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The requested operation requires elevation (1) by TwentyFour:
Chips said:
I do not know what else to do

I mean, what have you done so far? Reading the FAQ or using the search prolly wasn't part of it.
The requested operation requires elevation (2) by Chips:
I have not marked any slot, so I cannot disable anything as explained in the first one
The requested operation requires elevation (3) by TwentyFour:
Chips said:
I have not marked any slot, so I cannot disable anything as explained in the first one

- Run the sinusbot.exe as administrator

But you run it as admin?
The requested operation requires elevation (4) by Chips:
TwentyFour said:
But you run it as admin?

yeah, and it just start like always
The requested operation requires elevation (5) by Chips:
now just say this
2020-04-22T01:57:26-07:00 Prespawn.
The requested operation requires elevation (6) by TwentyFour:
But that's not the full log...
You need to provide full details now, so please read carefully and just then update with your information.
Wo wird die musik gespeichert (3) by Tuetchen:
Geht es hierbei um Lieder die per Sinusbot hochgeladen worden sind?
Diese sind an sich "verschlüsselt" - den letzten Stand den ich da weiß war das diese wegen rechtlichen Dingen nicht abrufbar sein dürfen (Die Info ist aber auch schon n paar Jährchen alt)
Wo wird die musik gespeichert (4) by Bayern LP:
Okay, ja es würde um die lieder gehen,
Tuetchen said:
rechtlichen Dingen nicht abrufbar sein dürfen

selbst wenn ich die lieder hochgeladen habe?
Wo wird die musik gespeichert (5) by Tuetchen:
Also es gibt einen Weg wie man an die hochgeladenen Lieder rankommt, weiß nicht wie weit wir hier supporten dürfen.
Da müsste sich @flyth mal zu einschalten.
Apache SSL Einrichtung (2) by joende2:
Moin, ich habe ein Problem, dass hier ganz gut reinpassen würde, damit ich kein neues Thema öffnen muss.
Auf meinem Linux VServer habe ich neben dem Sinusbot nun auch nextcloud installiert. Seit nextcloud installiert ist, komme ich nicht mehr ins Interface des SinusBots. Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Music Bot not playing music when using a YT link. (7) by zumi:
I figured out that it has to be something with youtube.
First I tried with youtube videos where the lengt is like under 5 seconds. It worked every time.
If I played music from for example a VEVO channel it won't play. If I play the same song but some crappy remix it works.
I think YouTube made some changes to copyright rules and blocked the yt-tool
Apache SSL Einrichtung (3) by fabm3n:
@joende2 wie bist du vorher aufs webinterface?
Hast / Hattest du einen reverse proxy eingerichtet?
Lauscht der Sinusbot weiterhin auf Port 8087 (Command netstat -tulpn)?
Ist der 8087 Port weiterhin in der Firewall geöffnet (Nur falls du vorher auch per DOMAIN:8087 auf das Webinterface bist)
Volume is boosting (new!) by Antonioprashjo:
Hello, myb i'm just stupid af but i used sinus before and it was all okay now when i play music it automaticly boost my volume from 1 to 100, i tryed using scripts but i can't fix that, i wanna my sound to stay at 1
API Minimum Out of Date Error (42) by bdog39:
Hey there @flyth
Just wanted to bring to your attention a possible error with the updated soundboard. I have it set to automatic play, with no push-to-talk from previous versions I had installed using the tutorial on the webpage you provided. Now after the update, it seems that whenever a song ends, the soundboard quits broadcasting to others in the channel. I can still hear the music, but my mic is no longer lighting up. Is this just a glitch from updating with previous versions installed or an error? Thanks for any help you can give!
Sinusbot Installer Script (1781) by Frostoloh:
(i use centos8 and i can't change operating system)
Please help!!
[[email protected] ~]# bash <(wget -O - '')
Redirecting output to 'wget-log.5'.
Checking for the latest installer version
/dev/fd/63: line 92: 3: No such file or directory
This is the automatic installer for latest SinusBot. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
You can choose between installing, upgrading and removing the SinusBot.
Installer by Philipp Esswein | - Your game-/voiceserver hoster (only german).
Please rate this script at:
You're using installer 1.5
What should the installer do?
1) Install
2) Update
3) Remove
4) PW Reset
5) Quit
#? 1
Installing redhat-lsb! Please wait.
You're running CentOS. Which firewallsystem are you using?
1) IPtables
2) Firewalld
#? 2
Warning, your server is running OpenVZ! This very old container system isn't well supported by newer packages.
Automatically chosen system.d for your startscript!
Automatic usage or own directories?
1) Automatic
2) Own path
3) Quit
#? 1
Should I install TeamSpeak or only Discord Mode?
1) Both
2) Only Discord
3) Quit
#? 1
SinusBot isn't installed yet. Installer goes on.
This SinusBot version is only for private use! Accept?
1) No
2) Yes
#? 2
Should YT-DL be installed/updated?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Update the system packages to the latest version? (Recommended)
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Starting the ins
Sinusbot Installer Script (1782) by TwentyFour:
Frostoloh said:
Command which failed was: " yum -y install screen xvfb libxcursor1 ca-certificates bzip2 psmisc libglib2.0-0 less cron-apt ntp python iproute which dbus libnss3 libegl1-mesa x11-xkb-utils libasound2 libxcomposite-dev libxi6 libpci3 libxslt1.1 libxkbcommon0 libxss1". Please try to execute it manually and attach the output to the bug report in the forum thread.

Please read again ... (I highlighted you the important part, in case you missed it)
Then act accordingly.