"Study Studio" - The Center for English
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A non-government educational organization "Study Studio" was founded on April 17, 2018.

Our address:
Mannon Uygur, 101
Tashkent 100020, Uzbekistan
Reference point: Chorsu Lada Store

☎️ +998935233999
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Everyday Idiom 🔋

Sleep like a log 🪵
[ To sleep very deeply]

- Everyone in our family sleeps like a log, so no one heard the thunderstorm in the middle of the night.

- You will sleep like a log if you get plenty of exercise during the day

Forwarded from American Center Tashkent
📚Learning English? Love to read?
Our Book Club is for you! Join us at the American Center Tashkent on Thursday, September 7 at 11 am to read together, as well as discuss vocabulary and literary elements.

📘We will be reading "Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere" by Julie T. Lamana

📆Thursday, September 7
11 AM

📍Address: U.S. Embassy Tashkent
3 Moyqorghon Street
5th Block, Yunusobod District, Tashkent

🔗Follow the link to register:

✔️Register only if you plan to attend.
✔️Limited seats available!
Did you know that clouds can:

☁️ hold millions of litres of water
☁️ travel at 100mph (160kmph)
☁️ reflect heat and keep the ground warm?

Here are some adjectives related to clouds and the sky.

Do you know any facts about clouds?

#Clouds #Vocabulary
Fog (noun): a weather condition in which very small drops of water come together to form a thick cloud close to the land or sea, making it difficult to see 🌁

Which is your favourite from our mist-erious morning snapshots? Tell us in the comments

1. Cows grazing against the backdrop of King's College, Cambridge's Chapel 🐄
2. A murky view over the River Cam looking towards Trinity Bridge 🌉
3. Two cobwebs hang from the railings of Garret Hostel Bridge 🕸️
4. The Cambridge University Library tower is lightly shrouded by the fog 📚

📷 Photos captured by Lloyd Mann, 6 September 2023
📖 Definition from Cambridge Dictionary

#CambridgeUniversity #Cambridge
Good morning everyone!❤️

Do you like butter?

I like them.😊

Butter and bread, hot lemon and honey tea for breakfast is a perfect choice.
Have a great day.🌸🌸🌿🌿
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Biz hozir nimalar haqida orzu qilyapmiz?

Bizning orzularimiz odatda hayoliy va erishib bo'lmaydigan narsadir.
Lekin bular falastinlik bolalarning orzulari.
📍Ularning qanchasi: “Otamni ko‘rishni orzu qilaman!” deb aytishibdi
📍 Yana biri "Shawarma" ni yeyishni orzu qilaman, debdi. U go'sht yeyishni orzu qilayotgan ekan!
Agar siz Falastindan tashqarida yashovchi har qanday boladan "nimani orzu qilishi" haqida so'rasangiz, ularning javobi nima bo'ladi deb o'ylaysiz?
Yuqori nufuzli Universitetda o'qishnimi?
U yoki bu joyda dam olishnimi?
Ehtimol, eng oxirgi modeldagi iPhone'ni olishni xohlar?!

Nega falastinlik bolalar boshqa har bir oddiy bolaning qilayotgan beg'ubor orzularidan mahrum?
Go‘yo o‘ldirilgan yaqinlari va oddiy taomni orzu qilgan bu falastinlik bolalar hatto yo‘qdek...

Alloh ularning qiyinchiliklarini ketkazsin!
Boshqa bolalar kabi rohatda oilasi davrasida yashamoqliklarini nasib qilsin!
Uarga tinchlik, farovonlik va so'nmas umid bersin!
I have a gift for you! Here's sum40000 off your first order in Yandex Eats with promo code hsyav8jy. If you don't have the Yandex Eats app, download it here: https://clck.ly/379X8y
Please open Telegram to view this post
Welcome Ramadan!
Going to share many worksheets related to this holy month on Islam.

2️⃣🔠daily words✔️

1. air-havo
2. atmosphere- atmosfera
3. sunny-quyoshli
4. rainy-yomg'irli
5. cloudy-bulutli
6. snowy-qorli
7. shine-charaqlamoq
8. brightly- yarqirab, yorug'
9. raindrops- yomg'ir tomchilari
10. cover-qoplab olmoq
11. cool-salqin
12. cold-sovuq
13. warm-iliq
14. snowflake-qor parchasi
15. change-o'zgarmoq
16. predict-bashorat qilmoq
17. sunshine-quyosh charaqlashi
18. weather forecast- ob-havo ma'lumoti
19. prepare-tayyorlanmoq
20. ahead-oldindan