Steve Deace
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Slayer of shibboleths of the damned. Hater of dumb. Against your tribalistic cult. Proud Easter Worshiper. Award-winning BS exterminator. On the right side of HIStory.
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Republicans in Indiana have a 39-11 majority in the State Senate. You read that right: 39-11! And yet they bow to the demonic teachers' unions that fund their political foes and poison their children nevertheless. Why? Because they're scumbags, that's why.

On a bus back to my hotel at Universal Studios listening to a Hispanic man trash his Democrat governor back home for running a police state, and wishing Trump were still president.

Now they want to admit the Imperial College model that shut down the Western World didn't have reliable data for its conclusions. Except the fallacious assumptions of this model — including the big one noted here — were noticeable by even a college dropout like me, and is what started me on pushing back on this trash narrative from the beginning. How come more of the “smarter” people also didn’t?

You are looking live at clear, smoking gun evidence of a scamdemic. On the left is what the CDC viewed as the Covid-19 risk assessment for the United States as of just a few days ago. On the right is that risk assessment now that they have completely and suddenly altered their metrics, conveniently just in time for Dear Leader's State of the Union and in response to his historically bad polling. Which only reinforces what I've been telling you since the start of this power-grab charade -- the only science our CDC does is political science.

Presented without comment

Not only was this patently false information, it was some of the most evil and divisive rhetoric in the history of the American presidency. Despite last night's fake claims of unity, never forget whom you're really dealing with here.

Here's the first batch of FDA documents on the Pfizer jab a federal judge ordered to be released.

Barring his health or societal collapse before, Trump will be 2024 GOP nominee (no surprise). But his running mate will be a woman as main goal will be to recover suburban females he hemorrhaged. And it will be one of these 3 (alpha order): Gabbard, Noem, Reynolds

At an event with "Christian leaders" last fall, Biden science adviser Francis Collins (who as head of NIH may have funded the research that caused Covid-19) argues for jab mandates, mocks jab resistors, accuses Trump of causing hundreds of thousands deaths, and even defends using organs/tissue derived from murdered babies in his research. Remember, the "Christian leaders" lecturing you about the fallacy of "Christian nationalism" all endorsed this dude as Super Christian.

Here's what he really is: human debris

This is the guy that runs CPAC. Now you know why I've never been asked to speak at CPAC.

“You can’t afford five dollars a gallon gasoline which is why you should buy a $50 thousand dollar electric car” seems like a political message that will be successful reaching a very small and select group of voters. But you do you, Democrats!

Elect a dithering dementia patient whose running mate is the dumbest human ever upon the modern world stage, print 80% of the money ever have in last two years, and use a virus to launch a cold civil war on your own citizens, and you didn't think enemies would sense weakness?
