Steve Deace
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Slayer of shibboleths of the damned. Hater of dumb. Against your tribalistic cult. Proud Easter Worshiper. Award-winning BS exterminator. On the right side of HIStory.
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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces today an end to all coronavirus restrictions in the country -- including mask mandates, jab passports, etc.

The country we once rebelled from for our liberty now restores the liberty of its people before we do, to our shame.

A robust 15% of Americans want to go to war in Ukraine. Again, this will bottom out Dementia Joe's still falling approval numbers, not rally the country.

Excited to be in Texas this weekend for the final stage of filming the movie based on my 2016 book A Nefarious Plot!

It’s truly something to watch corporate media lose it on Joe Rogan, who endorsed Bernie Sanders for president, just because he’s an actual liberal that likes real debate and conversation.

Got a text from a friend of mine last night. Nationally respected physician in his field. He was adamantly against me pushing back on Covid narrative in 2020, but has come around with more data in last year. He and his family fully jabbed. All have Covid with symptoms now.

News from the director of the largest acute care hospital in Israel: "Right now most of our severe cases are vaxxed. They had at least three injections. Between 70-80% of serious cases are vaxxed."

You can share a free country with those who hold views you vehemently disagree with, if when they get power you can still see why they think that way even if you don’t. You cannot share a free country with people whose views prove to be insane once they get power and act on them.


In 2020 the media said New Mexico controlled the spread of COVID with masks & science, then a few months later, said Iowa ending mask mandates showed they didn’t care if people lived or died

Except New Mexico has had more COVID deaths than Iowa

Wonder if we’ll get any updates!


The truckers have done more to fight for freedom in Canada in the last week than the entire GOP has for us in the last 40 years.

I don’t care about Ukraine, and no American should die for it in service to a government that locked us down, choked us out, and then tried to turn us into experimental lab rats in clear violation of the Constitution, Nuremberg Code, human decency, and the social compact.

This is literally a 21st century Watergate, but instead of the plumbers we got the hackers. I'm reminded of the end of Primary Colors, a movie/book about the Clintons, when they decide they can now deploy the Nixonian tactics they loathed as hippies because their cause is so just that it's now justified. The fact Trump was indeed a victim of industrial/political espionage means they’ll try to conjure even more ways to stop him from running again. Otherwise if he won he’d have the power to pursue such things. Oh, and if you're looking for one word to summarize all of this there is one -- treason.

If you're still going with the narrative that Biden "received more votes than any presidential candidate in history," then you have to now go with the narrative this is the worst and quickest collapse of presidential approval in history. Can't have it both ways.

Justin Trudeau is a sociopath.

That's it.
