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β€‹β€‹πŸš€Contest: TON OS Startup Edition Installers.

Dear developers!πŸ™Œ

On the 9th of March we start a contest for TON OS Startup Edition installers!
Please read about the contest here πŸ‘‰https://forum.freeton.org/t/ton-os-startup-edition-installers-contest-for-different-platforms/9101.

⚑️You can find quick help in these channels:


Stay tuned for more updates!

#Contest #
TON-SDK 1.9.0

- tuple_list_as_array parameter in tvm.run_get function which controls lists representation.
Default is stack-like based on nested tuples. If set to true then returned lists are encoded as plain arrays. Use this option if you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed..."
This reduces stack size requirements for long lists.
- function_name field of CallSet structure can be the name or id (as string in hex starting with 0x) of the called function.
- Fields config_servers, query_url, account_address, gas_used added into specific errors' ClientError.data object.

- Binaries download links are now under https protocol
- If you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed..." in run_get, use the new parameter tuple_list_as_array = true. See the documentation. This may happen, for example, when elector contract contains too many participants
​​More than 100,000+ wallets created in the Free TON networkπŸ₯³

β€‹β€‹πŸ› SDK 1.10 Release

- Add optional field src_address to ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage.
- Field abi in ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage is optional and can be `None if call_set and deploy_set are None`.
- boc.encode_boc function provides ability to build and serialize any custom tree of cells.
 Application can use several base Builder serialization primitives like integers, bitstrings
 and nested cells.
- boc.get_blockchain_config function can extract blockchain configuration from key block and also
from zerostate.
- tvm module functions download current blockchain configuration if net is initialized with
DApp Server endpoints. Otherwise default configuration is used.
- Debot Module:
  - Support for debot invoking in Debot Engine. send browser callback is used not only for interface calls but to invoke debots.
  - start and fetch functions returns debot ABI.
  - Added new built-in interface Hex which implements hexadecimal encoding and decoding.
  - Added unstable functions to Sdk interface: naclBox, naclBoxOpen, naclKeypairFromSecret, getAccountCodeHash.

- Both call_set and deploy_set in ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage can be omitted. In this case encode_internal_message generates internal message with empty body.
- Debot Module:
  - send function accepts one argument - serialized internal message as string encoded into base64.

- Debot browser app object and signing box app object descriptions added
- functions-helpers for enum type variable creation for Signer, Abi, ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser

- doc generator: app object interface description, constructor functions-helpers for enum type variable creation, added new line in the end if api.json
- library libsecp256k1 upgraded to fix RUSTSEC-2019-0027

​​TONOS-SE 0.25 releaseπŸ₯³

- New high-load Giver with ABI Version 2 is supported. Now you can run your tests in parallel, giver supports up to 100 parallel requests at a time (previous giver had timestamp-based replay protection which didn't allow often access)

TON-SDK 1.11 release
- utils.calc_storage_fee function to calculate account storage fee over a some time period. 
- Debot Module:
  - Added unstable functions to Sdk interface: getAccountsDataByHash

β€‹β€‹πŸ’ŽMagister Ludi β€” Results Of The First Large-scale Free TON Validator Contest

The Crystal Game contest was announced in June 2020 and lasted for more than six months. Its winners were awarded the title of Magister Ludi β€” β€œMaster of the Game”. Another result is a set of 375 new Free TON blockchain validators. We talked to the organizers and winners of the contest about its main results, difficulties and achievements.

πŸ‘‰Read more... 

Stay tuned!

#Magister_Ludi #staking
πŸ’ŽTON Labs Dex implementation: Flash Exchange (FLEX) was presented on Free TON Weekly Meetup β„– 45 on the 16th of March 2021.

Please note that the current implementation is an MVP, it was not properly tested, it misses many features and is generally a work in progress β€” You should not use it for real trading!!!

πŸ‘‰Watch presentationπŸ‘ˆ

πŸ”—Useful links:
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/tonlabs/flex
- DEX implementation contest: https://forum.freeton.org/t/freeton-dex-implementation-stage-1-proposal/7034

​​Javasctipt SDK Release: 
AppKit package 

πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–Make work with accounts easy! πŸ–πŸ–πŸ–

- Create Account instance and work with it
- Configure your Giver (TON OS SE V2 giver is integrated by default)
You do not need to explicitly use giver for deploy any more. Specify useGiver flag and you are done! 
- Pass client object just once during account instance creation
- Deploy, specifying only constructor parameters
- Run on-chain, 
- Run get methods, - no need to download boc, it all happens under the hood. Also we added logic that waits for the lt>lt of previously executed Run operation, so that you will get the correct state. 
- Get account information with one simple function. 
- Calculate address 
- Subscriptions for account updates, messages, transactions.

Check out samples using AppKit:
Check separate section with AppKit in SDK Guides

​​Dear developers,πŸ™Œ

We have made some improvements in our Cloud Infrastructure for net.ton.dev (updated rust node to the latest release). Now net.ton.dev shoud work more reliable. Please tell us your feedback when you use net.ton.dev in your applications.

πŸ’ŽIf you need test tokens ask Roman @Dedicate_s

Have a good Weekend:)πŸ˜‰

Dear Free TON developers!πŸ™Œ

We are happy to announce the release of TestSuite4 0.2.0. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

What's New
- Documentation is now available!
- Enhanced support for data types in getters and events.
- Updated tutorials and various small improvements.
Find the complete changelog on the provided `CHANGELOG.md`.
Useful links
- TestSuite4 repository
- Documentation

Stay tuned for more updates!

#TestSuite4 #Update
​​Dear Free TON Developers!πŸ™Œ

We are happy to announce... 

πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯Security Card SDK release! 🎷🎷🎷

Three client libraries for smartphones to handle NFC TON Labs Security card and a bulk of documentation are published now!

- Library for Android 
- Library for iPhone 
- Library for React Native 

React Native sample project demonstrating work with NFC Card.

Each library is published to an appropriate package manager. Find more information in README. 

For each Security card operation you can find a corresponding function in the library that prepares and sends the request and postprocess the card response.

Check docs folder with necessary information related to Security Card: 
- Description of processes of TON Labs Security card ordering and activation
- Specification for TON Wallet applet describing all APDU commands and applet states
- Security card recovery service
- API reference

See the full Release notes here. 

Stay tuned! Security card DeBot is coming! :)

#SDK #Security_card
​​Release TON-SDK 1.12πŸ”₯

- [utils.compress_zstd] compresses data using Facebook's Zstandard algorithm.
- [utils.decompress_zstd] decompresses data using Facebook's Zstandard algorithm.
- Debot module:
  - init function that creates an instance of DeBot and returns DeBot metadata.
  - Dengine fetches metadata form DeBot by calling 2 mandatory functions: getRequiredInterfaces and getDebotInfo. This data is returned by fetch and init functions.
  - approve DeBot Browser callback which is called by DEngine to request permission for DeBot activities.

- Debot Module:
  - [breaking] fetch function does't create an instance of debot. It returns DeBot metadata (DebotInfo).
  - [breaking] start function does't create an instance of debot. It accepts DeBot handle created in init function.

​​Dear Free TON developers!πŸ™Œ 

We investigated the issue with transaction count decrease. The problem was fixed, report is attached.

Issue: duplicate data
Status: fixed
Root cause: 
- Data duplication was not detected on migration steps. Data was not removed from Actual database.
- Tool used returns exit code=0 in case of query failures in specific cases.
- Apr 7, 2021 - Data deduplicated (fixed and validated). Data migration continued
- Apr 7, 2021 - Root cause found.
- Apr 7, 2021 - Transactions count mismatch detected. Data migration halted. Investigation started.
- Apr 4, 2021 - Data migration started.
- March 31, 2021 - Data migration had a silent failure: Tool used returned an exit code 0 while had query failure. Data was copied, but was not deleted. Data has duplicates in historic and actual databases from this moment.
Next steps:
- Tools improvements (planned)
- Improve validation steps (planned)

​​Release appkit-js 0.2.0

- Account.deployLocal emulates deploy on local TVM.
- AccountType enumeration with available values for acc_type field of the parsed account.
- Account.calcDeployFees and Account.calcRunFees calculates estimated fees for deploy and run message processing.
- Before Account.getAccount failed if the account did not exist in the blockchain. Now it returns parsed account with only field acc_type equals to AccountType.nonExist. If account does not exist in the blockchain and deployLocal is executed, it will return a full account object.
- API Reference documentation is now hosted at https://tonlabs.github.io/appkit-js/

Release tonos-se 0.26.0
- External inbound messages now have created_at field filled.

Useful links
TON-SDK API Reference 
Graphql API 

​​Dear developersπŸ™Œ

We preparing a catalog of services and DeBots. If you have created an interesting service (dApp for example) or DeBot, please write down in this form below and we will gladly consider it and add it to the catalogπŸ‘€

πŸ‘‰DeBots form
πŸ‘‰dApps & services form

Thank you for helping to make the Free TON project better🀝

#DeBots #Services #dApps
​​Dear Free TON developers!

We are happy to announce the release of `TestSuite4 0.2.1`. πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

🧐What's New
- Implemented self-destruct feature.
- Various small bugfixes and improvements requested by users.
Find the complete changelog on the provided `CHANGELOG.md`.

πŸ”—Useful links
- TestSuite4 repository
- Documentation

Stay tuned for more updates!

​​Dear Developers! πŸ™Œ

We are happy to announce the release of landing page for TONDEV ecosystem for developers! πŸ”₯

πŸ‘‰ ton.dev - a good place to start with Free TON developmentπŸš€

πŸ’¬Write your feedback and suggestions for ton.dev website to https://t.me/ton_sdk channel or PM @EkaterinaPantazπŸ‘ˆ

Stay tuned for more updates!

​​TONDEV CLI 0.5.0 Release πŸš€

- clang controller for C++ compiler:
install, compile with 1 command, manage versions, etc.
- signer controller for signer registry management:
generate keys, import keys and mnemonics, specify default signer, etc.
- network controller for network registry management:
add networks, configure network giver, specify default network, etc.
- contract controller for contract management:
get contract info summary (address, code hash, network, signer), top up balance, deploy, run, run-local, run-executor
- tondev js wrap generates code and codeHash fields in addition to tvc.
- tondev contract info prints code hash.
- tondev info command prints a summary information from all controllers.
- short aliases for controllers, commands and options.
For example instead of using tondev network list
you can use tondev n l or even shorter tondev nl.

- tvm_linker downloads always even if it's up to date.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Everscale Dev EN pinned «​​TONDEV CLI 0.5.0 Release πŸš€ New - clang controller for C++ compiler: install, compile with 1 command, manage versions, etc. - signer controller for signer registry management: generate keys, import keys and mnemonics, specify default signer, etc. - network…»
β€‹β€‹πŸ€©Release tonos-se 0.27.0

- Support of blockchain config parameters.
- Ability to change the default blockchain config parameters.
- TON live explorer running on the same IP and port as TON OS SE, just open http://ip_address:port (e.g. You can explore blocks, transactions, accounts and messages of your TON OS SE

Release ton-q-server 0.37.0

- lastBlockTime field of info query returns MAX(blocks.gen_utime).This value is updated in realtime.

- counterparties sort order was ascending.

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