis, the Summit and the Valley, the…
Humanity spiritualises Substance

Today, as the Sun enters into the sign of Cancer, the main source of the 3rd Ray in the current cycle, the diffuse light of Substance itself, the “dark light” of matter waiting for the light of the soul to impart its stimulus to it, we solemnly assert, as planetary Servers oriented…
The Affirmation of the Disciple

[article by Martha G. and Frances G.]

The Affirmation of the Disciple

“I am a point of Light within the greater Light,
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of divine Love,
I am a point of Light within the fiery will of God.
The Work of the Hierarchy

Today we are immersed in a mighty flow of cosmic, solar and planetary Energy, caused by the alignment between Sirius, the Sun and the Earth, while at the same time the New Moon* in Cancer occurs: we dedicate therefore these notes to the work of the Hierarchy, in honour of the fact that Sirius,…
The future world Order

Today we celebrate the heliocentric Trine (120°) between EARTH and URANUS, an angle and sound sacred to creative synthesis (120°/360° = 1/3, the Three, which relates to the Spirit Aspect and to the creative interval of the Fifth).

Earth is the systemic vehicle (not sacred, together with the sacred…
Humanity rules from the Centre

Today, as the Sun enters its own Sign, Leo, the Disciple-Humanity attests itself as the Heart at the centre of the planetary Organism, as the Sun of its system, at the service of the Evolution of the solar Centre Earth.

The esoteric Tradition in fact…
Humanity is Will

Today our Earth, from whose Logos we derive life, movement and being, joins, at the incipit of Aquarius, sign of the Server and Service, with Pluto, powerful first-Ray planet, connected to Will and Power.

Pluto is the destroyer of the old forms no longer commensurate with the rising energies and therefore, in the next…
Festival of Sirius

Today, on the day of the new moon of Leo, we are aligned with the sovereign Star Sirius, prototype and “Soul” of our solar Logos, gathering some very profound indications on our cosmic Isis, Source of our planetary Hierarchy, in view of the most important full moon of the year,…
The Impressing Agents of the Divine Will

Today we celebrate the alignment of the Earth-Sun axis with the star Merak of Ursa Major, mighty transmitter of the energy of the first Ray of Will and Power. From that august seat, through the Impressing Agents in charge, this energy is received into our solar System and reaches Humanity, the lowest…
Humanity is Harmony

Humanity is Harmony we loudly proclaim today, supported by the lights blazing brightly in the Heavens: Earth and Mercury are clasped in a fiery embrace as the Full Moon of Leo pours forth its light under the incandescent gaze of Sirius. And this statement, far from being an easy slogan,…
Humanity nourishes and manifests the Christ

On the day of the entrance into the sign of Virgo, which introduces into Space the will to nourish, protect and finally reveal the spiritual reality hidden in its primordial womb, we solemnly assert, as the One Planetary Server, i.e. on behalf of the New Group of World Servers
The Idea of Server

We dedicate this post* to the idea of “server”, approaching it from an etymosophical point of view, as we had announced some time ago when exploring the Idea of Man.

Let us begin with a firm point, which is to be engraved in us, because it is the interpretative key to any…
The Law of Rebirth

(For the new moon of Virgo, the great “Mother of Cycles”, we publish this article by Philippe A. C.)

The Law of Rebirth or Reincarnation is a fundamental law of our universe. It should be seen in the context of cycles, which are the breath of evolution of conscious…
Humanity is Light

Today, in the resplendent fire of light of the celestial vault, the womb of the general Causes, bursts forth the combined Light of the highest agents of illumination: Saturn and Earth. From their concerted song are born cascades of radiant sparks that pour forth into the Waters of redemption and salvation of the Sign…
The Third Initiation

The Third Initiation

The Transfiguration,

The Initiation of the integrated Personality

Revelations and Mysteries: At the third initiation,
one begins to understand the life of the spirit, the supreme aspect;

Ray: Fifth Ray

Zodiac Signs involved: Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces…
Signs of the Heavens year 6.3-2024 – 4th quarter

We have reached the last quarter of the 2024 cycle before the beginning of 2025, a crucial year for human and planetary evolution (see The Seven Steps towards 2025).

It is therefore a time of appraisal and relaunch, not only of the current year, but of the entire period indicated…
Humanity is One

Humanity can be considered as that element (enzyme) that the planet needs to fulfil the purpose for which it was created. (First Vertex, unpublished writings – Enzio’s Pearls)

Through the action of the Seventh Function, the form appears as an integrated and harmonious whole, even though it is composed of such apparently
Humanity balances Spirit and Matter

Today, as Planetary Servers oriented towards Goal 6.3 of the evolutionary Plan, dedicated to “Communion with the World of Ideas”, we celebrate the entry of the Sun into Libra – which marks the September equinox and the interlude in which light and darkness are equal across…
The Cradle of Consciousness

The Cradle of Consciousness

I have a vision of the Songlines stretching across
the continents and ages; that wherever men have trodden
they have left a trail of song; and that these trails must reach back,
in time and space, to an isolated pocket in the African savannah,
where the First Man