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May Love and Light and Wisdom restore Peace and Prosperity for all Beings on Earth 💜
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Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Forwarded from Gnostic Intel
“I am Nature, the universal Mother, mistress of all the elements, primordial child of time, sovereign of all things spiritual, queen of the dead, queen also of the immortals, the single manifestation of all the gods and goddesses that are known to you on earth.”
― Apuleius, The Golden Ass, translated by Robert Graves (New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1983)

Illustration: Pan and Psyche by Edward Burne-Jones
Forwarded from Gnostic Intel
“The suppression of ecstasy and condemnation of pleasure by patriarchal religion have left us in a deep, festering morass. The pleasures people seek in modern times are superficial, venal, and corrupt. This is deeply unfortunate, for it justifies the patriarchal condemnation of pleasure that rotted out our hedonistic capacities in the first place! Narcissism is rampant, having reached a truly global scale. It now appears to have entered the terminal phase known as “cocooning,” the ultimate state of isolation. Dissociation from the natural world verges on complete disembodiment, represented in Archontic ploys such as “transhumanism,” cloning, virtual reality, and the uploading of human consciousness into cyberspace. The computer looks due to replace the cross as the primary image of salvation. It is already the altar where millions worship daily. If the technocrats prevail, artificial intelligence and artificial life will soon overrule the natural order of the planet.”
John Lamb Lash
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
NB There is no contradiction in the above two memes 💜

The higher the vibration, the easier it is to see/feel all that is not in resonance ~ it purges it all into the Light.

Fully Feeling is Fully Healing ☀️

Everything is a Blessing 🙏🏻
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Indigenous Peoples of Indonesia Reject Covid Masks and Vaccines Choosing God, Nature & Mantra 🎉


Go parallel systems debate! 🥳

New York Times reports (July 11):

KANEKES, Indonesia — When their ancestors warned them, through dreams and a bone-bitingly cold wind, to be careful, the community leaders of the Baduy people in Indonesia knew they needed to protect their villages from something bad that was on its way.

So Jaro Nalim, one of the senior leaders in the Baduy hamlet of Cikertawana on the island of Java, began performing the rites meant to keep disease at bay.

Government signs promoting health protocols could be seen around the village: Wash your hands, wear a mask, do not gather in groups. But on a recent visit, there were no masks in sight among the villagers, who knew about the coronavirus but didn’t seem worried about it.

“We are already protected with mantras,” said Jawi, 19, on the terrace outside her home where her toddler slept inside. “The air here is fresh and clean. Why wear a mask and breathe in the dirty air from our breath?”

Inducing people to wear masks is but one challenge. Perhaps an even bigger one, especially in Indigenous communities like the Baduy, is vaccinations.

About 70 million Indonesians are considered Indigenous people, who often live in remote locations that greatly complicate vaccination efforts, with some villages accessible only after hourslong marches. The government has also struggled to communicate to Indigenous groups what vaccines are and why they’re important.

“For Baduy people, vaccine is a violation,” Mr. Nalim said. “It ruins our purity. Why put chemicals into our body when all cures have been provided by nature?”

All Baduy are taught to abide by the principle that the natural world is not to be harmed. While most make their living as farmers, much of the forest that surrounds them is considered sacred, and off-limits to tilling.

The Baduy Luar villagers still deeply respect their traditions. Children playing could be spotted all around. They are prohibited from attending formal schools.

There is no electricity, and no TVs or radios, and houses are veiled in darkness after sunset. Cooking is done over firewood stoves. Families gather to eat dinner under flickering kerosene lanterns.

Despite their stance on vaccinations, the Baduy, who live in one of the provinces hardest hit by Covid, appear to have successfully avoided the worst of the pandemic.

There have been no deaths attributed to Covid in the Baduy area. Through the first year and a half of the pandemic, up to June 2021, there were zero Covid cases reported.

“The only reason why some of Baduy people are willing to be vaccinated is so that they can travel,” Mr. Saija said.

And, he said, villagers who do get vaccinated are obligated to perform purification rituals that included prayer and fasting.

As the old abusive systems collapse, and people look who to follow, we need to envision what type of world do we want, so we can shine the light of that better world for us all.

Share the positivity 💞

Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
Forwarded from James Newman
Forwarded from Stand In Your Power