The Storm Has Arrived
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Joe M. - The Storm Has Arrived

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The Best Is Yet To Come 🇺🇸
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Focus on Assange.

That is where the Deep State is currently moving to strip you of your right to free speech.

Grifters will come and go and always attempt to please you. But in the end, they are always exposed.
So ignore the chaos, ignore the noise; and remember that this is an information war. It is not a game, and lives are on the line. Your lives, are on the line.
The 27th and 28th are but ten days away.
In that stretch of time, the Deep State will exert every ounce of energy they have to distract, divide, and mislead you.

Do not let them.
Your right to free speech hangs in the balance here.
The Storm Has Arrived pinned «------- Focus on Assange. That is where the Deep State is currently moving to strip you of your right to free speech. Grifters will come and go and always attempt to please you. But in the end, they are always exposed. - So ignore the chaos, ignore the…»
Do you want to see Q post again?
The Storm Has Arrived pinned «Do you want to see Q post again?»
Has the Patriot Double Down been worth the price of admission?

Asking for a friend…
The Storm Has Arrived pinned «Has the Patriot Double Down been worth the price of admission? Asking for a friend…»
Does it ever get annoying when bigger accounts constantly purport to know what’s going on or would you rather them be honest about also being lost in the Storm at times?

Personally I find it more than mildly annoying that there’s no room for criticism but I’d like to know what you think?
The Storm Has Arrived pinned «Does it ever get annoying when bigger accounts constantly purport to know what’s going on or would you rather them be honest about also being lost in the Storm at times? Personally I find it more than mildly annoying that there’s no room for criticism but…»
What if I told you Elon Musk is Team Q?
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The UK High Court has ruled in favor of the U.S. government and overturned the district Judge's decision that blocked Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange's extradition.

The case has been remitted to the Westminster Magistrates Court, and the court has been instructed to send the case to the UK Secretary of State for a final decision.
There will be a live statement made soon here:
The Storm Has Arrived pinned «The UK High Court has ruled in favor of the U.S. government and overturned the district Judge's decision that blocked Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange's extradition. The case has been remitted to the Westminster Magistrates Court, and the court…»
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So you understand the Assange case ruling:

What was issued is not an approval of extradition. It was a remittance. This means, the UK High Court found that the district judge ruled in error on 2 points out of the 5 the US government appealed on.
Because of this, the case is sent back to the magistrate courts and is effectively retried before being sent to the UK Secretary of State, who makes the final decision.

This ruling just represents the continuation of using the process itself to punish Assange.

As long as the US can endlessly appeal decisions, they can keep Julian as a silent hostage in the UK without ever having to proceed with their actual case against him.

Assange's legal team will likely be able to appeal things during this process, and by no means does the road end here for Julian, or for our collective rights and liberties at stake in this case.
Everything is still very much in motion, and despite the UK High Court having failed to uphold any semblance of justice here, we are neither hopeless, nor lost.

We will win this yet.
A True Hero is dying before our very eyes.

Enough is enough!

Call your representatives, R & D as often as possible. Make it your mission to find a way to be sure your voice is heard. Julian needs us now more than ever.

Yes, he has files seeded worldwide with a deadman’s switch but that does not take away from what he truly means to the Freedom movement worldwide.

His courage, greatness & sacrifice will be for naught if we cannot find a way to stand against those that protect criminals, while going after the righteous.

This is not a partisan issue, all sides of the isle can get on board with remedying this. The Truth Movement needs all hands on deck, do not make this a partisan issue, get everyone involved & make sure they do the same.

It’s time to take a stand & make our voices heard collectively.
If God created Man…

Then whatever Man goes on to create is automatically a creation of the creator. As such, said creation is and always will be susceptible to Evil and corruption… [They] will have you believe Technology is the “mark of the beast” and that any and all instances of said Technology will always be used to control & corrupt us. This is a fear tactic that instills the notion that God’s creation lacks the free will & ability to create beautiful & intuitive Technology that helps humanity as a whole.

Do not be overcome by fear… If God Wins, then we win by truly tapping into “said future”, along with all the Technology that Humanity goes on to discover/create along the way. Always remember… Evil is forever one step behind us in this Quantum Chess Match that is life.

Knowledge is Power, so expand upon this Power by stepping forward with faith and have conviction in knowing that “Future proves past” and that said “past” is full of opportunity & wonder.

God Wins Humanity Wins