How to earn #passively from #SparkPool #Farms?
When you provide liquidity to a pair at #SparkSwap, a special “Spark Liquidity Provider (LP)” token will be minted to your address. These Spark LP tokens represent the percentage of your share in the pool.
When you provide liquidity to a pair at #SparkSwap, a special “Spark Liquidity Provider (LP)” token will be minted to your address. These Spark LP tokens represent the percentage of your share in the pool.
SparkDeFi ⚡ #BSC
How to earn #passively from #SparkPool #Farms? When you provide liquidity to a pair at #SparkSwap, a special “Spark Liquidity Provider (LP)” token will be minted to your address. These Spark LP tokens represent the percentage of your share in the pool.