Speaking Skills
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Speaking Skills 👇

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The environment is important to me.
We use the word environment to talk about the Earth, and all the plants and animals that live on it.

Cars are bad for the environment.

An environment is the place where something lives.

The animals are happy in their new environment.

We can also use environment to talk about the people that someone has in their life.

Children need a loving environment.

Did you know?
Today is Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22. All around the world, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, when millions of people took to the streets to protest the negative impacts of 150 years of industrial development.

Nowadays, Earth Day includes events in more than 193 countries, which are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. Are there any events going on in your country?

Related words
If something is environmentally friendly, it means that it is good for the environment. For example, “I only buy environmentally friendly shampoo.”

In pop culture
Man is a short film about humans and what we do to the environment. It’s quite scary! What do you think? Is it true?
All I Want
Sarah Blasko
All I Want
Song by Sarah Blasko

I don't want another lover
So don't keep holding out your hands
There's no room beside me
I'm not looking for romance
Say, "I'll be here, I'll be here"
But there's no way you'd understand
All I want, all I want, all I want
When I don't even know myself
I don't want another partner
So don't try and break the spell
I can't even understand me
So don't think that you can help
When I say things and see things
There's no way on earth to tell
What I want? What I want? What I want?
'Cause I don't even know myself
No one wants to be lonely
But what am I to do?
I'm just trying to be honest
I don't want to hurt you too
When I'll be there I'll be there
I know I sound confused
But all I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
Say all I want
All I want is to one day come to know myself
All I Want
Sarah Blasko
All I Want
Song by Sarah Blasko

I don't want another lover
So don't keep holding out your hands
There's no room beside me
I'm not looking for romance
Say, "I'll be here, I'll be here"
But there's no way you'd understand
All I want, all I want, all I want
When I don't even know myself
I don't want another partner
So don't try and break the spell
I can't even understand me
So don't think that you can help
When I say things and see things
There's no way on earth to tell
What I want? What I want? What I want?
'Cause I don't even know myself
No one wants to be lonely
But what am I to do?
I'm just trying to be honest
I don't want to hurt you too
When I'll be there I'll be there
I know I sound confused
But all I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
Say all I want
All I want is to one day come to know myself
Ten quick tips to improve speaking skills
🌸1. Think in English انگليسي فكر كنيد
The mind is a powerful tool. Use it. Speak to yourself in English and let your thoughts about everything from the local train to the shopping list be in English. Even if you do nothing else, do this!
🌸2. Do not translate from your native language to English انچه ميخواهيد بگوييد را فارسي به انگليسي ترجمه نكنيد ، يعني حتما قبلا جمله مورد نظر را يا شنيده باشيد يا ديده باشيد
If you do not know the correct sentence or phrase in English, do not ever translate from your native tongue. Doing this will not take you any further in your learning plus you end up becoming a joke. So, find out what the correct usage is by reading or asking someone.
🌸3. Speak English at every opportunity از هر فرصتي استفاده كنيد و انگليسي حرف بزنيد
Don’t worry if it doesn’t sound perfect at first. It’s like driving – initially, the traffic lights and other vehicles will give you a scare but after some practice, you can do it without thinking.
🌸4. Learn sentences or phrases – don’t concentrate on single words كلمات رادر جمله ويا به صورت عبارت ياد بگيريد
Instead of concentrating on learning new words by themselves, try using them in a sentence. Learn as sentences, not single words. The aim is to get comfortable speaking; improving your vocabulary is a different lesson.
🌸5. Listen to others speaking English مهارت شنوايي خود را در انگليسي تقويت كنيد
Listen, listen, listen. Whether it is the radio or the television or a movie. Or a colleague or teacher who speaks good English. Keep listening. This will help you improve pronunciation and accent. Do not imagine that your speaking skills can be enhanced through reading alone.
🌸6. Learn how to say the same thing differently هر وقت خواستيد مفهومي را در انگليسي ياد بگيريد ، سعي كنيد ياد بگيرين مفهوم مورد نظر به چه صورت هاي ديگري هم گفته ميشود
As with other languages, so in English, one sentence can be framed in multiple ways, all conveying the same meaning. Learning these will help you form clearer and simpler sentences.
🌸7. Make sure there is someone to correct you if you go wrong اشتباه داشتن هنگام يادگيري اجتناب ناپذير است ، سعي كنيد از يك نفر در تصحيح اشتباهات خود كمك بگيريد
Making mistakes is natural. So there must be someone to correct your English. Speaking it incorrectly for a long time will imprint it in the brain and it’ll be hard to correct later.
🌸8. Do not lose confidence اعتماد به نفس خود را از دست ندهيد
It is common to lose your drive along the way but if you keep seeing results, no matter how tiny, it will keep up your motivation. So keep note of the little achievements and soon, they’ll add up to a big one – fluent spoken English!
🌸9. Keep it simple يادگيري پيچيده نيست، هدفتان بهتر صحبت كردن باشد
Do not complicate your goals by trying to accomplish too much. Reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary – they will all come in due course. Your goal is to speak better English. Stick to it.
🌸10. And most of all, have fun! يادگيري تان لذت بخش باشد
If you imagine learning English as a fun contest or race, the sooner you will reach the end. So take joy in it and enjoy each moment of learning. If you look upon it as torture, that is what it will be and you wouldn’t make much progress.


🌐 We develop a passion for learning!
Forwarded from Urban Dictionary
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To procrastinate; waste time when there is something to do or somewhere you need to be.

What does it mean? 👇

"We'll never get there if you keep dilly-dallying!"
Forwarded from Vocabulary 🇨🇦
to provide with a place to live or to be stored in:
New students may be ………. in halls of residence.
Anonymous Quiz
Forwarded from Vocabulary 🇨🇦
Can you guess our #IdiomOfTheWeek from the emoji clues?: 👍⏲️
⛳️It's my turn to + (verb)

The word 'It's' is a contraction of the words 'it is.' When stating 'my turn' you are telling someone that it is time to change position or position focuses on to you.

Here are some examples:

"It's my turn to walk you home."
"It's my turn to do laundry."
"It's my turn to work late."
"It's my turn to take out the trash."
"It's my turn to choose where we eat."
"It is my turn to pay for dinner."
"It is my turn to roll the dice."
"It is my turn to provide an answer."
"It is my turn to try and play the game."
"It is my turn to attempt solving the problem."

❤️ @Basic_Grammar_4U
✔️کلمه یاد نگیرید.. عبارت یاد بگیرین!

Spoken English Tip #1:

Learn phrases, not just individual words

Learn phrases to help you speak naturally

If you study individual English words in isolation, this is what happens:

When you need to speak, you have to think a lot in order to combine the individual words in the right order, using the right grammar, and in a way that makes sense.

That’s WAY too much work!
If you focus on learning phrases instead, then you will have ready answers and responses for any situation – no need to over-think.

Focusing on phrases will help you speak English in complete sentences more naturally

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