The Mike Lindell testimony about his life is moving. What a great God we serve. People look down on people like Mike but the Lord said that it's the people like him who going to be used the most.

The greatest leaders in the bible were terrible people (except for Jesus). David was a murderer and an adulterer but He was a man after God's own heart. Jacob was a swindler, a liar, a murderer and a fraud.

But God built an entire nation that would be after His own heart after him, called Israel. Saul was one of the greatest assassinators of followers of Jesus, yet God changed his name to Paul and made him the GREATEST Apostle (of men) that this world has ever seen.

Paul wrote 70-80% of the gospel we preach today. Peter was a partier, a drunk, a denier, a liar. He was one of the biggest mockers of Jesus early in His ministry. Yet God built the church on this man.

God doesn't use the greatest of the great. He uses the humbled. You're not humble if you've never been delivered from anything, you are arrogant. But when you were messed up and God changed you completely (like I was) then you become the GREATEST warrior for God and He wants to use you for His good.

I love this Lindell testimony right now. God is using him.
Preach Lindell! Great opening!
Ok Wendy Rogers, Mark Fincham and Sonny Borelli are on the panel. This is the start of the information. I'll keep you posted on key highlights.
Ok so right now these AZ state sentors are SOUNDING like they are making the argument for why it took so long to do the audit. It sounds like they are building the argument for the results being revealed. This is gonna be INTERESTING!
Wendy Rogers is now telling us all the ways they cheated in Maricopa county with the ballots. It sounds like they are about to reveal the results soon!
No election results will be revealed yet. But they implied that they are in the process of legal matters that will lead to arrests on misdemeanor charges of sitting state officials over non compliance with subpoenas.

Apparently the AG of AZ gave them until the 22nd to comply. If they don't, arrests can be made and those votes that are in question will be removed. Professor Dirsowitz is up now.
Wow. Lindell said he was physically attacked last night. No wonder he sounds so exhausted.
Lindell said someone from the red team, or claiming to be, white hat cyber hackers who was supposed to speak yesterday defected. His name is Larry Johnson, he's CIA.

He ran over to The Gateway Pundit to report that the cyber symposium is a fraud and Lindell fabricated the evidence. This is getting crazy.
Random thought: The woman speaking right now is cute. Her demeanor is really cute. Ok, guy moment over. Back to business lol
Ok now they're showing us a live mock election canvas where the dominion software allows for them to insert fake ballots electronically.
So they said that these election machines were hacked by 2 cell phones, not a large list of super computers. Let me translate what they just said. "We know who hacked the election by name," is what they just LITERALLY said.

If you know that 2 cellphones hacked it, you know WHICH cellphones hacked it. You know which towers those signals bounced off of. You know who the phones are REGISTERED to and you know where those phones have been since the time it was made, purchased and then wiped clean.

In other words...THEY HAVE IT ALL!
Sidebar here is the official election results that the military caught. Someone on the inside put this chart out like a month after the election was stolen.
The state representatives are in a Q and A session on how THEY can find these fraudulent tactics in their own states. Nothing groundbreaking for us is happening so far. Today seems to be mostly about getting state senators to push for audits in their counties and states.
The rest of today's event looks like a business seminar on how to convince people to buy what you're selling. It's filled with a series of prepared videos that look like something you would watch in science class before you dissect the frog.

I'm only watching still, now, out of sheer curiosity. I could have turned this off 4 hours ago and literally missed nothing. Just so you know why I'm quiet.
What's happening this week is many states haven't seen this evidence before. I know people think that it's impossible for them NOT to know. But I'm telling you now...they are way too busy to watch alt media, look at videos on Youtube, or to entertain everyone's information on this.

They are reading 2000 page bills every day that come in seemingly weekly and they have to decide whether to go yay or nay. They do not have time to go chasing down rabbit holes for evidence of election fraud, especially while the deep state are writing bill after bill RIGHT NOW trying to take away rights to make it easier to cheat next year.

This is why Lindell did the Symposium. I told you all it's NOT for us, we know this stuff already. It's for the State Senators who have the power to change the outcomes of elections and for liberals who are finally paying attention to what's been going on.

It may be boring, yes. But the information was ONLY for people who can change elections...the State Senate. Judges can't change elections, neither can Governors and AG's. ONLY the state Senate can change election results.

All the courts can do is order an audit or send the votes to the state senate to decide on the winner of an election. That's it, people. I told you all when Trump was suing everyone last year...he NEVER NEEDED the courts to win. He never needed the courts to overturn the results.

He needed the State Senate (not the US Senate, not the Congress, not the Courts) and ONLY the State Senate. So why is this powerful today? Who is in the room? Leaders from State Senates from all 50 states. They could leave here today, if they wanted to, and hold a vote to decertify the elections.

IF they have the votes, it's done. Now that won't happen because people will want proof first before agreeing to decertification. So this week was about getting people to understand HOW they cheat, THAT they cheat, and prove that they had all of the information for a very long time and are ready to prove it in criminal court (more than likely a MILITARY courtroom).

We have AZ. They will flip, you can tell by how Borelli, Finchmen and Rogers were talking today. WI is auditing now and we saw YESTERDAY what they did in a mini audit and we know that state will flip. ONE MORE STATE, y'all....that's it. We need a GA or a PA or a MI (of which we control state senate majorities in all of them) to audit, decertify, and then the riots will start.

Once the riots start the military will be deployed to shut it down and then the arrests will come. This week was more impactful than you think, people. Mark my words. We're gonna see a couple of meaningful audits spawn after this.

Don't think about state audits. All we need is one county in each state to audit. If the majority of state legislatures of that county or district audits, that's it...small chips will win this on. Trump "lost" by small margins. They can be flipped with interest over ONE county. Food for thought.
Ok I've only done one podcast this week but you really don't need one since I've been talking to you all day the last 3 days! However, I will get some in, maybe not the main one that goes to the podcast app syndicates.

I'll get a couple of Off Track videos done for you all soon. For now, in case you missed (and for the new people who just followed me the last 3 days), here is the latest one. I now post all of my shows on my site for easy access.

I haven't written any opinion pieces yet but I will, and I'll be looking for writers soon. I'll let everyone know when that time comes.
Uh oh. A former prosecutor is talking about GA. He's going through the way GA stopped counting and then he's implying that the person killed in that burning car in GA was a murder, not an accident. INTERESTING!
OH MY GOD! This man needs to hire security NOW. He's literally accusing Joe Bidan as being the head of a criminal cartel. He's laying out the case as if he's in a court room. WOW! The patriots are probably about to go on offense.

This is starting to look like Trump sending people out there to explain why the military needs to get involved!
These are MS13 gangs, people, that he's talking about. The Democrats use them in hit jobs. This is EPIC! The patriots are bringing EVERYTHING to the light now. Trump must be ready to do something HUGE soon!
I have goosebumps. This presentation right here is a HUGE HUGE comm people! HUGE! This is a comm showing that the game has changed, it's about to go to Phase 2, which is probably what CodeMonkeyZ was talking about last week.
Confession videos! Wow! Burn the whole freaking building down!