Steve Deace
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Slayer of shibboleths of the damned. Hater of dumb. Against your tribalistic cult. Proud Easter Worshiper. Award-winning BS exterminator. On the right side of HIStory.
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Not really a scoop anymore:

Confirmed Covid case incidence per 100,000 in Denmark is higher among the vaccinated young adults than the unvaccinated over the last 7 days
So let's talk about the NYC Covid data, shall we? A city where over 80% of residents are double jabbed or more. NYC ended the year with MORE patients in ICU with Covid than it had on NYE 2020.

Covid-coded hospitalizations are the highest they've been there since May 2020 as well. You know, back when there weren't any jabs, and we were still five months from CDC treatment guidelines for Covid beyond isolate if you have symptoms and ventilator porn.

So that leaves us with only two options. AND THERE ARE ONLY TWO OPTIONS HERE.

#Omicron, which was mild in South Africa where almost 75% of the people are NOT jabbed and 55% are at/below the poverty line without access to regular healthcare, is hitting unjabbed New Yorkers at over SIX TIMES the rate of hospitalization.
In case you missed this bombshell report from last night, this is a fantastic summary. Read it all, and you'll also see Project Veritas brought the receipts. This report, if corroborated, confirms my long-held entire theory about the virus, its true origins, and why they've behaved the way towards/about it they have. This information is too important not to be seen by as many people as possible.
Anthony Fauci is the most wicked, vile, and flat out evil public servant in American history — and I can’t think of a close second.
Thanks to all who played a part in defeating this wicked, unethical, and evil violation of Nuremberg Code at the Supreme Court today, 6-3. Only wish it would've been a complete victory for healthcare workers, too. Kavanaugh and Roberts sided with the Spirit of the Age in that 5-4 travesty. Do not get complacent. The fact the Regime even attempted this means it can't stop, won't stop. Meanwhile, the message for healthcare workers today is you are now like DOD workers. By agreeing to work in that industry you are complying with also being a lab rat.
On today's show I referenced an email shared with me by someone who belongs to a group of physicians, who consult with major American sports leagues and high school programs nationwide. In this thread I will share -- verbatim -- their #Omicron points of interest for members.

Please keep in mind this is a group that has been exceedingly cautious from the beginning. And recommended the sports leagues they consult with shutdown in March 2020. Here's the 14 things they say about #Omicron now:

1. Close to 100% of positive cases in Massachusetts are Omicron. Delta is almost completely gone from New England.

2. This surge will peak sometime between 1/10 and 1/21 and then begin a quick downhill journey of
2-4 weeks.

3. We will end up with a 20-50% positivity rate.

4. February will be clean up mode, March will begin to return to "normal."

5. Omicron lives in your nose and upper respiratory area, which is what makes it so contagious. Lung affinity is minimal.

6. The increased hospitalizations should be taken with a grain of salt as most of them are secondary admissions (i.e. people coming in for surgery, broken bones, etc. who are tested for COVID).

7. We won't need a booster for Omicron because they wouldn't be able to develop one before it's completely gone. And we're all going to get it, which will give us the immunity we need to get through it.

8. COVID will join the 4 other coronaviruses we deal with that cause the common cold, upper respiratory infections, RSV, etc. It will become a pediatric disease mainly affecting young children with no immunity.

9. 40% of those infected will be asymptomatic.

10. Rapid tests are 50-80% sensitive to those with symptoms, only 30-60% sensitive to those without symptoms.

11. Contact tracing is worthless because we're all going to get it and there's no way we could keep up with it.

12. We are fighting the last war with COVID and should be pivoting back to normal life, but most of society isn't quite ready for it yet related to COVID fears/experiences from earlier in the pandemic.

13. No need to be a hermit unless you're immunocompromised or 85+. Staying away from large gatherings next few weeks likely helpful in suppressing hospitalization spike noted above (with caveat spike in hospitalizations currently isn't all for primary COVID illness).

14. Spring/Summer will be really nice!

Once again, this is verbatim what was circulated within this prominent nationwide organization of physicians who consult with major sports leagues, and high school athletics nationwide.

I have personally known the physician who shared this with me for several years.
Most of this all too predictable piece is behind a paywall. But this pictured excerpt is really the money shot.

Think of all the "leaders" in the evangelical world who hailed Francis Collins as someone to listen to throughout this, and scolded/smeared those of us who thought for ourselves and dared to ask questions. Here's hoping they enjoy their "international harmony" now.

Think of all the elite media and institutions who anointed Fauci as a demi-god. And yet he was told right away what the likely truth was, and if we're going to be super-honest here he didn't have to be told. Because his agency signed off on funding the EcoHealth Alliance research.

One of the most evil moments in all of human history.
Democrats -- who created, profited, and perpetuated fake Russian Collusion narrative for years -- yesterday used very filibuster they now call relic of Jim Crow (also was Democrats btw) in order to defeat...wait for it...wait for it...sanctioning of Russia! Time is a flat circle.
Maybe you've seen the story "270 Doctors" demand Spotify censor Joe Rogan for peddling misinformation on Covid-19? Turns out less than 40% of those who signed this trash actually have qualified medical degrees. So while claiming to be confronting disinformation, those who signed this are quite literally disinformation themselves.
Dr. Phil averages about 3 million viewers per episode, and in front of those millions this week Matt Walsh got someone to admit they want to be known as a woman, despite the fact they cannot define what a woman actually is. Amazing.
If you are an illegal alien, Biden will let you cross our border without any documentation whatsoever and fly you anywhere in the country for free

But if you are a Mexican truck driver who works LEGALLY delivering products to U.S. stores, you can't come here without vax papers

Today's BlazeTV show -- our weekly Ask Me Anything, and why Sunday's protest against Covidstan mandates may be the exact new political coalition we need.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces today an end to all coronavirus restrictions in the country -- including mask mandates, jab passports, etc.

The country we once rebelled from for our liberty now restores the liberty of its people before we do, to our shame.
